mismm {mildsvm}R Documentation

Fit MILD-SVM model to the data


This function fits the MILD-SVM model, which takes a multiple-instance learning with distributions (MILD) data set and fits a modified SVM to it. The MILD-SVM methodology is based on research in progress.


## Default S3 method:
  cost = 1,
  method = c("heuristic", "mip", "qp-heuristic"),
  weights = TRUE,
  control = list(kernel = "radial", sigma = if (is.vector(x)) 1 else 1/ncol(x),
    nystrom_args = list(m = nrow(x), r = nrow(x), sampling = "random"), max_step = 500,
    scale = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, time_limit = 60, start = FALSE),

## S3 method for class 'formula'
mismm(formula, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mild_df'
mismm(x, ...)



A data.frame, matrix, or similar object of covariates, where each row represents a sample. If a mild_df object is passed, ⁠y, bags, instances⁠ are automatically extracted, and all other columns will be used as predictors.


A numeric, character, or factor vector of bag labels for each instance. Must satisfy length(y) == nrow(x). Suggest that one of the levels is 1, '1', or TRUE, which becomes the positive class; otherwise, a positive class is chosen and a message will be supplied.


A vector specifying which instance belongs to each bag. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


A vector specifying which samples belong to each instance. Can be a string, numeric, of factor.


The cost parameter in SVM. If method = 'heuristic', this will be fed to kernlab::ksvm(), otherwise it is similarly in internal functions.


The algorithm to use in fitting (default 'heuristic'). When method = 'heuristic', the algorithm iterates between selecting positive witnesses and solving an underlying smm() problem. When method = 'mip', the novel MIP method will be used. When method = 'qp-heuristic', the heuristic algorithm is computed using a slightly modified dual SMM. See details


named vector, or TRUE, to control the weight of the cost parameter for each possible y value. Weights multiply against the cost vector. If TRUE, weights are calculated based on inverse counts of instances with given label, where we only count one positive instance per bag. Otherwise, names must match the levels of y.


list of additional parameters passed to the method that control computation with the following components:

  • kernel either a character the describes the kernel ('linear' or 'radial') or a kernel matrix at the instance level.

  • sigma argument needed for radial basis kernel.

  • nystrom_args a list of parameters to pass to kfm_nystrom(). This is used when method = 'mip' and kernel = 'radial' to generate a Nystrom approximation of the kernel features.

  • max_step argument used when method = 'heuristic'. Maximum steps of iteration for the heuristic algorithm.

  • scale argument used for all methods. A logical for whether to rescale the input before fitting.

  • verbose argument used when method = 'mip'. Whether to message output to the console.

  • time_limit argument used when method = 'mip'. FALSE, or a time limit (in seconds) passed to gurobi() parameters. If FALSE, no time limit is given.

  • start argument used when method = 'mip'. If TRUE, the mip program will be warm_started with the solution from method = 'qp-heuristic' to potentially improve speed.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


A formula with specification mild(y, bags, instances) ~ x which uses the mild function to create the bag-instance structure. This argument is an alternative to the ⁠x, y, bags, instances ⁠ arguments, but requires the data argument. See examples.


If formula is provided, a data.frame or similar from which formula elements will be extracted.


Several choices of fitting algorithm are available, including a version of the heuristic algorithm proposed by Andrews et al. (2003) and a novel algorithm that explicitly solves the mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem using the gurobi package optimization back-end.


An object of class mismm The object contains at least the following components:

Methods (by class)


Sean Kent, Yifei Liu


Kent, S., & Yu, M. (2022). Non-convex SVM for cancer diagnosis based on morphologic features of tumor microenvironment arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.14704

See Also

predict.mismm() for prediction on new data.


mil_data <- generate_mild_df(nbag = 15, nsample = 20, positive_prob = 0.15,
                             sd_of_mean = rep(0.1, 3))

# Heuristic method
mdl1 <- mismm(mil_data)
mdl2 <- mismm(mild(bag_label, bag_name, instance_name) ~ X1 + X2 + X3, data = mil_data)

# MIP method
if (require(gurobi)) {
  mdl3 <- mismm(mil_data, method = "mip", control = list(nystrom_args = list(m = 10, r = 10)))
  predict(mdl3, mil_data)

predict(mdl1, new_data = mil_data, type = "raw", layer = "bag")

# summarize predictions at the bag layer
mil_data %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl2, mil_data, type = "class")) %>%
  bind_cols(predict(mdl2, mil_data, type = "raw")) %>%
  distinct(bag_name, bag_label, .pred_class, .pred)

[Package mildsvm version 0.4.0 Index]