mixtox {mixtox} | R Documentation |
Dose-Response Curve Fitting and Mixture Toxicity Assessment
Curve Fitting for monotonic(sigmoidal) & non-monotonic(J-shaped) concentration-response data. Prediction of mixture toxicity based on reference models such as 'concentration addition', 'independent action', and 'generalized concentration addition'.
Package: | mixtox |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.3.3 |
Date: | 2022-06-19 |
License: | GPL-2 |
(1) Curve fitting of concentration-responses based on 13 monotonic(sigmoidal) and 4
non-monotonic(J-shaped) models, goodness of fit, and calculation of confidence interval
(2) Experimental design for mixture toxicity.
acr: arbitrary concentration ratio;
eecr: equal effect concentration ratio;
udcr: uniform design concentration ratio.
(3) Mixture toxicity prediction based on reference models such as concentration addition (CA),
independent action (IA), and generalized concentration addition (GCA).
xiangwei zhu
Maintainer: xiangwei zhu <xwzhunc@gmail.com>
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