getparam.mix {mix}R Documentation

Present Parameters of General Location Model in an Understandable Format


Present parameters of general location model in an understandable format.


getparam.mix(s, theta, corr=FALSE)



summary list of an incomplete normal data matrix created by the function prelim.mix.


list of parameters such as one produced by the function em.mix, da.mix, ecm.mix, or dabipf.mix.


if FALSE, returns a list containing an array of cell probabilities, a matrix of cell means, and a variance-covariance matrix. If TRUE, returns a list containing an array of cell probabilities, a matrix of cell means, a vector of standard deviations, and a correlation matrix.


if corr=FALSE, a list containing the components pi, mu and sigma; if corr=TRUE, a list containing the components pi, mu, sdv, and r.

The components are:


array of cell probabilities whose dimensions correspond to the columns of the categorical part of $x$. The dimension is c(max(x[,1]),max(x[,2]),...,max(x[,p])) where pp is the number of categorical variables.


Matrix of cell means. The dimension is c(q,D) where qq is the number of continuous variables in xx, and DD is length(pi). The order of the rows, corresponding to the elements of pi, is the same order we would get by vectorizing pi, as in as.vector(pi); it is the usual lexicographic order used by S and Fortran, with the subscript corresponding to x[,1] varying the fastest, and the subscript corresponding to x[,p] varying the slowest.


matrix of variances and covariances corresponding to the continuous variables in x.


vector of standard deviations corresponding to the continuous variables in x.


matrix of correlations corresponding to the continuous variables in x.


In a restricted general location model, the matrix of means is required to satisfy t(mu)=A%*%beta for a given design matrix A. To obtain beta, perform a multivariate regression of t(mu) on A — for example, beta <- lsfit(A, t(mu), intercept=FALSE)$coef.


Schafer, J. L. (1996) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 9.

See Also

prelim.mix, em.mix, ecm.mix, da.mix, dabipf.mix.


s <- prelim.mix(stlouis,3)    # do preliminary manipulations
thetahat <- em.mix(s)   # compute ML estimate
getparam.mix(s, thetahat, corr=TRUE)$r   # look at estimated correlations 

[Package mix version 1.0-12 Index]