Handling Missing Data in Stochastic Block Models

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Documentation for package ‘missSBM’ version 1.0.4

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blockDyadSampler Class for defining a block dyad sampler
blockDyadSampling_fit Class for fitting a block-dyad sampling
blockNodeSampler Class for defining a block node sampler
blockNodeSampling_fit Class for fitting a block-node sampling
coef.missSBM_fit Extract model coefficients
covarDyadSampling_fit Class for fitting a dyad sampling with covariates
covarNodeSampling_fit Class for fitting a node-centered sampling with covariate
degreeSampler Class for defining a degree sampler
degreeSampling_fit Class for fitting a degree sampling
doubleStandardSampler Class for defining a double-standard sampler
doubleStandardSampling_fit Class for fitting a double-standard sampling
dyadSampler Virtual class for all dyad-centered samplers
dyadSampling_fit Class for fitting a dyad sampling
er_network ER ego centered network
estimateMissSBM Estimation of simple SBMs with missing data
fitted.missSBM_fit Extract model fitted values from object 'missSBM_fit', return by 'estimateMissSBM()'
frenchblog2007 Political Blogosphere network prior to 2007 French presidential election
l1_similarity L1-similarity
missSBM_collection An R6 class to represent a collection of SBM fits with missing data
missSBM_fit An R6 class to represent an SBM fit with missing data
networkSampler Definition of R6 Class 'networkSampling_sampler'
networkSampling Definition of R6 Class 'networkSampling'
networkSamplingDyads_fit Virtual class used to define a family of networkSamplingDyads_fit
networkSamplingNodes_fit Virtual class used to define a family of networkSamplingNodes_fit
nodeSampler Virtual class for all node-centered samplers
nodeSampling_fit Class for fitting a node sampling
observeNetwork Observe a network partially according to a given sampling design
partlyObservedNetwork An R6 Class used for internal representation of a partially observed network
plot.missSBM_fit Visualization for an object 'missSBM_fit'
predict.missSBM_fit Prediction of a 'missSBM_fit' (i.e. network with imputed missing dyads)
predicted.missSBM_fit Prediction of a 'missSBM_fit' (i.e. network with imputed missing dyads)
simpleDyadSampler Class for defining a simple dyad sampler
simpleNodeSampler Class for defining a simple node sampler
SimpleSBM_fit This internal class is designed to adjust a binary Stochastic Block Model in the context of missSBM.
SimpleSBM_fit_MNAR This internal class is designed to adjust a binary Stochastic Block Model in the context of missSBM.
SimpleSBM_fit_noCov This internal class is designed to adjust a binary Stochastic Block Model in the context of missSBM.
SimpleSBM_fit_withCov This internal class is designed to adjust a binary Stochastic Block Model in the context of missSBM.
snowballSampler Class for defining a snowball sampler
summary.missSBM_fit Summary method for a 'missSBM_fit'
war War data set