mlr_pipeops_learner {mlr3pipelines}R Documentation

Wrap a Learner into a PipeOp


Wraps an mlr3::Learner into a PipeOp.

Inherits the ⁠$param_set⁠ (and therefore ⁠$param_set$values⁠) from the Learner it is constructed from.

Using PipeOpLearner, it is possible to embed mlr3::Learners into Graphs, which themselves can be turned into Learners using GraphLearner. This way, preprocessing and ensemble methods can be included into a machine learning pipeline which then can be handled as singular object for resampling, benchmarking and tuning.


R6Class object inheriting from PipeOp.


PipeOpLearner$new(learner, id = NULL, param_vals = list())

Input and Output Channels

PipeOpLearner has one input channel named "input", taking a Task specific to the Learner type given to learner during construction; both during training and prediction.

PipeOpLearner has one output channel named "output", producing NULL during training and a Prediction subclass during prediction; this subclass is specific to the Learner type given to learner during construction.

The output during prediction is the Prediction on the prediction input data, produced by the Learner trained on the training input data.


The ⁠$state⁠ is set to the ⁠$state⁠ slot of the Learner object. It is a named list with members:


The parameters are exactly the parameters of the Learner wrapped by this object.


The ⁠$state⁠ is currently not updated by prediction, so the ⁠$state$predict_log⁠ and ⁠$state$predict_time⁠ will always be NULL.


Fields inherited from PipeOp, as well as:


Methods inherited from PipeOp.

See Also

Other PipeOps: PipeOp, PipeOpEnsemble, PipeOpImpute, PipeOpTargetTrafo, PipeOpTaskPreproc, PipeOpTaskPreprocSimple, mlr_pipeops, mlr_pipeops_boxcox, mlr_pipeops_branch, mlr_pipeops_chunk, mlr_pipeops_classbalancing, mlr_pipeops_classifavg, mlr_pipeops_classweights, mlr_pipeops_colapply, mlr_pipeops_collapsefactors, mlr_pipeops_colroles, mlr_pipeops_copy, mlr_pipeops_datefeatures, mlr_pipeops_encode, mlr_pipeops_encodeimpact, mlr_pipeops_encodelmer, mlr_pipeops_featureunion, mlr_pipeops_filter, mlr_pipeops_fixfactors, mlr_pipeops_histbin, mlr_pipeops_ica, mlr_pipeops_imputeconstant, mlr_pipeops_imputehist, mlr_pipeops_imputelearner, mlr_pipeops_imputemean, mlr_pipeops_imputemedian, mlr_pipeops_imputemode, mlr_pipeops_imputeoor, mlr_pipeops_imputesample, mlr_pipeops_kernelpca, mlr_pipeops_missind, mlr_pipeops_modelmatrix, mlr_pipeops_multiplicityexply, mlr_pipeops_multiplicityimply, mlr_pipeops_mutate, mlr_pipeops_nmf, mlr_pipeops_nop, mlr_pipeops_ovrsplit, mlr_pipeops_ovrunite, mlr_pipeops_pca, mlr_pipeops_proxy, mlr_pipeops_quantilebin, mlr_pipeops_randomprojection, mlr_pipeops_randomresponse, mlr_pipeops_regravg, mlr_pipeops_removeconstants, mlr_pipeops_renamecolumns, mlr_pipeops_replicate, mlr_pipeops_scale, mlr_pipeops_scalemaxabs, mlr_pipeops_scalerange, mlr_pipeops_select, mlr_pipeops_smote, mlr_pipeops_spatialsign, mlr_pipeops_subsample, mlr_pipeops_targetinvert, mlr_pipeops_targetmutate, mlr_pipeops_targettrafoscalerange, mlr_pipeops_textvectorizer, mlr_pipeops_threshold, mlr_pipeops_tunethreshold, mlr_pipeops_unbranch, mlr_pipeops_updatetarget, mlr_pipeops_vtreat, mlr_pipeops_yeojohnson

Other Meta PipeOps: mlr_pipeops_learner_cv



task = tsk("iris")
learner = lrn("classif.rpart", cp = 0.1)
lrn_po = mlr_pipeops$get("learner", learner)


[Package mlr3pipelines version 0.6.0 Index]