miscset-package | Miscellaneous R Tools |
ciplot | Barplot with Confindence Intervals |
ciplot.default | Barplot with Confindence Intervals |
collapse | Collapse objects |
collapse.data.frame | Collapse objects |
collapse.default | Collapse objects |
confint | Confidence Intervals for Numeric Vectors |
confint.numeric | Confidence Intervals for Numeric Vectors |
do.rbind | Bind data.frames in a List by Rows |
duplicatei | Determine Duplicates |
duplicates | Determine Duplicates |
enpaire | Create a Pairwise List from a Matrix |
enpaire.default | Create a Pairwise List from a Matrix |
enpaire.dist | Create a Pairwise List from a Matrix |
enpaire.matrix | Create a Pairwise List from a Matrix |
factorNA | Create a Factor with NA as Level |
gghcl | HTML Colours Like ggplot2 |
ggplotGrid | Arrange a List of ggplots |
ggplotGridA4 | Arrange a List of ggplots |
ggplotlist | Arrange a List of ggplots |
gregexprind | Pattern Matching and Extraction |
help.index | Open The Package Help Index Page |
info | Print enhanced session information |
leading0 | Numeric to Character with Leading Zero(s) |
lload | Load RData Objects to a List |
lsall | List Object Details |
mgrepl | Multiple Pattern Matching and Replacement |
miscset | Miscellaneous R Tools |
ntri | Return Triangular Numbers |
nunique | Amount and Index of Unique Values |
p2star | P Value Significance Level Indicator |
plotn | Plot Nothing (but a Plot) |
rmall | Remove All Objects from Global Environment |
scale0 | Scale Numeric Values to Defined Ranges |
scaler | Scale Numeric Values to Defined Ranges |
sort | Sort data.frame Objects |
sort.data.frame | Sort data.frame Objects |
squarematrix | Create a Square Matrix |
strextr | Extract a Substring |
strpart | Split String and Return Part |
strrev | Reverse Text Strings |
str_part | Split String and Return Part |
str_rev | Reverse Text Strings |
textable | Table to Latex |
uniquei | Amount and Index of Unique Values |