chain_graphs {mlr3pipelines}R Documentation

Chain a Series of Graphs


Takes an arbitrary amount of Graphs or PipeOps (or objects that can be automatically converted into Graphs or PipeOps, see as_graph() and as_pipeop()) as inputs and joins them in a serial Graph, as if connecting them using %>>%.

Care is taken to avoid unnecessarily cloning of components. A call of chain_graphs(list(g1, g2, g3, g4, ...), in_place = FALSE) is equivalent to g1 %>>% g2 %>>!% g3 %>>!% g4 %>>!% .... A call of chain_graphs(list(g1, g2, g3, g4, ...), in_place = FALSE) is equivalent to g1 %>>!% g2 %>>!% g3 %>>!% g4 %>>!% ... (differing in the first operator being ⁠%>>!%⁠ as well).


chain_graphs(graphs, in_place = FALSE)



list of (Graph | PipeOp | NULL | ...)
List of elements which are the Graphs to be joined. Elements must be convertible to Graph or PipeOp using as_graph() and as_pipeop(). NULL is the neutral element of %>>% and skipped.


Whether to try to avoid cloning the first element of graphs, similar to the difference of %>>!% over %>>%. This can only be avoided if graphs[[1]] is already a Graph. Beware that, if chain_graphs() fails because of id collisions, then graphs[[1]] will possibly be in an incompletely modified state when in_place is TRUE.


Graph the resulting Graph, or NULL if there are no non-null values in graphs.

See Also

Other Graph operators: %>>%(), as_graph(), as_pipeop(), assert_graph(), assert_pipeop(), greplicate(), gunion(), mlr_graphs_greplicate

[Package mlr3pipelines version 0.6.0 Index]