mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress_ltnsr {mlr3torch}R Documentation

Ingress for Lazy Tensor


Ingress for a single lazy_tensor column.



The returned batchgetter materializes the lazy tensor column to a tensor.

Input and Output Channels

One input channel called "input" and one output channel called "output". For an explanation see PipeOpTorch.


The state is set to the input shape.

Super classes

mlr3pipelines::PipeOp -> mlr3torch::PipeOpTorchIngress -> PipeOpTorchIngressLazyTensor


Public methods

Inherited methods

Method new()

Creates a new instance of this R6 class.

  id = "torch_ingress_ltnsr",
  param_vals = list()

Identifier of the resulting object.


List of hyperparameter settings, overwriting the hyperparameter settings that would otherwise be set during construction.

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.

PipeOpTorchIngressLazyTensor$clone(deep = FALSE)

Whether to make a deep clone.

See Also

Other PipeOps: mlr_pipeops_nn_avg_pool1d, mlr_pipeops_nn_avg_pool2d, mlr_pipeops_nn_avg_pool3d, mlr_pipeops_nn_batch_norm1d, mlr_pipeops_nn_batch_norm2d, mlr_pipeops_nn_batch_norm3d, mlr_pipeops_nn_block, mlr_pipeops_nn_celu, mlr_pipeops_nn_conv1d, mlr_pipeops_nn_conv2d, mlr_pipeops_nn_conv3d, mlr_pipeops_nn_conv_transpose1d, mlr_pipeops_nn_conv_transpose2d, mlr_pipeops_nn_conv_transpose3d, mlr_pipeops_nn_dropout, mlr_pipeops_nn_elu, mlr_pipeops_nn_flatten, mlr_pipeops_nn_gelu, mlr_pipeops_nn_glu, mlr_pipeops_nn_hardshrink, mlr_pipeops_nn_hardsigmoid, mlr_pipeops_nn_hardtanh, mlr_pipeops_nn_head, mlr_pipeops_nn_layer_norm, mlr_pipeops_nn_leaky_relu, mlr_pipeops_nn_linear, mlr_pipeops_nn_log_sigmoid, mlr_pipeops_nn_max_pool1d, mlr_pipeops_nn_max_pool2d, mlr_pipeops_nn_max_pool3d, mlr_pipeops_nn_merge, mlr_pipeops_nn_merge_cat, mlr_pipeops_nn_merge_prod, mlr_pipeops_nn_merge_sum, mlr_pipeops_nn_prelu, mlr_pipeops_nn_relu, mlr_pipeops_nn_relu6, mlr_pipeops_nn_reshape, mlr_pipeops_nn_rrelu, mlr_pipeops_nn_selu, mlr_pipeops_nn_sigmoid, mlr_pipeops_nn_softmax, mlr_pipeops_nn_softplus, mlr_pipeops_nn_softshrink, mlr_pipeops_nn_softsign, mlr_pipeops_nn_squeeze, mlr_pipeops_nn_tanh, mlr_pipeops_nn_tanhshrink, mlr_pipeops_nn_threshold, mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress, mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress_categ, mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress_num, mlr_pipeops_torch_loss, mlr_pipeops_torch_model, mlr_pipeops_torch_model_classif, mlr_pipeops_torch_model_regr

Other Graph Network: ModelDescriptor(), TorchIngressToken(), mlr_learners_torch_model, mlr_pipeops_module, mlr_pipeops_torch, mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress, mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress_categ, mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress_num, model_descriptor_to_learner(), model_descriptor_to_module(), model_descriptor_union(), nn_graph()


po_ingress = po("torch_ingress_ltnsr")
task = tsk("lazy_iris")

md = po_ingress$train(list(task))[[1L]]

ingress = md$ingress
x_batch = ingress[[1L]]$batchgetter(data = task$data(1, "x"), device = "cpu", cache = NULL)

# Now we try a lazy tensor with unknown shape, i.e. the shapes between the rows can differ

ds = dataset(
  initialize = function() self$x = list(torch_randn(3, 10, 10), torch_randn(3, 8, 8)),
  .getitem = function(i) list(x = self$x[[i]]),
  .length = function() 2)()

task_unknown = as_task_regr(data.table(
  x = as_lazy_tensor(ds, dataset_shapes = list(x = NULL)),
  y = rnorm(2)
), target = "y", id = "example2")

# this task (as it is) can NOT be processed by PipeOpTorchIngressLazyTensor
# It therefore needs to be preprocessed
po_resize = po("trafo_resize", size = c(6, 6))
task_unknown_resize = po_resize$train(list(task_unknown))[[1L]]

# printing the transformed column still shows unknown shapes,
# because the preprocessing pipeop cannot infer them,
# however we know that the shape is now (3, 10, 10) for all rows
task_unknown_resize$data(1:2, "x")
po_ingress$param_set$set_values(shape = c(NA, 3, 6, 6))

md2 = po_ingress$train(list(task_unknown_resize))[[1L]]

ingress2 = md2$ingress
x_batch2 = ingress2[[1L]]$batchgetter(
  data = task_unknown_resize$data(1:2, "x"),
  device = "cpu",
  cache = NULL


[Package mlr3torch version 0.1.0 Index]