migest-package {migest}R Documentation

Methods for the Indirect Estimation of Bilateral Migration


The migest package contains a collection of R functions for indirect methods to estimate bilateral migration flows in the presence of partial or missing data. Methods might be relevant to other categorical data situations on non-migration data, where for example, marginal totals are known and only auxiliary bilateral data is available.


Package: migest
Type: Package
License: GPL-2

The estimation methods in this package can be grouped as 1) functions for origin-destination matrices (cm2 and ipf2) and 2) functions for origin-destination matrices categorized by a further set of characteristics, such as ethnicity, employment or health status (cm3, ipf3 and ipf3_qi). Each of these routines are based on indirect estimation methods where marginal totals are known, and a Poisson regression (log-linear) model is assumed.

The ffs_diff, ffs_rates and ffs_demo functions provide different methods to estimate migration bilateral flows from changes in stocks, see Abel and Cohen (2019) for a review of different methods. The demo files, demo(cfplot_reg2), demo(cfplot_reg) and demo(cfplot_nat), produce circular migration flow plots for migration estimates from Abel(2018) and Abel and Sander (2014), which were derived using the ffs_demo function.

Github repo: https://github.com/guyabel/migest


Guy J. Abel


Abel and Cohen (2019) Bilateral international migration flow estimates for 200 countries Scientific Data 6 (1), 1-13

Abel, G. J. (2018). Estimates of Global Bilateral Migration Flows by Gender between 1960 and 2015. International Migration Review 52 (3), 809–852.

Abel, G. J. (2013). Estimating Global Migration Flow Tables Using Place of Birth. Demographic Research 28, (18) 505-546

Abel, G. J. (2005) The Indirect Estimation of Elderly Migrant Flows in England and Wales (MS.c. Thesis). University of Southampton

Abel, G. J. and Sander, N. (2014). Quantifying Global International Migration Flows. Science, 343 (6178) 1520-1522

Raymer, J., G. J. Abel, and P. W. F. Smith (2007). Combining census and registration data to estimate detailed elderly migration flows in England and Wales. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 170 (4), 891–908.

Willekens, F. (1999). Modelling Approaches to the Indirect Estimation of Migration Flows: From Entropy to EM. Mathematical Population Studies 7 (3), 239–78.

[Package migest version 2.0.4 Index]