Design and Analysis of Mixture Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘mixexp’ version 1.2.7

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mixexp-package This package contains functions for creating designs for mixture experiments and making graphical display of results of mixture experiments.
Burn Data from Table 4 in Gallant,Prickett, Cesarec, and Bruck(2008)
conmx Example constraint matrix from Piepel 1988
crvtave This function creates an extreme vertices design
cubic Creates cubic terms for Scheffe' full cubic model (3)
DesignPoints This function plots design points and or constraints in the simplex mixture space, given a data frame containing the design or vextors x, y, and z of the same length that contain the mixture components in the design.
EffPlot This function creates mixture effect plots
Eflags Loads compiled fortran in shared file cnvrt and returns the error messages
etch Data from Etch rate experiment in Table 12.4 of Myers and Montgomery(2002)
Fillv This function Creates interior points in an existing mixture design.
fishp Data from Cornell's famous fish patty mixture process variable experiment
MixModel Fit mixture and mixture process variable models.
MixturePlot This function makes contour plots in the simplex mixture space.
ModelEff This function creates mixture effect plots
ModelPlot This function makes contour plots of a user-supplied model in the simplex mixture space.
Nrows Loads compiled fortran in shared file cnvrt and returns the number of rows in the resulting design
SCD This function creates simplex centroid mixture designs
SLD This function creates simplex lattice mixture designs
SneeMq Data from Snee and Marquart's Screening Experiment with contsrained mixture components
Vertcen Loads compiled fortran in shared file cnvrt
Xvert This function creates an extreme vertices design in a constrained mixture space.