guPrenat {mlmRev} | R Documentation |
Prenatal care in Guatemala
Data on the prenatal care received by mothers in Guatemala.
A data frame with 2449 observations on the following 15 variables.
- kid
a factor identifying the birth
- mom
a factor identifying the mother or family
- cluster
a factor identifying the community
- prenat
a factor indicating if traditional or modern prenatal care was provided for the birth.
- childAge
an ordered factor of the child's age at the time of the survey.
- motherAge
a factor indicating if the mother was older or younger. The cut-off age is 25 years.
- birthOrd
an ordered factor for the birth's order within the family.
- indig
a factor indicating if the mother is Ladino, or indigenous not speaking Spanish, or indigenous speaking Spanish.
- momEd
a factor describing the mother's level of eduation.
- husEd
a factor describing the husband's level of education.
- husEmpl
a factor describing the husband's employment status.
- toilet
a factor indicating if there is a modern toilet in the house.
- TV
a factor indicating if there is a TV in the house and, if so, the frequency with which it is used.
- pcInd81
the percentage of indigenous population in the community at the 1981 census.
- ssDist
distance from the community to the nearest clinic.
These data are available at Multiple indicator columns in the original data table have been collapsed to factors for this data frame.
Rodriguez, Germán and Goldman, Noreen (1995), "Improved estimation procedures for multilevel models with binary response: a case-study", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 164, 339-355.