miniGUI {miniGUI}R Documentation

Simple R GUI


Function to create a simple Graphical User Interface based on R\ functions based on tcltk package.


  miniGUI(mainFrameFun=evalPlugin,opFuns=NULL,title="mini GUI",
          init=function(frm) {},WRAPFUN=TRUE)



A function to display (params are labels and entry fields) in the main GUI window.


Named list of functions to add in the GUI menu Ops.


Main window GUI title.


Function to call before the GUI setup.


when TRUE, the default option, an automatic tcltk widget is built for the functions in opFuns.


Expression to evaluate.


miniGUI pops up a tcltk window widget with a menu bar containing two menus named Basics and Ops from which different functionality may be addressed during a miniGUI session. The menu Basics is used to request general purpose task during the session (like quitting), while Ops is usually where more specific tasks, those the GUI is devoted to and that are given in opFuns are grouped. When a menu item from Ops is selected a new window widget pops us reflecting all the parameters the function selected has, so that the user can fill text entries or set up the value for such parameters.

{init} can be used to add initialization and checking commands to the GUI. This function is executed before any other command.

When WRAPFUN is FALSE no tcltk widget is created for the functions in opFuns, allowing them to build their own widget. Do not use it unless functions encode its own tcltk, having into account the internals of the package to setup in a proper way the GUI for that specific function.


miniGUI function returns nothing. Nevertheless, the results of the execution of the different functions called during the miniGUI session are available by means of the getMiniGUIans function, and also by means of the GUI ans. entry in the menu Basics.


Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera (

See Also

miniGUI, makeWidgetCmd, tcltk.


  ## a simple example 
  fs <- list(
      f=function(a=1) {cat("--f--");paste("f(a)=",a)},
      g=function(a=1,b=rnorm) {cat("--g--");paste("g(a,b)=",a+b(a))},
      h=function(a=1,b=3,c=3) {cat("--h--");paste("h(a,b,c)=",a+b+c)}
  ## evalPlugin is provided by the package

  ## an example with lm and glm functions
  ## create some data(in the global environment)
  n <- 100
  d <- data.frame(x=runif(n))
  d$z <- 0.5 * rnorm(n)
  d$y <- 2 * d$x + d$z
  ## makes a wrapper to access t.test
  myTtest <- function(x,y,mu=0) return( t.test(x=x,y=y,mu=mu) )
  ## call miniGUI with myTtest, lm and glm functions
  miniGUI(evalPlugin,opFuns=list("T test"=myTtest,"Lin. Mod."=lm,glm=glm))
  ## try menu "T test" only setting up x

  ## an example with WRAPFUN set to FALSE
  gfs <- list()
  for(i in names(fs))
     ## create GUI for fs[[i]] using miniGUIBase
     gfs[[i]] <- makeWidgetCmd(i,fs[[i]],miniGUIBase)

[Package miniGUI version 0.8-1 Index]