Mixture Model for the Deconvolution of Thermal Decay Curves

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Documentation for package ‘mixchar’ version 0.1.0

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component_weights Accessor function to extract mean weights
deconvolve Deconvolves Thermogravimetric Data
fs_function Fraser-Suzuki function for a single curve
fs_mixture Fraser-Suzuki mixture model
fs_model Non-linear model using Fraser-Suzuki mixture model
get_weights Calculate weight quantiles
juncus Thermogravimetric data for Juncus amabilis
marsilea Thermogravimetric data for Marsilea drumondii
model_fit Accessor function to extract model fit
model_parameters Accessor function to extract model parameters
plot.decon Default S3 plot method for decon objects (derived from 'deconvolve()')
plot.process Default S3 plot method for process objects (derived from 'process()')
print.decon Default S3 print method for decon object (derived from 'deconvolve()')
print.process Default S3 print method for process object (derived from 'process()')
process Calculates the derivative rate of mass loss of thermogravimetric data
rate_data Accessor function to extract processed dataframe
temp_bounds Accessor function to extract selected temperature bounds
weight_quantiles Calculate weight quantiles
wt_component Calculate weight single component