Helper Functions for 'mlr3'

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Documentation for package ‘mlr3misc’ version 0.15.1

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A C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U W misc

mlr3misc-package mlr3misc: Helper Functions for 'mlr3'

-- A --

assert_callback Assertions for Callbacks
assert_callbacks Assertions for Callbacks
assert_ro_binding Assertion for Active Bindings in R6 Classes
as_callback Convert to a Callback
as_callback.Callback Convert to a Callback
as_callbacks Convert to a Callback
as_callbacks.Callback Convert to a Callback
as_callbacks.list Convert to a Callback
as_callbacks.NULL Convert to a Callback
as_factor Convert to Factor
as_short_string Convert R Object to a Descriptive String

-- C --

calculate_hash Calculate a Hash for Multiple Objects
Callback Callback
capitalize Capitalize the First Letter of Strings
catf Functions for Formatted Output and Conditions
catn Function for Formatted Output
check_packages_installed Check that packages are installed, without loading them
chunk Chunk Vectors
chunk_vector Chunk Vectors
cite_bib Format Bibentries in Roxygen
clbk Syntactic Sugar for Callback Construction
clbks Syntactic Sugar for Callback Construction
compat-map Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
compose Composition of Functions
compute_mode Compute The Mode
Context Context
count_missing Count Missing Values in a Vector
crate Isolate a Function from its Environment
cross_join Cross-Join for data.table

-- D --

deframe Convert a Named Vector into a data.table and Vice Versa
detect Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
Dictionary Key-Value Storage
dictionary_sugar A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries
dictionary_sugar_get A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries
dictionary_sugar_get_safe A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries
dictionary_sugar_inc_get A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries with Incremented ID
dictionary_sugar_inc_get_safe A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries with Incremented ID
dictionary_sugar_inc_mget A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries with Incremented ID
dictionary_sugar_inc_mget_safe A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries with Incremented ID
dictionary_sugar_mget A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries
dictionary_sugar_mget_safe A Quick Way to Initialize Objects from Dictionaries
did_you_mean Suggest Alternatives
discard Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
distinct_values Get Distinct Values

-- E --

encapsulate Encapsulate Function Calls for Logging
enframe Convert a Named Vector into a data.table and Vice Versa
every Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
extract_vars Extract Variables from a Formula

-- F --

format_bib Format Bibentries in Roxygen
formulate Create Formulas

-- G --

get_private Extract Private Fields of R6 Objects
get_private<- Assign Value to Private Field
get_seed Get the Random Seed

-- H --

hash_input Hash Input Hash Input
hash_input.default Hash Input
hash_input.function Hash Input
has_element Check if an Object is Element of a List

-- I --

ids Extract ids from a List of Objects
imap Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
imap_chr Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
imap_dbl Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
imap_dtc Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
imap_dtr Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
imap_int Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
imap_lgl Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
insert_named Insert or Remove Named Elements Insert or Remove Named Elements Insert or Remove Named Elements
insert_named.default Insert or Remove Named Elements
insert_named.environment Insert or Remove Named Elements
insert_named.NULL Insert or Remove Named Elements
invoke Invoke a Function Call
is_scalar_na Check for a Single Scalar Value
iwalk Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'

-- K --

keep Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
keep_in_bounds Remove All Elements Out Of Bounds

-- L --

leanify_package Move all methods of an R6 Class to an environment
leanify_r6 Move all methods of an R6 Class to an environment
load_dataset Retrieve a Single Data Set

-- M --

map Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_at Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_bc Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_br Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_chr Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_dbl Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_dtc Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_dtr Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_if Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_if.default Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_int Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_lgl Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
map_values Replace Elements of Vectors with New Values
messagef Functions for Formatted Output and Conditions
mlr3misc mlr3misc: Helper Functions for 'mlr3'
mlr_callbacks Dictionary of Callbacks
modify_at Selectively Modify Elements of a Vector
modify_if Selectively Modify Elements of a Vector

-- N --

named_list Create a Named List
named_vector Create a Named Vector
names2 A Type-Stable names() Replacement

-- O --

open_help Opens a Manual Page

-- P --

pmap Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
pmap_chr Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
pmap_dbl Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
pmap_dtc Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
pmap_dtr Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
pmap_int Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
pmap_lgl Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
printf Functions for Formatted Output and Conditions
pwalk Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'

-- R --

rcbind Bind Columns by Reference
rd_format_packages Helpers to Create Manual Pages
rd_format_range Helpers to Create Manual Pages
rd_format_string Helpers to Create Manual Pages
rd_info Helpers to Create Manual Pages
recycle_vectors Recycle List of Vectors to Common Length
register_namespace_callback Registers a Callback on Namespace load/unLoad Events
remove_named Insert or Remove Named Elements Insert or Remove Named Elements Insert or Remove Named Elements
remove_named.environment Insert or Remove Named Elements
reorder_vector Reorder Vector According to Second Vector
require_namespaces Require Multiple Namespaces
rowwise_table Row-Wise Constructor for 'data.table'

-- S --

sequence_helpers Sequence Construction Helpers
seq_along0 Sequence Construction Helpers
seq_col Sequence Construction Helpers
seq_len0 Sequence Construction Helpers
seq_row Sequence Construction Helpers
set_class Set the Class
set_col_names Set Names
set_names Set Names
set_params Modify Values of a Parameter Set
shuffle Safe Version of Sample
some Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
stopf Functions for Formatted Output and Conditions
str_collapse Collapse Strings
str_indent Indent Strings
str_trunc Truncate Strings

-- T --

topo_sort Topological Sorting of Dependency Graphs
to_decimal Convert a Vector of Bits to a Decimal Number
transpose_list Transpose lists of lists

-- U --

unnest Unnest List Columns

-- W --

walk Apply Functions in the spirit of 'purrr'
warningf Functions for Formatted Output and Conditions
which_max Index of the Minimum/Maximum Value, with Correction for Ties
which_min Index of the Minimum/Maximum Value, with Correction for Ties
with_package Execture code with a modified search path

-- misc --

%nin% Negated in-operator