mlma-package |
Multilevel Mediation Analysis |
boot.mlma |
Bootstrap Method for Inference on Multilevel Mediation Analysis | |
Transform and Organize Data for Mediation Analysis |
joint.effect |
Find the joint effect of a list of mediators. |
mlma |
Multilevel Mediation Analysis |
plot.mlma |
Plot "mlma" Object |
plot.mlma.boot |
Plot the "mlma.boot" Object |
print.joint.effect |
Find the joint effect of a list of mediators. |
print.mlma |
Print "mlma" Object |
print.mlma.boot |
Print "mlma.boot" Object |
print.summary.mlma |
Summary of "mlma" Object |
print.summary.mlma.boot |
Summary of "mlma.boot" Object |
sim.111 |
Simulated 1-1-1 Data set |
sim.211 |
Simulated 2-1-1 Data |
summary.mlma |
Summary of "mlma" Object |
summary.mlma.boot |
Summary of "mlma.boot" Object |