Miscellaneous Tools Set

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Documentation for package ‘miscset’ version 1.1.0

Help Pages

miscset-package Miscellaneous R Tools
ciplot Barplot with Confindence Intervals
ciplot.default Barplot with Confindence Intervals
collapse Collapse objects
collapse.data.frame Collapse objects
collapse.default Collapse objects
confint Confidence Intervals for Numeric Vectors
confint.numeric Confidence Intervals for Numeric Vectors
do.rbind Bind data.frames in a List by Rows
duplicatei Determine Duplicates
duplicates Determine Duplicates
enpaire Create a Pairwise List from a Matrix
enpaire.default Create a Pairwise List from a Matrix
enpaire.dist Create a Pairwise List from a Matrix
enpaire.matrix Create a Pairwise List from a Matrix
factorNA Create a Factor with NA as Level
gghcl HTML Colours Like ggplot2
ggplotGrid Arrange a List of ggplots
ggplotGridA4 Arrange a List of ggplots
ggplotlist Arrange a List of ggplots
gregexprind Pattern Matching and Extraction
help.index Open The Package Help Index Page
info Print enhanced session information
leading0 Numeric to Character with Leading Zero(s)
lload Load RData Objects to a List
lsall List Object Details
mgrepl Multiple Pattern Matching and Replacement
miscset Miscellaneous R Tools
ntri Return Triangular Numbers
nunique Amount and Index of Unique Values
p2star P Value Significance Level Indicator
plotn Plot Nothing (but a Plot)
rmall Remove All Objects from Global Environment
scale0 Scale Numeric Values to Defined Ranges
scaler Scale Numeric Values to Defined Ranges
sort Sort data.frame Objects
sort.data.frame Sort data.frame Objects
squarematrix Create a Square Matrix
strextr Extract a Substring
strpart Split String and Return Part
strrev Reverse Text Strings
str_part Split String and Return Part
str_rev Reverse Text Strings
textable Table to Latex
uniquei Amount and Index of Unique Values