microsimulation-package | microsimulation |
.microsimulationLdFlags | Internal function |
.onLoad | Internal function |
.onUnload | Internal function |
advance.substream | Internal function |
ascii.ICER.SummaryReport | summary method for a SummaryReport object |
ascii.SummaryReport | summary method for a SummaryReport object |
BaseDiscreteEventSimulation | S3 priority queue implementation using C++ |
BaseDiscreteEventSimulation-class | S3 priority queue implementation using C++ |
callCalibrationPerson | call CalibrationPerson example |
callCalibrationSimulation | C++ function |
callIllnessDeath | call CalibrationPerson example |
callPersonSimulation | call CalibrationPerson example |
callSimplePerson | call CalibrationPerson example |
callSimplePerson2 | call CalibrationPerson example |
discountedInterval | Integrate a discounted value |
discountedPoint | Internal function |
enum | Internal function |
enum<- | Internal function |
EventQueue | S3 priority queue implementation using C++ |
EventQueue-class | S3 priority queue implementation using C++ |
fhcrcData | Old data used in the prostata model |
frontier | Internal function |
ICER | Internal function |
ICER.SummaryReport | summary method for a SummaryReport object |
inlineCxxPlugin | Internal function |
LdFlags | Internal function |
lines_frontier | Internal function |
microsimulation | microsimulation |
microsimulation.exit | Internal function |
microsimulation.init | Internal function |
next.user.Random.substream | Internal function |
pqueue | S3 priority queue implementation using C++ |
PQueueRef | S3 priority queue implementation using C++ |
PQueueRef-class | S3 priority queue implementation using C++ |
pqueue__cancel | C++ function |
pqueue__clear | C++ function |
pqueue__empty | C++ function |
pqueue__new | C++ function |
pqueue__pop | C++ function |
pqueue__push | C++ function |
print.summary.SummaryReport | summary method for a SummaryReport object |
print.SummaryReport | summary method for a SummaryReport object |
rbind.SummaryReport | summary method for a SummaryReport object |
RNGstate | Internal function |
RNGStream | S3 class to work with RngStream objects |
RNGStream-class | S3 class to work with RngStream objects |
rnormPos | Internal function |
r_create_current_stream | C++ function |
r_get_user_random_seed | C++ function |
r_next_rng_substream | C++ function |
r_remove_current_stream | C++ function |
r_rng_advance_substream | C++ function |
r_set_user_random_seed | C++ function |
set.user.Random.seed | Internal function |
signed | Internal function |
simulate.survreg | Simulate event times from a survreg object |
summary.SummaryReport | summary method for a SummaryReport object |
unsigned | Internal function |
user.Random.seed | Internal function |
with.RNGStream | S3 class to work with RngStream objects |