MenSS {missingHE} | R Documentation |
MenSS economic data on STIs
Data from a pilot RCT trial (The MenSS trial) on youn men at risk of Sexually Trasmitted Infections (STIs). A total of 159 individuals were enrolled in trial: 75 in the control (t=1) and 84 in the active intervention (t=2). Clinical and health economic outcome data were collected via self-reported questionnaires at four time points throughout the study: baseline, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months follow-up. Health economic data include utility scores related to quality of life and costs, from which QALYs and total costs were then computed using the area under the curve method and by summing up the cost components at each time point. Clinical data include the total number of instances of unprotected sex and whether the individual was associated with an STI diagnosis or not. Baseline data are available for the utilities (no baseline costs collected), instances of unprotected sex, sti diagnosis, age, ethnicity and employment variables.
A data frame with 159 rows and 12 variables
- id
id number
- e
Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs)
- c
Total costs in pounds
- u.0
baseline utilities
- age
Age in years
- ethnicity
binary: white (1) and other (0)
- employment
binary: working (1) and other (0)
- t
Treatment arm indicator for the control (t=1) and the active intervention (t=2)
- sex_inst.0
baseline number of instances of unprotected sex
- sex_inst
number of instances of unprotected sex at 12 months follow-up
- sti.0
binary : baseline sti diagnosis (1) and no baseline sti diagnosis (0)
- sti
binary : sti diagnosis (1) and no sti diagnosis (0) at 12 months follow-up
- site
site number
Bailey et al. (2016) Health Technology Assessment 20 (PubMed)
MenSS <- data(MenSS)