crit.aei | Create an infill criterion. |
crit.cb | Create an infill criterion. |
crit.cb1 | Create an infill criterion. |
crit.cb2 | Create an infill criterion. |
crit.dib1 | Create an infill criterion. |
crit.ei | Create an infill criterion. |
crit.eqi | Create an infill criterion. | | Create an infill criterion. | | Create an infill criterion. |
error_handling | Error handling for mlrMBO |
exampleRun | Perform an mbo run on a test function and and visualize what happens. |
exampleRunMultiObj | Perform an MBO run on a multi-objective test function and and visualize what happens. |
finalizeSMBO | Finalizes the SMBO Optimization |
getGlobalOpt | Helper function which returns the (estimated) global optimum. |
getMBOInfillCrit | Get properties of MBO infill criterion. |
getMBOInfillCritComponents | Get properties of MBO infill criterion. |
getMBOInfillCritId | Get properties of MBO infill criterion. |
getMBOInfillCritName | Get properties of MBO infill criterion. |
getMBOInfillCritParam | Get properties of MBO infill criterion. |
getMBOInfillCritParams | Get properties of MBO infill criterion. |
getSupportedInfillOptFunctions | Get names of supported infill-criteria optimizers. |
getSupportedMultipointInfillOptFunctions | Get names of supported multi-point infill-criteria optimizers. |
hasRequiresInfillCritStandardError | Get properties of MBO infill criterion. |
infillcrits | Infill criteria. |
initCrit | Initialize an MBO infill criterion. |
initSMBO | Initialize a manual sequential MBO run. |
makeMBOControl | Set MBO options. |
makeMBOInfillCrit | Create an infill criterion. |
makeMBOInfillCritAdaCB | Infill criteria. |
makeMBOInfillCritAEI | Infill criteria. |
makeMBOInfillCritCB | Infill criteria. |
makeMBOInfillCritDIB | Infill criteria. |
makeMBOInfillCritEI | Infill criteria. |
makeMBOInfillCritEQI | Infill criteria. |
makeMBOInfillCritMeanResponse | Infill criteria. |
makeMBOInfillCritStandardError | Infill criteria. |
makeMBOLearner | Generate default learner. |
makeMBOTrafoFunction | Create a transformation function for MBOExampleRun. |
mbo | Optimizes a function with sequential model based optimization. |
mboContinue | Continues an mbo run from a save-file. |
MBOControl | Set MBO options. |
mboFinalize | Finalizes an mbo run from a save-file. |
MBOInfillCrit | Create an infill criterion. |
MBOMultiObjResult | Multi-Objective result object. |
MBOSingleObjResult | Single-Objective result object. |
mbo_default_learner | Generate default learner. |
mbo_OptPath | OptPath in mlrMBO |
mbo_parallel | Parallelization in mlrMBO |
mlrMBO_examples | mlrMBO examples |
OptProblem | OptProblem object. |
OptResult | OptResult object. |
OptState | OptState object. |
plot.MBOMultiObjResult | MBO Result Plotting |
plot.MBOSingleObjResult | MBO Result Plotting |
plot.OptState | Generate ggplot2 Object |
plotExampleRun | Renders plots for exampleRun objects and displays them. |
plotMBOResult | MBO Result Plotting |
print.MBOControl | Print mbo control object. |
proposePoints | Propose candidates for the objective function |
renderExampleRunPlot | Renders plots for exampleRun objects, either in 1D or 2D, or exampleRunMultiObj objects. |
setMBOControlInfill | Extends mbo control object with infill criteria and infill optimizer options. |
setMBOControlMultiObj | Set multi-objective options. |
setMBOControlMultiPoint | Set multipoint proposal options. |
setMBOControlTermination | Set termination options. |
trafoLog | Transformation methods. |
trafos | Transformation methods. |
trafoSqrt | Transformation methods. |
updateSMBO | Updates SMBO with the new observations |