micsr-package | *micsr* : Microeconometrics with R |
AIC.micsr | 'micsr' class |
apples | Apple production |
BIC.micsr | 'micsr' class |
binmeans | Compute the mean of a variable for bins of another variable |
binmeans.default | Compute the mean of a variable for bins of another variable |
binmeans.formula | Compute the mean of a variable for bins of another variable |
binomreg | Binomial regression |
birthwt | Cigarette smoking and birth weight |
bivprobit | Bivariate probit |
bread.micsr | 'micsr' class |
charitable | Intergenerational transmission of charitable giving |
cigmales | Cigarette smoking behaviour |
clm | Constrained least squares |
cmtest | Conditional moments test |
cmtest.censReg | Conditional moments test |
cmtest.glm | Conditional moments test |
cmtest.micsr | Conditional moments test |
cmtest.tobit | Conditional moments test |
coef.micsr | 'micsr' class |
coef.summary.micsr | 'micsr' class |
deviance.micsr | 'micsr' class |
drinks | Physician advice on alcohol consumption |
dummy | Transform a factor in a set of dummy variables |
endogtest | Instrumental variable estimators for limited dependent variable |
endogtest.formula | Instrumental variable estimators for limited dependent variable |
endogtest.ivldv | Instrumental variable estimators for limited dependent variable |
escount | Endogenous switching and sample selection models for count data |
estfun.micsr | 'micsr' class |
expreg | Instrumental variable estimation for exponential conditional mean models |
federiv | Foreign exchange derivatives use by large US bank holding companies |
fin_reform | Political economy of financial reforms |
ftest | F statistic |
ftest.ivreg | F statistic |
ftest.lm | F statistic |
gaze | Short print of the summary of an object |
gaze.anova | Short print of the summary of an object |
gaze.CJMrddensity | Short print of the summary of an object |
gaze.htest | Short print of the summary of an object |
gaze.ivreg | Short print of the summary of an object |
gaze.lm | Short print of the summary of an object |
gaze.LMtestlist | Short print of the summary of an object |
gaze.micsr | Short print of the summary of an object |
gaze.rdrobust | Short print of the summary of an object |
geom_binmeans | Compute the mean of a variable for bins of another variable |
glance.binomreg | Binomial regression |
glance.micsr | 'micsr' class |
hausman | Hausman test |
hausman.ivreg | Hausman test |
hausman.micsr | Hausman test |
housprod | Household Production |
ivldv | Instrumental variable estimators for limited dependent variable |
llobs | 'micsr' class |
llobs.micsr | 'micsr' class |
llobs.mlogit | 'micsr' class |
logLik.bivprobit | Bivariate probit |
logLik.micsr | 'micsr' class |
loglm | Log-linear model |
mean.pscore | Propensity scores |
mean.summary.pscore | Propensity scores |
micsr | 'micsr' class |
mills | Compute the inverse Mills ratio and its first two derivatives |
model.matrix.micsr | 'micsr' class |
model.part.micsr | 'micsr' class |
mode_choice | Choice between car and transit |
ndvuong | Non-degenerate Vuong test |
newton | Newton-Raphson method for numerical optimization |
nobs.micsr | 'micsr' class |
nobs.pscore | Propensity scores |
nobs.summary.pscore | Propensity scores |
npar | Number of parameters of a fitted model |
npar.default | Number of parameters of a fitted model |
npar.micsr | Number of parameters of a fitted model |
ordreg | Ordered regression |
poisreg | Poisson regression |
predict.binomreg | Binomial regression |
predict.micsr | 'micsr' class |
print.micsr | 'micsr' class |
print.pscore | Propensity scores |
print.summary.micsr | 'micsr' class |
print.summary.pscore | Propensity scores |
pscore | Propensity scores |
residuals.binomreg | Binomial regression |
rg | Propensity scores |
rg.pscore | Propensity scores |
rg.summary.pscore | Propensity scores |
rsq | Coefficient of determination |
rsq.lm | Coefficient of determination |
rsq.micsr | Coefficient of determination |
sargan | Sargan test for GMM models |
sargan.ivreg | Sargan test for GMM models |
sargan.micsr | Sargan test for GMM models |
scoretest | Score test |
scoretest.micsr | Score test |
StatBinmeans | Compute the mean of a variable for bins of another variable |
stder | Extract the standard errors of estimated coefficients |
stder.default | Extract the standard errors of estimated coefficients |
stdev | Propensity scores |
stdev.pscore | Propensity scores |
stdev.summary.pscore | Propensity scores |
summary.clm | Constrained least squares |
summary.micsr | 'micsr' class |
summary.pscore | Propensity scores |
tidy.micsr | 'micsr' class |
tobit1 | Truncated response model |
trade_protection | Lobying from Capitalists and Unions and Trade Protection |
trips | Determinants of household trip taking |
turnout | Turnout |
twa | Temporary help jobs and permanent employment |
vcov.clm | Constrained least squares |
vcov.micsr | 'micsr' class |
vcovHC.micsr | 'micsr' class |
vuong_sim | Simulated pdfs for the Vuong statistics using linear models |
zellner_revankar | Generalized production function |