Mixture of Multilayer Integrator Stochastic Block Models

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Documentation for package ‘mimiSBM’ version

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BayesianMixture_SBM_model mimiSBM model for fixed K and Q
CEM Clustering Matrix : One hot encoding
diag_nulle Diagonal coefficient to 0 on each slice given the 3rd dimension.
fit_SBM_per_layer SBM on each layer
fit_SBM_per_layer_parallel SBM on each layer - parallelized
initialisation_params_bayesian Initialization of mimiSBM parameters
lab_switching Label Switching
log_Softmax log softmax of matrices (by row)
Loss_BayesianMSBM mimiSBM Evidence Lower BOund
Mat_lien_alpha Create probality-component list for clustering per view component.
mimiSBM Mixture of Multilayer Integrator SBM (mimiSBM)
multinomial_lbeta_function Calculation of Log multinomial Beta value.
one_hot_errormachine One Hot Encoding with Error machine
partition_K_barre Create a link between final clustering and clustering per view component.
plot_adjacency Plot adjacency matrices
rMSBM Simulate data from the mimiSBM generative model.
rSMB_partition Simulation of mixture multilayer Stochastick block model
sort_Z Sort the clustering matrix
transpo Transposition of an array
trig_sup Upper triangular Matrix/Array
update_beta_bayesian Update of bayesian parameter beta
update_eta_bayesian Update of bayesian parameter eta
update_tau_bayesian Update of bayesian parameter tau
update_theta_bayesian Update of bayesian parameter theta
update_u_bayesian Update of bayesian parameter u
update_xi_bayesian Update of bayesian parameter xi
VBEM_step Variational Bayes Expectation Maximization