analyze |
Analyzes a single 'mp_data' using 'lme4::lmer' | |
Coerce a 'mp_power' to a Data Frame |
as.list.mp_parameters |
Convert 'mp_parameters' to a 'list' |
between_binary_predictor |
Functions for Creating Variables |
between_predictor |
Functions for Creating Variables |
center |
Center a data set based on a 'mp_data' |
correlations |
Specify the Correlation Structure for the Model |
cross_sectional |
Specify the Effect Size for the Model |
effect_size |
Specify the Effect Size for the Model |
fixed |
Functions for Generating Correlations |
generate |
Generates Data Sets Based on a 'mp_model' |
is_valid |
Check if a Model is Properly Specified |
levels.mp_variable |
Obtain Level of Observation for a Variable |
longitudinal |
Specify the Effect Size for the Model |
Helper functions for producing Missing Data Mechanisms |
Helper functions for producing Missing Data Mechanisms |
mechanism |
Helper functions for producing Missing Data Mechanisms |
mechanisms |
Helper functions for producing Missing Data Mechanisms |
mlmpower |
'mlmpower' Modeling Framework |
model |
'mlmpower' Modeling Framework |
Modeling |
'mlmpower' Modeling Framework |
modeling |
'mlmpower' Modeling Framework |
mp_action |
'mlmpower' Modeling Framework |
mp_base |
'mlmpower' Modeling Framework |
mp_corr |
Specify the Correlation Structure for the Model |
mp_correlations |
Specify the Correlation Structure for the Model |
mp_corr_func |
Functions for Generating Correlations |
mp_data |
Generates Data Sets Based on a 'mp_model' |
mp_effect |
Specify the Effect Size for the Model |
mp_effsize |
Specify the Effect Size for the Model |
mp_model |
'mlmpower' Modeling Framework |
mp_parameters |
'mp_parameters' Object for 'mlmpower' |
mp_power |
Conduct a Power Analysis Based on 'mp_model' |
mp_variable |
Functions for Creating Variables |
outcome |
Functions for Creating Variables |
parameters |
Obtain 'mp_parameters' from objects |
parameters.mp_data |
Obtain 'mp_parameters' from objects |
parameters.mp_model |
Obtain 'mp_parameters' from objects |
parameters.mp_power |
Obtain 'mp_parameters' from objects |
power_analysis |
Conduct a Power Analysis Based on 'mp_model' |
print.mp_correlations |
Prints a 'mp_correlations' |
print.mp_effsize |
Prints a 'mp_effsize' |
print.mp_model |
Prints a 'mp_model' |
print.mp_parameters |
Prints a 'mp_parameters' |
print.mp_power |
Prints a 'mp_power' |
print.mp_variable |
Prints a 'mp_variable' |
product |
Create a Product Term in a Model |
random |
Functions for Generating Correlations |
random_slope |
Create a Random Slope in a Model |
subset.mp_model |
Subset a 'mp_model' by Global ICC |
summary.mp_model |
Obtain the Parameter Summaries for A 'mp_model' |
summary.mp_power |
Summarizes a 'mp_power' |
to_formula |
Convert 'mp_data' to a 'stats::formula' to be used for 'lme4::lmer' |
variable |
Functions for Creating Variables |
Variables |
Functions for Creating Variables |
variables |
Functions for Creating Variables |
within_predictor |
Functions for Creating Variables |
within_time_predictor |
Functions for Creating Variables |
`+.mp_base` |
'mlmpower' Modeling Framework |