Design and Analysis of Order-of-Addition Mixture Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘mixOofA’ version 1.0

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COA construct a component orthogonal array with m components when m is prime or prime power
D_effi_pwo D-efficiency from PWO matrix of a given design
find_opt_target Optimum mixture proportions and optimal order of addition of the components
fish Data from an mixture order-of-addition experiment
mixoofa.anova Anova Table for a mixture order-of-addition experiment
oofa.oa construct an order-of-addition orthogonal array with m+1 components from an order-of-addition orthogonal array with m components
oofa.scd Order-of-addition Simplex Centroid Designs
oofa.sld Order-of-addition Simplex Lattice Designs
PWO Pair-wise-ordering (PWO) matrix of a given design