Bayesian Optimization and Model-Based Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions

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Documentation for package ‘mlrMBO’ version

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crit.aei Create an infill criterion.
crit.cb Create an infill criterion.
crit.cb1 Create an infill criterion.
crit.cb2 Create an infill criterion.
crit.dib1 Create an infill criterion.
crit.ei Create an infill criterion.
crit.eqi Create an infill criterion. Create an infill criterion. Create an infill criterion.
error_handling Error handling for mlrMBO
exampleRun Perform an mbo run on a test function and and visualize what happens.
exampleRunMultiObj Perform an MBO run on a multi-objective test function and and visualize what happens.
finalizeSMBO Finalizes the SMBO Optimization
getGlobalOpt Helper function which returns the (estimated) global optimum.
getMBOInfillCrit Get properties of MBO infill criterion.
getMBOInfillCritComponents Get properties of MBO infill criterion.
getMBOInfillCritId Get properties of MBO infill criterion.
getMBOInfillCritName Get properties of MBO infill criterion.
getMBOInfillCritParam Get properties of MBO infill criterion.
getMBOInfillCritParams Get properties of MBO infill criterion.
getSupportedInfillOptFunctions Get names of supported infill-criteria optimizers.
getSupportedMultipointInfillOptFunctions Get names of supported multi-point infill-criteria optimizers.
hasRequiresInfillCritStandardError Get properties of MBO infill criterion.
infillcrits Infill criteria.
initCrit Initialize an MBO infill criterion.
initSMBO Initialize a manual sequential MBO run.
makeMBOControl Set MBO options.
makeMBOInfillCrit Create an infill criterion.
makeMBOInfillCritAdaCB Infill criteria.
makeMBOInfillCritAEI Infill criteria.
makeMBOInfillCritCB Infill criteria.
makeMBOInfillCritDIB Infill criteria.
makeMBOInfillCritEI Infill criteria.
makeMBOInfillCritEQI Infill criteria.
makeMBOInfillCritMeanResponse Infill criteria.
makeMBOInfillCritStandardError Infill criteria.
makeMBOLearner Generate default learner.
makeMBOTrafoFunction Create a transformation function for MBOExampleRun.
mbo Optimizes a function with sequential model based optimization.
mboContinue Continues an mbo run from a save-file.
MBOControl Set MBO options.
mboFinalize Finalizes an mbo run from a save-file.
MBOInfillCrit Create an infill criterion.
MBOMultiObjResult Multi-Objective result object.
MBOSingleObjResult Single-Objective result object.
mbo_default_learner Generate default learner.
mbo_OptPath OptPath in mlrMBO
mbo_parallel Parallelization in mlrMBO
mlrMBO_examples mlrMBO examples
OptProblem OptProblem object.
OptResult OptResult object.
OptState OptState object.
plot.MBOMultiObjResult MBO Result Plotting
plot.MBOSingleObjResult MBO Result Plotting
plot.OptState Generate ggplot2 Object
plotExampleRun Renders plots for exampleRun objects and displays them.
plotMBOResult MBO Result Plotting
print.MBOControl Print mbo control object.
proposePoints Propose candidates for the objective function
renderExampleRunPlot Renders plots for exampleRun objects, either in 1D or 2D, or exampleRunMultiObj objects.
setMBOControlInfill Extends mbo control object with infill criteria and infill optimizer options.
setMBOControlMultiObj Set multi-objective options.
setMBOControlMultiPoint Set multipoint proposal options.
setMBOControlTermination Set termination options.
trafoLog Transformation methods.
trafos Transformation methods.
trafoSqrt Transformation methods.
updateSMBO Updates SMBO with the new observations