regression {migraph}R Documentation

Linear and logistic regression for network data


This function provides an implementation of the multiple regression quadratic assignment procedure (MRQAP) for both one-mode and two-mode network linear models. It offers several advantages:


  method = c("qap", "qapy"),
  times = 1000,
  strategy = "sequential",
  verbose = FALSE



A formula describing the relationship being tested. Several additional terms are available to assist users investigate the effects they are interested in. These include:

  • ego() constructs a matrix where the cells reflect the value of a named nodal attribute for an edge's sending node

  • alter() constructs a matrix where the cells reflect the value of a named nodal attribute for an edge's receiving node

  • same() constructs a matrix where a 1 reflects if two nodes' attribute values are the same

  • dist() constructs a matrix where the cells reflect the absolute difference between the attribute's values for the sending and receiving nodes

  • sim() constructs a matrix where the cells reflect the proportional similarity between the attribute's values for the sending and receiving nodes

  • tertius() constructs a matrix where the cells reflect some aggregate of an attribute associated with a node's other ties. Currently "mean" and "sum" are available aggregating functions. 'ego' is excluded from these calculations. See Haunss and Hollway (2023) for more on this effect.

  • dyadic covariates (other networks) can just be named


A manynet-consistent network. See e.g. manynet::as_tidygraph() for more details.


A method for establishing the null hypothesis. Note that "qap" uses Dekker et al's (2007) double semi-partialling technique, whereas "qapy" permutes only the $y$ variable. "qap" is the default.


Integer indicating number of simulations used for quantile estimation. (Relevant to the null hypothesis test only - the analysis itself is unaffected by this parameter.) Note that, as for all Monte Carlo procedures, convergence is slower for more extreme quantiles. By default, times=1000. 1,000 - 10,000 repetitions recommended for publication-ready results.


If {furrr} is installed, then multiple cores can be used to accelerate the function. By default "sequential", but if multiple cores available, then "multisession" or "multicore" may be useful. Generally this is useful only when times > 1000. See {furrr} for more.


Whether the function should report on its progress. By default FALSE. See {progressr} for more.


Krackhardt, David. 1988. “Predicting with Networks: Nonparametric Multiple Regression Analysis of Dyadic Data.” Social Networks 10(4):359–81. doi:10.1016/0378-8733(88)90004-4.

Dekker, David, David Krackhard, and Tom A. B. Snijders. 2007. “Sensitivity of MRQAP tests to collinearity and autocorrelation conditions.” Psychometrika 72(4): 563-581. doi:10.1007/s11336-007-9016-1.

See Also

Other models: test_distributions, tests


networkers <- ison_networkers %>% to_subgraph(Discipline == "Sociology")
model1 <- net_regression(weight ~ ego(Citations) + alter(Citations) + sim(Citations), 
                      networkers, times = 20)
# Should be run many more `times` for publication-ready results

[Package migraph version 1.4.1 Index]