check.resid {misty}R Documentation

Residual Diagnostics


This function performs residual diagnostics for linear models estimated by using the lm() function for detecting nonlinearity (partial residual or component-plus-residual plots), nonconstant error variance (predicted values vs. residuals plot), and non-normality of residuals (Q-Q plot and histogram with density plot).


check.resid(model, type = c("linear", "homo", "normal"),
            resid = c("unstand", "stand", "student"),
            point.shape = 21, point.fill = "gray80", point.size = 1,
            line1 = TRUE, line2 = TRUE,
            line.type1 = "solid", line.type2 = "dashed",
            line.width1 = 1, line.width2 = 1,
            line.color1 = "#0072B2", line.color2 = "#D55E00",
            bar.width = NULL, bar.n = 30, bar.color = "black",
            bar.fill = "gray95", strip.size = 11,
            label.size = 10, axis.size = 10,
            xlimits = NULL, ylimits = NULL,
            xbreaks = ggplot2::waiver(), ybreaks = ggplot2::waiver(),
            check = TRUE, plot = TRUE)



a fitted model of class lm.


a character string specifying the type of the plot, i.e., "linear" for partial (component-plus-residual) plots, "homo" (default) for predicted values vs. residuals plot, and "normal" for Q-Q plot and histogram with a density plot. Note that partial plots are not available for models with interaction terms.


a character string specifying the type of residual used for the partial (component-plus-residual) plots or Q-Q plot and histogram, i.e., "unstand" for unstandardized residuals "stand" for standardized residuals, and "student" for studentized residual. By default, studentized residuals are used for predicted values vs. residuals plot and unstandardized residuals are used for Q-Q plot and histogram.


a numeric value for specifying the argument shape in the geom_point function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument fill in the geom_point function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument size in the geom_point function.


logical: if TRUE (default), regression line is drawn in the partial (component-plus-residual) plots, horizontal line is drawn in the predicted values vs. residuals plot, and t-distribution or normal distribution curve is drawn in the histogram.


logical: if TRUE (default), Loess smooth line is drawn in the partial (component-plus-residual) plots, loess mooth lines are drawn in the predicted values vs. residuals plot, and density curve is drawn in the histogram.


a character string or numeric value for specifying the argument linetype in the geom_smooth, geom_hline, or stat_function function.


a character string or numeric value for specifying the argument linetype in the geom_smooth or geom_density function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument linewidth in the geom_smooth, geom_hline, or stat_function function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument linewidth in the geom_smooth or geom_density function.


a character string or numeric value for specifying the argument color in the geom_smooth, geom_hline, or stat_function function.


a character string or numeric value for specifying the argument color in the geom_smooth or geom_density function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument bins in the geom_bar function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument bins in the geom_bar function.


a character string or numeric value for specifying the argument color in the geom_bar function.


a character string or numeric value for specifying the argument fill in the geom_bar function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument size in the element_text function of the strip.text argument within the theme function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument size in the element_text function of the axis.title argument within the theme function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument size in the element_text function of the axis.text argument within the theme function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument limits in the scale_x_continuous function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument limits in the scale_y_continuous function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument breaks in the scale_x_continuous function.


a numeric value for specifying the argument breaks in the scale_y_continuous function.


logical: if TRUE (default), argument specification is checked.


logical: if TRUE (default), a plot is drawn.



The violation of the assumption of linearity implies that the model cannot accurately capture the systematic pattern of the relationship between the outcome and predictor variables. In other words, the specified regression surface does not accurately represent the relationship between the conditional mean values of YY and the XXs. That means the average error E(ε)E(\varepsilon) is not 0 at every point on the regression surface (Fox, 2015).

In multiple regression, plotting the outcome variable YY against each predictor variable XX can be misleading because it does not reflect the partial relationship between YY and XX (i.e., statistically controlling for the other XXs), but rather the marginal relationship between YY and XX (i.e., ignoring the other XXs). Partial residual plots or component-plus-residual plots should be used to detect nonlinearity in multiple regression. The partial residual for the jjth predictor variable is defined as

ei(j)=bjXij+eie_i^{(j)} = b_jX_{ij} + e_i

The linear component of the partial relationship between YY and XjX_j is added back to the least-squares residuals, which may include an unmodeled nonlinear component. Then, the partial residual ei(j)e_i^{(j)} is plotted against the predictor variable XjX_j. Nonlinearity may become apparent when a non-parametric regression smoother is applied.

By default, the function plots each predictor against the partial residuals, and draws the linear regression and the loess smooth line to the partial residual plots.

Nonconstant Error Variance

The violation of the assumption of constant error variance, often referred to as heteroscedasticity, implies that the variance of the outcome variable around the regression surface is not the same at every point on the regression surface (Fox, 2015).

Plotting residuals against the outcome variable YY instead of the predicted values Y^\hat{Y} is not recommended because Y=Y^+eY = \hat{Y} + e. Consequently, the linear correlation between the outcome variable YY and the residuals ee is 1R2\sqrt{1 - R^2} where RR is the multiple correlation coefficient. In contrast, plotting residuals against the predicted values Y^\hat{Y} is much easier to examine for evidence of nonconstant error variance as the correlation between Y^\hat{Y} and ee is 0. Note that the least-squares residuals generally have unequal variance Var(ei)=σ2/(1hi)Var(e_i) = \sigma^2 / (1 - h_i) where hh is the leverage of observation ii, even if errors have constant variance σ2\sigma^2. The studentized residuals eie^*_i, however, have a constant variance under the assumption of the regression model. Residuals are studentized by dividing them by σi2((1hi)\sigma^2_i(\sqrt{(1 - h_i)} where σi2\sigma^2_i is the estimate of σ2\sigma^2 obtained after deleting the iith observation, and hih_i is the leverage of observation ii (Meuleman et al, 2015).

By default, the function plots the predicted values against the studentized residuals. It also draws a horizontal line at 0, a loess smooth lines for all residuals as well as separate loess smooth lines for positive and negative residuals.

Non-normality of Residuals

Statistical inference under the violation of the assumption of normally distributed errors is approximately valid in all but small samples. However, the efficiency of least squares is not robust because the least-squares estimator is the most efficient and unbiased estimator only when the errors are normally distributed. For instance, when error distributions have heavy tails, the least-squares estimator becomes much less efficient compared to robust estimators. In addition, error distributions with heavy-tails result in outliers and compromise the interpretation of conditional means because the mean is not an accurate measure of central tendency in a highly skewed distribution. Moreover, a multimodal error distribution suggests the omission of one or more discrete explanatory variables that naturally divide the data into groups (Fox, 2016).

By default, the function plots a Q-Q plot of the unstandardized residuals, and a histogram of the unstandardized residuals and a density plot. Note that studentized residuals follow a tt-distribution with nk2n - k - 2 degrees of freedom where nn is the sample size and kk is the number of predictors. However, the normal and tt-distribution are nearly identical unless the sample size is small. Moreover, even if the model is correct, the studentized residuals are not an independent random sample from tnk2t_{n - k - 2}. Residuals are correlated with each other depending on the configuration of the predictor values. The correlation is generally negligible unless the sample size is small.


Returns an object of class misty.object, which is a list with following entries:


function call


type of analysis


model specified in model


data frame used for the plot


specification of function arguments


ggplot2 object for plotting the residuals


Takuya Yanagida


Fox, J. (2016). Applied regression analysis and generalized linear models (3rd ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.

Meuleman, B., Loosveldt, G., & Emonds, V. (2015). Regression analysis: Assumptions and diagnostics. In H. Best & C. Wolf (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of regression analysis and causal inference (pp. 83-110). Sage.

See Also

check.collin, check.outlier


## Not run: 
# Residual diagnostics for a linear model

mod <- lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp, data = airquality)

# Example 1: Partial (component-plus-residual) plots
check.resid(mod, type = "linear")

# Example 2: Predicted values vs. residuals plot
check.resid(mod, type = "homo")

# Example 3: Q-Q plot and histogram with density plot
check.resid(mod, type = "normal")

# Extract data and ggplot2 object

object <- check.resid(mod, type = "linear", plot = FALSE)

# Data frame

# ggplot object

## End(Not run)

[Package misty version 0.6.5 Index]