Create a Mini Version of CRAN Containing Only Selected Packages

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Documentation for package ‘miniCRAN’ version 0.3.0

Help Pages

miniCRAN-package description
.listFiles List pre-built packages in a directory based on file extension
addLocalPackage Add local packages to a miniCRAN repository.
addOldPackage Add old package versions to a miniCRAN repository.
addPackage Add packages to a miniCRAN repository.
addPackageListingGithub Add DESCRIPTION information from package on github.
basePkgs Returns names of base packages.
checkVersions Check for previous versions of packages in a miniCRAN repository.
cranJuly2014 Stored version of available.packages()
getCranDescription Obtains DESCRIPTION metadata from CRAN for each package. Returns TRUE if the p3m URL can be accessed.
makeDepGraph Create dependency graph from available packages.
makeLibrary Deprecated function to download packages to local folder.
makeRepo Downloads packages from CRAN to specified path and creates a local repository.
miniCRAN description
minicran description
oldPackages Check for available package updates in a miniCRAN repo.
pkgAvail Reads available packages from CRAN repository.
pkgDep Retrieves package dependencies.
plot.pkgDepGraph Plots a package dependency graph.
repoPrefix Get the path to the repo directory containing the package files.
twodigitRversion Get a two-digit version of the R version
updatePackages Check for available package updates in a miniCRAN repo.
updateRepoIndex Downloads packages from CRAN to specified path and creates a local repository.