betweenPlot |
Plots Between Group Associations |
caterpillarPlot |
Caterpillar Plot |
center |
Centers variables for mixed effects models |
ICCm |
Computes ICC values for mixed-effects models |
instruction |
Instruction Data |
mlm_assumptions |
Reports the output of testing all assumptions for a multilevel model | |
S3Methods for Printing |
print.ICCm |
S3Methods for Printing |
print.rsqmlm |
S3Methods for Printing |
print.varCompare |
S3Methods for Printing |
prints |
S3Methods for Printing |
reporting |
Reporting Data |
rsqmlm |
Calculates R-squared from lmer models |
varCompare |
Compares variance explained for two mixed effects models |
withinPlot |
Plots Within Group Associations |