messages-MM {micromapST}R Documentation

micromapST Generated Warning and Error Messages-micromapST


micromapST verifies as much of its operation and the data provided by the user to try and identify and document to the user problems before they cause an R warning or error exception and throw a R like cryptic message. Each message, warning and error message is documented with the general form of the message and a friendly explanation and advice on what may be wrong and how to fix the issue identified.

The micromapST messages all start with "***" to help quickly find them in the warnings() logs and general output.

The general format of the messages is:

    ***XXXX NNNNNN text of message
    ***XXXX NNNNNN CC text of message

where the XXXX is the message alphanumeric identifier, NNNNNN is the name of the function or glyph issuing the message and CC is the glyph graphic column number in the panelDesc structure.

The four alphanumeric message identifier following the "***" is a unique message identifer to help find the explanation in this document and to help discuss problems over the email more accurately. It's always best to include the log of the preparation and execution of micromapST as well as the data used when requesting help.

The first two digits/characters of the message identifier indicates which logical segment of the package generated the message:


Main package initialization, startup, call argument validation, user data validation and panelDesc structure and contents validation.


panelDesc and glyph parameters and data validation, processing and graphic generation


Border Group data and structure validation and setup,


Internal Operation


Informational Messages

The second field of the message contains the name of the section of code generating the message. If a glyph generated the message, the name of the glyph (type=xxx) and the panel column number are displayed to help you focus on the parameters and data that may need to be inspected. Each message contains specific information (like panelDesc named list, checked value, etc.) to help identify the cause of the message and help lead the user to a fix.

The remainder of the message contain a text explanation of the issue and a list of parameters: glyph column number/name, data row or column, variable name, and value related to the issue.

The abbreviation in most messages identifies the processing step in the package the message was produced:


Call Arguments-Parameters


General call parameter messages


Row Name Column


Row Name type


Ascend sort order parameter


Title parameter


PlotName parameter


Group Pattern parameter


Scaling parameter


Staggered Label parameter


Column Size parameter


Statistics Data Frame parameter or content


Panel Description data frame parameter or content


Sort parameters


Use of the Alias location ID feature


Border Group Directory parameter


Border Group Name parameter


Border Group data set content


General Border Group boundary data


color call parameter


details call parameter


Panel Description dataframe columns. These messages relate to the columns within the panel description data frame rather than the glyph itself.


Panel Description dataframe general issues


Internal issues

<glyph name>

Messages related to a specific glyph graphic. The <glyph name> would be one of the following: dot, dotconf, dotse, dotsignif, ctrbar, normbar, segbar, map, mapcum, mapmedian, maptail, id, arrow, bar, boxplot, scatdot, ts, or tsconf.


Conventions: The user provides the data.frames for the statsDFrame and panelDesc structures. In this document, there variables are represented by the generic terms of statsDFrame and panelDesc. In the messages produced by the package, these values are replaced with the names of the user variables provided in the micromapST call.

The following values are also substituted with the real run values at time of execution:


List of column names/numbers used in the sortVar call parameter. Used to identify invalid statsDFrame column names and numbers used in the sortVar call parameter.


panelDesc variable name. The panelDesc variables include lab1, lab2, lab3, lab4, refVal, refTxt, col1, col2, col3, type, and panelData.


panelDesc glyph column number. This helps identify which graphic column (glyph) is being processing when the error/warning is signaled. The far left column number is 1.


a list of variables from the panelDesc data.frame. Used in messages to identify one or more panelDesc variables that are invalid.


detailed list variable name


last variable name used. Used to locate a value or absents of a value in a list by using the last good variable name.


a character string of the name of the border group being referenced. The border group names does not include the .RData or .rda extension used on the data file.


detailed list variable name


The labeling method requested for generating Axis labels.

<list of unused sub-areas>

A list of the sub-areas (counties, etc.) that did not have data.


list of row.names (sub-areas)


The literal rowNamesCol value submitted by the caller.


The class of the variable names "xxx"

<number items>

Number of items in list or vector.

<invalid name list>

List of invalid names that were unexpected.


a general list of options, variables, or names.


The name of the data.frame used as the first call parameter. This data.frame is used for the statsDFrame and provides the numeric values for the plots.


The name of the data.frame serving as the panelDesc panel column description.


The name of the glyph being drawn.


The name of the glyhp begin drawn.


The name of statistics data.frame for the linked micromap.


The panelDesc data.frame column number (glyph column).


Is the list of duplicate entries in a list.


References the row number in the statsDFrame data.frame.

<list of rows>

Is a list of rows related to the message.


One or more row numbers related to the message.


Identifies a not used name from name table.


Reserved for future usage.

The following is a listing of all micromapST generated messages and a description of possible causes and solutions.


Initialization, Setup and Call argument validation, panelDesc and User data validation. where y indicates the specific argument or area.


General Operation ("Z"):


CARG Key call arguments are missing, NULL, wrong type, or NA, Execution stopped.

The micromapST function requires the statsDFrame and panelDesc data frames be provided. This is the minimum set of call parameters required. If either or both parameters are missing (the first two in the function call), the execution of the function is stopped.


CARG Warnings have been found in the parameters and data. Package continues, but results are unpredictable. Review log and fix errors.

The micromapST function has detected warning in the parameters and data. The function will continue but the results may be unpredictable. Review the errors and warnings, correct the causes and re-run.


CARG Errors have been found in parameters and data. Please review program log and fix problems. Packaged stopped.

The micromapST function has detected errors in the data and call parameters that prevent the function from running. Correct the identified error and re-run.


statsDFrame call argument (1st argument) (CARG-DF):


CARG-DF First argument (statsDFrame) is missing or NULL or not a data.frame.

The first calling argument/parameter must be the statsDFrame data frame containing the data to be graphed. If the first argument/parameter is missing or NULL. Provide the correctly built statsDFrame and re- run. The data structure can not be a list, tibble, matrix, array or simple vector variable.


CARG-DF The First argument (statsDFrame) is not a data.frame class.

The statsDFrame variable holding the data for each area (county, district, etc.) in a border group is not a data.frame structure. Each column represents a data variable to micromapST. Each row represents an area being mapped and charted. The area location ids may be located as the data.frame row.names or in a data.frame column itself. The panelDesc structure uses the col1, col2, and col3 columns to specify which column in the statsDFrame should be used for the glyph. The sortVar and rowNamesCol call parameters use the statsDFrame column name or number to identify how to sort the graphics or where the area name is located in the data.


CARG-DF The <sDFName> statsDFrame data.frame must have at least 1 or 2 columns.

The <sDFName> data.frame provided as the <statsDFrame> must have at least one column or two if the rowNameCol call parameter is specified. One data column must be provided and if the row.names feature in the data.frame is not used for the location id, then one additional column is required and the rowNameCol must be specified.


CARG-DF There are duplicate entries in the statsDFrame data.frame. Duplicate entires are ignored.

The statsDFrame data frame contains rows with duplicate names. Only the first row is used, duplicates are ignored. Check the area name values in the data frame and correct as needed to make sure each row represents a unique area. The following message provides a list of the duplicate sub-areas. ***


CARG-DF The duplicate rows are: <listRowNames>

This message provides a list of the duplicate area names, abbreviations or IDs in the statsDFrame data frame. Correct the duplicate entries and re-run micromapST. ***


CARG-DF The following row in the <sDFName> statsDFrame data.frame are not found in the name table:

See continued message (0107) for details


CARG-DF <listRowNames>
This is a two line error message. The area names provided in statsDFrame data.frame must match the names in the border group name table. This warning provides a list of the araa names not found in the name table. Please select the correct border group or correct the area names in the data.frame and re-run micromapST. Unless requested, the function will stop.


CARG-DF The rows not matched to boundaries will be removed and not mapped.
If a row of data does not match an entry in the name table, the data row in the statsDFrame will be deleted. Check the location id used on the data row to make sure it matches the type of names you selected in the name table ("Full", "Ab", "ID", etc.) If the row's loc id does not match, correct and re-run.


CARG-DF Data row names in the ,sDFName," data.frame must match the location ids in the name table. Call stopped.
If ignoreNoMatch is FALSE and a data row does not have an entry in the boundary name table then the package can not continue to run. All data must have valid names or abbreviations associated with each row that has sub-area boundaries in the border group. Execution is stopped. Verify the area identifiers in the supplied data, correct and retry.


panelDesc call argument (2nd argument) (CARG-PD):


CARG-PD The second call argument, the panelDesc structure, is missing or NULL.
The second call argument/parameter is the panelDesc data.frame. Without this data frame, micromapST does not know which glyphs to draw or where the supporting data is located in the statsDFrame data.frame. The data frame is missing, NULL, NA or is not a data.frame structure. The data structure can not be a list, tibble, matrix or array variable. Correct and re-run micromapST.


"CARG-DF The second argument, the panelDesc structure, is not a data.frame.
The second argument in the micromapST call must be the panelDesc structure as a data.frame. No other type of variable is acceptable. Please correct the structure and retry.


CARG-PD The following named lists in the <pDName> panelDesc data.frame are not valid: <PDVarList>
The panelDesc variables col1, col2, and col3 identify the columns in the statsDFName data.frame that contain data for each area to be used by the glyph for the column. The column number or name provided in the panelDesc structure is not a valid statsDFrame column number (out of range) or name. This error message provides a list of the invalid column numbers or names.


CARG-PD The required type named list is missing in the <pDName> panelDesc data.frame.
The panelDesc list named type does not exist in the panelDesc data frame. This named list is required to identify the type of glyph to be generated for the specific column. Inspect the panelDesc data.frame, check for spelling and correct the source of the problem and re-run.

Example: panelDesc=list(type=c("map","dot","bar"), ... )


CARG-PD The <panelDesc> type named list contains one or more invalid glyph name(s): <pdTypeList>.
The type named list in the <panelDesc> panelDesc data frame contains invalid glyph names. The invalid names are listed in this error message. The valid glyph names are: map, mapcum, mapmedian, maptail, id, arrow, bar, boxplot, dot, dotse, dotconf, dotsignif, segbar, normbar, ctrbar, ts, tsconf, and scatdot.


call argument column name/number verification (CARG-xxx):
When a call argument/parameter contains a column name or number referencing the <statsDFrame> data.frame, the arguments values are checked during the initialization of the micromapST processing. The following errors may be detected and the function stopped.

The call arguments/parameters that contain column names/numbers are:

               rowNamesCol      RNC
               sortVar          SORT

The abbreviated name (<callArgAbbr>) listed above for the call argument/parameter (<callArg>) is included in the message to assist in identifying and correcting the problem.


CARG-<callArgAbbr> A column name in the <callArg> call argument does not exist in the <sDFName> data.frame: <value>
One or more of the column names in the <callArg> call argument/parameter does not exist in the <statsDFrame> data.frame. The bad value is displayed in the <value> part of the message. Verify that the column name exists in the <statsDFrame> data.frame and re-run.


CARG-<callArgAbbr> The <callArg> call argument is empty. Argument ignored.
The <callArg> value was found to have a length of zero - empty. The argument can not be checked and is ignored.


CARG-<callArgName> The call parameter contains more than one value. Only the first value will be used.
The call parameter <callArgName> can only use a single value. More than one value was specified in the function call. Only the first value will be used.



bordGrp and bordDir parameter (BGBx):


BGBD The directory specified in the bordDir call parameter is not a valid character string. Check the bordDir path name and make sure it is valid.


BGBD The directory specified in the bordDir argument/parameter does not exist. Value=<bordDir>

The path specified does not exist, Processing is stopped. Correct the path name and re-run. Check to make sure the slashes in the path name are correct and that the path exists.


BGBN The value provided as the bordGrp name is not character. Fix and rerun.

The bordGrp call parameter must be a character string of the border group name (and it's file.) If it is not the name of border group provided with the package, it must be the name of the border group file (without the .rda) that is located in the bordDir path.


BGBN When the bordDir parameter is set to NULL, the bordGrp must be one contain in the package. <backageName>

When the bordDir call parameter is not provied, or set to NULL or NA, the value of the bordGrp parameter must be one of the internal border groups provided with the package. The border groups provided with the package are:


U.S. States and the District of Columbia


The 18 U.S. Seer Registry areas


The counties of the state of Kansas


The counties of the state of Maryland


The counties of the state of New York


The counties of the state of Utah


The provinces, counties and cities of the United Kingdom and Ireland


The provinces, special administration areas, metropolitan cities of China


The districts of the South Korean city of Seoul

If you are using a custom or private border group, then the bordDir parameter must be provide to specify the file directory containing the border group .rda file.

See the appropriate documention section for details on each border group contained in this package.


BGBN The bordGrp parameter has not been specified and is required when the bordDir is provided.

When the bordDir call argument/parameter is specified, the package will load a users or private border group into the package. Therefore, the bordGrp call argument/parameter MUST be specified to identify the file in the directory to load. Verify the bordGrp filename is present and exists in the bordDir directory and re-run. Execution was stopped.


BGBN The bordGrp filename must have an ".rda" or ".RData" file extension.

When private border group files are created, they must be saved as ".rda" or ".RData" type "R" files. Please re-create your private border group file and re-run. Execution is stopped.


BGBN The bordGrp file in the bordDir directory does not exist.

The package attempted to open the bordGrp file in the bordDir directory, but the file does not exist. If the bordGrp filename was specified without a file extension, the package appended an ".rda" file extension. Verify the bordGrp filename exists in the bordDir directory and re-run. Execution is stopped..


Boundary datasets:


BGBG System error encountered when loading the border group. See error message:
The package attempted to load the user/private border group. The R system load() function failed and returned an error message. The error message is logged following this message using the same message indicator. Inspect the file and resolve the R system load() error mesage and re-run. Execution was stopped.

The second like of error message details the loading error issued by R.


The areaNamesAbbrsIDs (Name Table) is missing from the border group.
The border group must contain the name table (areaNamesAbbrsIDs) to be useful. Determine why the name table is missing and retry.


The areaVisBorders boundary data set is missing from the border group.
The border group must contain the boundary data for all of the areas in the name table. In this case, the areaVisBorders data.frame containing the area boundary point is missing. Determine why the table is missing and retry.


The areaVisBorders boundary data set has a NULL value from the border group.
The border group must contain the boundary data for all of the areas in the name table. In this case, the areaVisBorders data.frame containing the area boundary point has a NULL value. Determine why the areaVisBorders data set is NULL, repair and retry.


The L3VisBorders boundary dataset is missing from the Border Group.
The Level 3 (map outline) boundary table is an optional boundary points data.frame and is missing from the border group. The package will disable drawing the L3 borders.


The L2Borders is set to be drawn, but no L2 border data is present. L2 Feature disabled.
The L2VisBorders boundary point data.frame is missing from the border group when the L2Feature is enabled. The L2Feature will be disabled. If you require the L2 boundaries determine why the data.frame is missing and retry.


The RegBorders is set to be drawn, border data is not present. Reg Feature disabled.
The RegVisBorders boundary point data.frame is missing from the border group when the RegFeature is enabled. The RegFeature will be disabled. dataRegionsOnly options is also disabled. If you require the Reg boundaries determine why the data.frame is missing and retry.


The L3VisBorders is NULL. Ploting the L3 outline is disabled.
The L3 boundary data found in the border group is empty. The drawing of the L3 outline boundary has been disabled. This may be a normal situation and only needs attention if the L3 boundary data was expected to be in the border group. Correct the problem and recreate the border group.


BGBN After loading <BorderGroupName> border group, the following optional objects are missing: <list of data.frames>
After loading the border group specified in the function call (<BorderGroupName>), the following optional objects (data.frames) were missing in the border group: <list of data.frames>. These are optional and any use of them has been disabled. If you need one of these boundary data.sets, contact the border group builder and determine why these data.frames were excluded. The optional boundary data.frames are: L3VisBorders, L2VisBorders, and RegVisBorders.


BGBN After loading <BorderGroupName> border group, the following critical objects are missing: <list of data.frames>
After loading the border group specified in the function call (<BorderGroupName>), the following critical objects (data.frames) were missing in the border group: <list of data.frames>. These boundary data.frames are required for the micromapST package to run. The execution of the package has been stopped. Contact the border group builder and determine why these data.frames were excluded. The optional boundary data.frames are: areaVisBorders, areaNamesAbbrsIDs, and areaParms.


L2Border was requested, but the Name Table does not have a L2_ID column. Disable drawing of L2.
The border group indicates a Level 2 boundary should be drawn where appropriate. However, the name table does not have the L2_ID column to like the Level 2 boundaries to the basic areas. Correct the border group's name table, rebuild the border group and try again.


Regional boundaries have been requested, but the Name Table has no regID column. The feature is disabled.
The border group indicates the Regional boundary and the regional mapping feature has been requested, but the Name Table has no regID column. This feature is disabled.


rowNamesCol call argument (CARG-RNC):/cr To be able to link up the statsDFrame rows to areas in the border group and its boundary information, the statsDFrame must provide a column containing the sub-area names, abbreviations or IDs that match the name table entries in the border group. The values can be supplied via the row.names on the data frame or in a column in the data frame. The rowNamesCol call parameter allows the user to specify which statsDFrame column to use as the link to the border group name table. The rowNames argument/parameter is used to specify if the link is the name, abbreviation or ID of the sub-area.


CARG-RNC The row names in column rowNamesCol of the statsDFrame data.frame contains duplicates. Only one row per area is permitted. Duplicate rows are: <list of rows>. The rowNamesCol will be ignored and the data.frame row.names values will be used.
The rowNamesCol value specifies a column with duplicate area names. There can only be one row per area. The rowNamesCol call parameter is ignored and the data.frames row.names information is attempted to be used.


CARG-RNC The rowNamesCol argument value must have a length = 1. Only first value used.
The rowNamesCol value must have a length of 1 and should be a simple vector. Only one column can be specified to contain the area names (row names.) If more then one value is provided, only the first value in the data will be used.


CARG The rowColNames is NA. The row.names values on the data.frame will be used.
The rowNamesCol value provided is NA and cannot be used. Instead the data.frame row.names information will be used.


CARG The rowColNames is NA. The row.names values on the data.frame will be used.
The rowColNames value is NA. It must be a valid statsDFrame column name. The data in the column must contact data that matches one of the location IDs in the Name Table. When no rowColNames is specified, the row.names values on the statsDFrame data.frame are used as the location ID.


CARG The rowColNames value specified does not exist in the data.frame. The row.names values on the data.frame will be used.
The data.frame column name specified in the rowColNames call parameter does not exist in the data.frame. To continue executing, the data.frames row.names information is used.


sortVar and ascend call arguments (CARG-AS):

The sortVar calling argument/parameter specifies the statsDFrame column numbers and/or names to be used to sort the data and the rows presented in the linked micromaps. The sorting is executed in the order of the columns listed in the numeric or character vector provided via the sortVar argument/parameter. The column numbers and names are verified before the sorting is attempted. All references must be valid. The default sort uses the sub-area names as spedified in the rowNames argument/parameter.

The ascend flag indicates which direction the sorting will be done. ascend = TRUE requests ascending order. ascend = FALSE requests descending order.


CARG-SV The sortVar parameter is not a numerical or character vector variable. Matrix, arrays, data.frames and tibbles are not supported. Will use the default of alpha sort on area names.

The sortVar call argument/parameter must be a numeric or character vector with a length less than with 3 values. The values must be valid indexes or names of columns in the statsDFrame data.frame supplied by the user. Only a simple vector is supported. Matrixes, arrays, data.frame and tibbles are not supported.


CARG-AS The ascend parameter is not a logical variable. Must be TRUE or FALSE.

The ascend call argument/parameter must be a logical vector with a length of 1. Vectors with multiple values are not allowed. Numeric, Integer or Character vectors are not supported.


rowNames call argument and alias name matching feature (CARG-RN & ALIAS):
The rowNames call argument/parameter specifies what type of sub-area name/string should be used to match the sub-area name in the statsDFrame data frame, boxplot and time series data with the border group's name table. The valid rowNames values are: full, ab, alt_ab, id, and alias. The default is ab.

When alias is specified, the package attempt to link the <statsDFrame> data rows to the boundary data using a partial match between the sub-area names in the <statsDFrame> data.frame and the alias column in the name table. This feature was implemented to handle special cases were the data source does not use the regularly used names or abbreviations for the sub-areas. See the discussion on the USSeerBG border group for more details and an example. At this time, only the USSeerBG border group makes use of this feature.


CARG-RN Invalid rowNames argument value. The value must be ab, alt_ab, id, alias, or full. The default of ab will be used.

The rowNames call argument/parameter contains an invalid value. The default of ab is used.


CARG-RN rowNames=alias is not supported for this bordGrp. The default of ab will be used.

The rowNames value of alias is only supported in border groups containing the an alias column in the name table and have the border group areaParm variable enableAlias set to TRUE. The only border group supplied with the package that supports the alias name matching is the the USSeerBG border group.


CARG-RN rowNames=seer is only supported for the USSeerBG bordGrp. The default of ab will be used.

Select the correct border group or use another rowNames value.


The rowNames parameter is NULL, NA or Missing. The default of 'ab' will be used.
rowNames must be provided to define the type of location id to use. The default is "ab". The other options are "full", "alias", and "alt_ab".


ALIAS Alias Names(s) in the data no not match the name table for the area. The unmatched data rows are: <listRowNames>

The rowNames value of alias was specified. During partial wildcard matching of the "alias" column in the border group name table with the data column in the statsDFrame data frame specified by the rowNamesCol call argument/parameter, one or more data rows did not successfully match the name table. The <listRowNames> part of the message lists the data row values that did not match. Review the statsDFrame values used for sub-area names and the documentation of the alias strings provided in the selected border group and make adjustments as required.


ALIAS Sub-area names in the data have duplicate name in rows: <listRowNames> Only one row per area is permitted.

There are multiple rows in the statsDFrame that match a single sub-area in the border group name table. Only the first matching data row will be used. The <listRowNames> section of the message contains a list of the duplicate rows. Correct row names to eliminate any duplicates and re-run.


The rowNames parameter is not a character string.
The rowNames parameter must be provided and must be a character vector. If it is not, the function is terminated.


title call argument (CARG-TL):
The title calling argument/parameter is used to specify a one or two line title for the linked micromap. If not title is provided, the titles are left empty - blank.


CARG-TL The title argument contains more than 2 items. Only the first two will be used.
The title call argument/parameter contains more that 2 character strings. Only two title lines are supported. Only the first two values (lines) are used.


CARG-TL The typeof/class of the title parameter is not character. Only character vectors are supported. The title argument is ignored.
The type and class of the title call argument/parameter must be a character vector. Numeric, integer and logical vectors are not supported.


CARG-TL The title argument/parameter is empty. Recommend providing a title for the linked micromap.
The title call argument/parameter is empty (length of 0). It's recommend a set of titles be specified for the linked micromap. Please provide a title character vector to help identify the linked micromap and re-run.


plotNames call argument (CARG-PL):
The plotNames calling argument/parameter specifies the type of area name to be used in the ID glyph. The allowed values are ab and full.


CARG-PN Invalid plotNames argument value. The value must be ab or full.
The value of the plotNames call argument/parameter is not valid, The value must be ab or full. The default value of ab is used. Check the spelling and re-run.


CARG-PN Invalid plotNames argument value. The value must be 'ab' or 'full'. The default of 'ab' will be used.
The plotNames argument value must be 'ab' (abbreviation) or 'full' (full name). The default of 'ab' will be used. If the data contails full names, correct and re-run.


grpPattern call argument (CARG-GP):
The package creates a pattern of how many sub-area rows will be placed in each glyph group row based on the total number of sub-area with data. The user can override this generated pattern by providing their own pattern in the form of an integer vector. Each entry represents one glyph group row. The maximum value for an entry is 5. The values must be in decending order toward the median sub-area and must sum to the number of sub-areas in the data. For example: grpPattern = c(5,5,4,3,4,5,5) for 31 sub-areas. If these rules are not followed, the following messages are generated and the package created pattern is used.


CARG-GP The grpPattern call parameter must be an integer vector.
The vector provided must be an numeric or integer vector. The package created pattern is used. Correct and re-run.


CARG-GP The total of the rows per group must equal the number of rows in the <statsDFrame> data.frame. grpPattern ignored.

The sum of the sub-area rows in the grpPattern vector is not equal to the number of sub-areas present in the statsDFrame data.frame. For example, if the <statsDFrame> data.frame has 51 rows after duplicates are removed, then the sum of the grpPattern vector must be 51. A grpPattern of c(5,5,5,5,5,1,5,5,5,5,5) would be valid, but c(4,4,4,4,4,1,4,4,4,4,4) would be invalid. The package will use a calculated pattern. Correct and re-run.


CARG-GP The grpPattern call parameter vector must be <= 5 (rows per group). A value of <x> was found.

Each element in the grpPattern vector represents the number of sub-area rows per glyph group/row. The maximum number of sub-area per group is 5. The package will use a calculated pattern. Correct and re-run.


CARG-GP The grpPattern call parameter is not properly ordered. The number of rows per group must be in desending order to the median sub-area.
The number of rows per glyph group must be arranged in descending order from the ends to the median sub-area row in the middle of the list. For example: grgPattern = c(5,5,4,3,4,5,5). A grpPattern of c(3,4,5,5,4,3) is acceptable. The package will created and use a calculated pattern. Correct and re-run.


CARG-GP The one of the values in the grpPattern call parameter is non-numeric or an NA. grpPattern ignored.
The grpPattern is a vector of integers specifying the number of areas in each group/row or perceptional row. One of the values in the vector is a non-numeric value or an NA. Correct and re-run.


axisScale call argument (axisScale & CARG-SC):
The axisScale calling argument/parameter is a single value character vector that specifies the type of axis scaling the micromapST should use on the glyphs. The acceptable values are:


original axis labeling provided by the pretty function. Scaling is done in the same way as previous releases of micromapST.


labeling is done using the extended algorithm from the labeling package.


labeling is done using the extended algorithm and label scaling by applying a multiplier of hundreds, thousands, etc and a subtitle used to identify the multiplier units.

            before:      1000  2000  3000  4000
            after:            in hundreds
                          1     2     3     4

labeling is done using the extended algorithm and each label is scaled by applying a multiplier of hundreds, thousands, etc. and a character identifying the scaling units postpended to the label.

             before:    0    5000  10000  15000  20000
             after:     0     5K    10K    15K    20K

axisScale must be a character vector with a single item.


CARG-SC The axisScale argument is invalid, axisScale can only be set to o, e, s, or sn. The default value of e will be used.

The axisScale call argument/parameter does not contain a valid value. It must be o, e, s, or sn. The default of e will be used.


CARG-SC The axisScale argument is not a character vector of length 1.

The axisScale call argument/parameter must be a character vector containing only one value. Numerical, integer and logical vectors are not supported. Only simple vector structures are support. Correct the value assigned with axisScale and re-run.


CARG-AX The value for axisMethod internal variable is out of range 1-5 : <locAxisMethod>

The axisScale call argument/parameter is translated into the axisMethod variable internally. The value should be between 1 and 6. If out of range an internal programming problem has occured.


staggerLab call argument (CARG-SL):


CARG-SL The staggerLab argument is not a logical value. Setting staggerLab to FALSE.

The staggerLab parameter must be a TRUE or FALSE value. If it is not a logical variable, the call parameter is ignored and the default is used. ***check***


CARG-SL The maxAreasPerGrp argument is not a numeric value. Setting to the default of 5.

The maxAreasPerGrp argument must be a numeric value from 1 to 5. The default value is 5.


CARG-SL The maxAreasPerGrp call parameter is not 5 or 6. Value set to 5.

The maxAreasPerGrp argument must be either 5 or 6. At the current time only 5 is supported and will enforced.


colSize call argument (CARG-CS):

This feature is not implemented in the version. The argument name is reserved for future use and development.


CARG-CS The colSize parameter in pDName contains NA values in the colSize column: <BadValues>. Values must be numeric and > 0. The columns in the panelDesc data.frame (panelDesc) are not value width numbers. <BadValues> lists the values in the column. The width of the glyph column will be calculated. Correct if needed and re-run.


CARG-CS The colSize parameter in pDName has values for fixed width glyphs. Value(s): <BadValues>. Value(s) are ignored and set to NA. The colSize parameter in the panelDesc data.frame cannot be used to assign the column width on a glyph column that has already been assign a column width. The value can be NA, "", " " or 0. If any other value that is not numeric, it is invalid. The value is ignored. <BadValues> contains the list of values that will be ignored.


CARG-CS The colSize parameter in <pDName> does not contain numeric values : <BadValues> The <pDName> panelDesc data.frame has an a non-numeric value, character, logical, or a numeric with a value of "Inf" in the colSize parameter column. The <BadValues> list identifies the problem. The value is ignored. Correct and re-run.


CARG-CS The colSize entries in pDName are out of range ( <= 0 or > 200 ). Values are: <BadValues> The one or more values specified for colSize in the pDName data.frame are out of range. The colSize value will be ignored.


CARG-CS The reviewed colSize parameter in pDName has bad values (reported above) and have been replaced by the mean of the good values: <meanColSize>, Bad Values: <BadValues>

The "colSize" panelDesc parameter row as a bad value, see message <BadValues>.


CARG-CS The colSize parameter in pDName contains no useful information and will be ignored. The information provided in the colSize argument in the panelDesc data.frame has no usable values or information. The argument will be ignored.


Regional Features:


CARG-RB The regionsB call argument is not a logical variable. The default of FALSE will be used.
The regionB call parameter must be TRUE or FALSE. FALSE indicates the region boundaries should not be drawn, while TRUE indicate the should be drawn as required.


ARG-DRO The dataRegionsOnly call argument is not a logical variable. The default of FALSE will be used.
The dataRegionsOnly call parameter must be TRUE or FALSE. FALSE indicates the all regions will be used and drawn. TRUE indicates only the regions with areas with data in the statsDFrame data.frame will be drawn. Regions the do not have areas with data will not be drawn. This is a means of including multiple regions in a border group and only drawn sub-regions as required by the data.


colors call argument (COLORS):


COLORS An invalid single value is provided for the colors argument. It must be 'BW', 'greys', or 'grays'. The argument is ignored.

In the micromapST function call, a single value was provided for the colors parameter. The value must be BW, greys, or grays. If not, the parameter is ignored.


COLORS The colors vector has the incorrect number of items. It must have 1 or 24 items. <number items> provided.

In the micromapST function call, a single value or a vector 24 values can be supplied. If a different number of values are provided, the parameter is ignored and the default colors are used.


COLORS The colors vector type is invalid. It must be a character vector.

In the micromapST function call, the colors parameter contains non-character values. The colors contained in the vector must be character strings identifying the colors to be used for the 24 color parameters used by micromapST. Numerical values related to the current color palette are not acceptable.


details call argument (DETS):

The details call argument/parameter contains a named list of micromapST parameters values the user wants to override or change. Most of the parameters relate to minor functional variations in how the glyphs are drawn. Several other control the details on how the graphic page is layed out and should not be changed under normal situations. Changes of these variable can cause unpredictable results.

Future: The panelDesc data frame has been extended to support glyph parameter modifications on a per column per glyph basis and is the preferred way of working with the glyphs variables. Any changes made via the details parameter are global changes and will effect all of the glyphs.


DETS The <tag> does not have a valid value: <value> Check type <method> used.

The details call argument/parameter must be a named list structure and the type of each named variable on the list must match the master table. If it is not, details call parameter is ignored.


DETS The details parameter is not a list.

The details call argument/parameter must be a list structure. If it is not, details value is ignored.


DETS variable: <name> not found in master variable list. Name is not valid, skipped.

All of the variables used in the details call argument/parameter name list must be on the master detail variable list. See the documentation section on the micromapDefSets and the micromapSTSetDefaults for the variable description. If the variable is not present, it will be deleted and ignored.


DETS Zero length variable name found in the details list after the <lastVarName> variable.

This error frequently occurs when the details parameter list contain two commas and no name/value. The position of the two commas is preceded by the <lastVarName> variable in the list. The empty variable/list will be ignored, but please remove the extra comma for future runs.


DETS The Id.Dot.pch variable is can only be set to a value in the range from 1 to 25. Using the default of 22.

The IdDotpch variable is the symbol code for the character preceeding the labels in the id glyph. Only pch values of 1 to 25 are supported.. The variable is ignored and the default character value of 22 is used.

Over time each more details variable will be checked and additional error message will be provided.

*** What other details variable should be validated?

The panelDesc is being enhanced to allow appropriate variables to be defined on a glyph graphic column basis. As this feature becomes available the documentation will be updated.


panelDesc and glyphs data messages:

As micromapST setups to create the linked micromaps, each glyphs preforms additional validate on the panelDesc variables and the associated statsDFrame data.

The message identifier (4 alphanumeric) in the message is followed by the glyph name (type) and the panelDesc panel column number (1 through "N"). This helps the user quickly identify which glyphs column in the panelDesc definition is related to and therefore the data in the statsDFrame. The text of the message with specific information to pin point the problem.

For the map, mapcum, mapmedian, maptail and id glyphs there are no additional data from the user and no additional validation is required.

For the arrow, bar, dot, dotsignif, dotse, dotconf, ctrbar, normbar, segbar, and scatdot glyphs uses data in the statsDFrame data.frame and use the col1, col2, and col3 named lists for the panel column to identify the statsDFrame columns with the required data. The col1, col2, and col3 pointers are validated and the data in the statsDFrame data.frame is inspected based on the type of glyph requested. The messages use the 3rd digit to identify which panelDesc variable was validated. 1 = col1, 2 = col2, 3 = col3. The name of the panelDesc named list is also included in the message.

For the segmented stacked bar glyphs (CTRBAR, SEGBAR, NORMBAR), col1 and col2 specify the first and last statsDFrame column of the contiguous set of columns to use for the data for the segment values/sizes. The message related to the inspection of these columns use the 3rd digit of the message number to indicate the relative column number, 1 being the first column of data up to a maximum of 9 for the last column of data. The column name is also included in the messages to help.

The following is a summary of the usage of the col1, col2, and col3 variables by each glyph:

Variable Usage by glyph:

glyph col1 col2 col3
dot = dotvalue - -
bar = bar length/value - -
arrow = start value end value -
dotsignif = dot value p_value -
dotse = dot value standard error -
scatdot = x coordinates y coordinates -
ctrbar = first data column in set last data column in set -
normbar = first data column in set last data column in set -
segbar = first data column in set last data column in set -
dotconf = dot value lower confidence upper confidence

The col1, col2, and col3 variables are not used by the map, mapcum, maptail, mapmedian, id, boxplot, ts, and tsconf glyphs.

The 3rd character in the message identifier panelDesc data column (col1, col2, or col3) pointer related to the warning message. The glyph graphic column number associated with the warning is provided in the <cc> text of the message.


panelDesc parameter checks for panelDesc variables:

This top level checks for the values provided in the col1, col2, col3 variables are done by the internal function CheckColx and include:


If does not exist, create dummy vector to for variable


Verify type of vector is numeric, integer, or character. All other types not permitted.


Fill empty string items with "NA" where appropriate.

The rest of the checking is done in the glyphs based on which variables needed.

*** Note, the use of <PDvar> appears to be a duplication of the xx variable in the message, is this true? The following warnings relate to the panelDesc variables in general:


<gNameList> The length of the glyph type list is different the length of the variables list. The number of glyph graphs indicated in the panelDesc$Type column is different than the number of data columns for each glyph variable (col1, col2, etc.) Even if the data column is not used by the glyph, the variable columns all must be the same length as the panelDesc$Type column.


<gName> <pdColNum> The first column name/number (<stColName1>) must proceed the last column name/number (<stColName2>) in the <sDFName> data frame. *** More Information to be provided later. ***


<gName> <pdColNum> The first column name/number (<stColName1>) must proceed the last column name/number (<stColName2>) in the <sDFName> data frame. *** More Information to be provided later. ***


<gName> <pdColNum> The first column name/number (<stColName1>) must proceed the last column name/number (<stColName2>) in the <sDFName> data frame. *** More Information to be provided later. ***


<gName> <pdColNum> The number of segments is <value>. It must be between 2 and 9. If over 9, only the first 9 will be used. *** More Information to be provided later. ***


PDCOL <glyph> cc The column name/number of <PDColOrig> in <PDVar> does not exist in the statsDFname data.frame. The column name or number of <PDColOrig> in <PDVar> does not exist as a column name in the statsDFrame data.frame, is a negative or zero valued integer, is not an integer, or is an integer with a value greater then the number of columns in the statsDFrame data.frame.

It appears the "y" is the col"y" indicator and "cc" is the glyph column number. If so, the "y" is redundent.

The following warning deal with the column name or number specified in the panelDesc data.frame variables col1, col2, and col3:


<glyph> cc No <statsDFrame> column was specified in <PDVarName> in the <panelDesc> panelDesc data.frame. A data column name/number is required. <usage>

The <glyph> function for column <cc> requires a valid <statsDFrame> data.frame column be specified in the panelDesc <PDVarName> variable. The value is missing. Correct the <PDVarName> for column cc and re-run.


<glyph> cc The required panelDeac variable <pdVarName> is missing from the <pdDFname> data frame. <usage>

When using the "<glyph>" in glyph column "cc", requires the <pdVarName> variable to locate the data in the <statsDFrame> data frame. This is general related to the col1, col2 and col3 variable lists in the panelDesc data frame. Check the glyph descriptions and make sure all of the panelDesc variables required for the glyph are provided.


<glyph> cc The specified column name or number in <pdVarName> panelDesc variable (<stColName>) does not exist in <statsDFrame> data frame or is out of range. <usage>

The <glyph> determined the statsDFrame column name or number provided in the <pdVarName> does not exist or is out of range. If a column name was provided, it did not match any column names in the <statsDFrame> data frame. If a column number was provided, it has a value < 0 or greater than the number of columns in the <statsDFrame> data frame. Verify the column name or number in the panelDesc column variable and re-run.


<glyph> cc The data provided in the <stColName> column of the <statsDFrame> data frame contains one or more non-numeric entries. <usage>

For the glyph <glyph> in panel column cc, the data provided in the <stColName> are character vectors and one or more values contain non-numeric characters. This may result in an improper translation to numerics. The entries are treated as NA values. Inspect the data in column <stColName> and correct.


<glyph> cc The data provided in the <stColName> column in the <statsDFrame> data frame contains one or more entries that could not be converted to numeric values. <usage>

For the glyph <glyph> in column cc, an attempt was made to convert the character data in the <stColName> column of the <statsDFrame> to numeric values. One or more entries did not convert correctly resulting in missing values. Inspect the data in the <stColName> column of the <statsDFrame> data frame and correct.


<glyph> cc The <stColName> data column in <statsDFrame> data frame is not a character or numeric vector. <usage>

The <stColName> data column in the <statsDFrame> is not a character or numeric column. The glyph requires numerical values to generate the glyph. Inspect the data and correct. Logical. List and Matrix type data is not supported. If the column is character vectors, the character vectors must only contains numerical images and must be able to be converted to numerics to draw the glyph. Inspect the data column and correct.


<glyph> cc The <stColName> data column in <statsDFrame> data frame does not contain any numerical data. No rows will be drawn. <usage>

The <statsDFrame> data frame column <stColName> does not contain ANY numerical data to permit drawing of the requested glyph. Inspect the data column and re-run.


<glyph> cc The <pdVarName> data column in <statsDFrame> data frame contains all missing values (NA) and cannot be graphed. <usage>

In the <glyph> for column cc, the data column in the user provided statsDFrame pointed to by the <PDVarName> panelDesc variable contains a NA value. The glyph for that data row will not be drawn. If this is an error, correct the data in the statsDFrame data.frame and re-run. ***check***


<glyph> cc The row numbers with missing data are: <list of row names>
The <list of row names> indicates which rows in the statsDFrame data.frame provided by the user is missing data values, are NA, or "". Inspect the supplied data and correct.

In the <glyph> for column cc, the data column in the user provided statsDFrame pointed to by the <PDVarName> panelDesc variable contains a NA value. The glyph for that data row will not be drawn. If this is an error, correct the data in the statsDFrame data.frame and re-run. ***check***


<glyph> cc The <stColName> data column in <statsDFrame> data frame does not contain any data. Data vector has length of zero. <usage>

The <statsDFrame> data frame column <stColName> has a length of zero. If the <statsDFrame> is properly constructed with at least one sub-area, then this should not happen. If this error occurs, check the <statsDFrame> to make sure it has not been corrupted and has rows for each sub-area being graphed and mapped.

The following warning related to the data pointed to by the panelDesc col1, col2, and col3 variable in the statsDFrame data.frame. The "y" indicates which panelDesc col (1, 2, or 3) is being referenced.


<glyph> cc The <stColName> column in <statsDFrame> data frame contains one or more missing values. <usage>

*** More Information to be provided later. *** Description needed. **checked** arrow, bar, dot, dotsignif, dotconf, ***check***

The following warnings are specific to the dot significance glyph:


<glyph> cc One or more P_Value data entries in <stColName> are missing.

The data in the <statsDFrame> pointed to for use by the dotsignif glyph (col2) for the significance P Value is not in the range of 0 to 1 probability. Review the data and correct the values to a range of 0 to 1. This is only used by the DOTSIGNIF glyph.


<glyph> cc One or more P_Value data entries in <stColName> are out of the range.

The data in the <statsDFrame> pointed to for use by the dotsignif glyph (col2) for the significance P Value is not in the range of 0 to 1 probability. Review the data and correct the values to a range of 0 to 1. This is only used by the DOTSIGNIF glyph.

The following special case that do not reference a particular panelDesc column variable. These are generated by the stacked bar glyphs with regard to the <statsDFrame> data and the panelDesc col1 and col2 specifications.:


<glyph> cc The first column name/number (<stColName>) must proceed the last column name/number (stColName>) in the <statsDFrame> data frame.

In segbar, normbar and ctrbar stacked bar glyphs, the user provides the location of the first and last data column in the <statsDFrame> data frame. Each data column between the first and last columns are used to create the stacked bar glyph. The processing is done from lower column number to higher column number. Therefore, the first column must preceed the last column in the data frame. That is must have a lower column number or a column name that preceeds the last column name in the data frame.


<glyph> cc The number of segments is <numSegs>. It must be between 2 and 9. If over 9, only the first 9 will be used.

Stacked bar glyphs use 2 to 9 data columns from the statsDFrame data.frame to create segmented stacked bar graphs (CTRBAR, SEGBAR, NORBAR). Each data column represents the length of one segment and is validated for the glyph prior to use. If only 1 segment is specified, no stacked bar glyph is drawn. If more than 9 segments exists, only the first 9 will be used in the segbar, normbar and ctrbar glyph.


<glyph> cc The number of segments is <numSegs> At least 2 data columns must be defined.

****Duplicate of 020B Used by segbar, normbar, ctrbar glyphs. ***check*** *** More Information to be provided later. ***


<glyph> cc The data provided cannot be centered around the value of <center value>.

The ctrbar glyph is designed to center the stacked bars around the value of zero. The data provided is all higher than or lower than zero. A future feature is planned to allow the center value for the ctrbar glyphs to be specified. Until then the center value is set to 0 (zero). Used by ctrbar glyphs. ***check***

BoxPlot specific processing messages (boxplot data list):


BOXPLOT cc The panelData value of <pDataValue> in the <panelData> data frame does not exist or is not accessible.

The panelData variable in the <panelDesc> data frame is used to pass completed data structures to glyphs that cannot be contained in the <statsDFrame> data frame. In this case, the variable name provided <pDataValue> does not exist or is not accessible by the package. Make sure the name is spelled correctly and exists in the .GlobalEnv (calling) environment. This message is used by the BOXPLOT, TS and TSCONF glyphs. **checked** boxplot,


BOXPLOT cc The <pdDataName> data for the boxplot is not is list.

The data structure must be a list (one per area) of boxplot data lists. With the name of each area the attribute or name of each list entry.


BOXPLOT cc The <pdDataName> structure does not have any name attributes for the boxplot data.

No names, no way to link to the boundary data. Each list in this structed must be named using the area's name that matches the name table.


BOXPLOT cc The <pdDataName> boxplot data is not a valid structure. Must contain 6 boxplot sub lists.

The <pdDataName> structure must contain the 6 data lists for each area. Less than 6 or greater than 6 lists were found in the area's list structure. Correct the structure of the list and retry.


BOXPLOT cc The <pdDataName> boxplot data does not contain all of the lists of boxplot function output. Invalid structure.

The <pdDataName> structure must contain the following 6 names list for each area: stats, names, out, group, n, and conf. If these named lists are not found, the package considers the data structure invalid and will not attempt to draw the boxplot glyph. Verify the <pdDataName> is the correct variable and was properly created by the boxplot function.


BOXPLOT cc In the <PDDataName> boxplot data, the '$name' named list contains one or more missing values (NA).

The '$name' list is used to link the boxplot data to the boundary data. If the data cannot be match with a area, the areas glyph row will not be drawn. Check the boxplot data and ensure each individual boxplot has a valid sub-area name associated with it.


BOXPLOT cc There are duplicate sets of boxplot data in <boxnam> for the same area. Only the first one will be used.

The '$name' list in the boxplot data contain duplicates sub-area names. Only one boxplot can be drawn per area. The first set of data will be used to draw the boxplot. Any other data with the same name will be ignored. If a area does not have any boxplot data, that area's glyph will be omitted.


BOXPLOT cc The $stats matrix in the <boxnam> boxplot data does not have 5 values per area list is not the same length as the $name list.

Need description


BOXPLOT cc The $stats matrix in the <pcDataName> boxplot data must <bpNumNames> elements.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


BOXPLOT cc The $stats matrix in the <pcDataName> boxplot data has missing values. Areas with missing values will not be drawn.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


BOXPLOT cc The sub-area names/abbrevations in the <pdDataName> boxplot data $names values do not match the border group names: <nameList>.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


BOXPLOT cc 02BE BOXPLOT cc There are one or more of rows in the <statsDFrame> that does not have matching boxplot data, (<pdDataName>) entries.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


BOXPLOT cc 02BE BOXPLOT cc The missing sub-areas are: <AreaList>

*** More Information to be provided later. ***

For the time series (TS) and time series with confidence band (TSCONF), data for the graphics is provided through a separate data structure via the panelData column in the panelDesc data.frame. The statsDFrame data.frame is not used and the colx indexes are not used.


<glyphs> cc The panelData value of <pDataValue> in the <panelData> data frame does not exist or is not accessible.

The panelData variable in the <panelDesc> data frame is used to pass completed data structures to glyphs that cannot be contained in the <statsDFrame> data frame. In this case, the variable name provided <pDataValue> does not exist or is not accessible by the package. Make sure the name is spelled correctly and exists in the .GlobalEnv (calling) environment. This message is used by the BOXPLOT, TS and TSCONF glyphs.

The following warnings are issued during the processing of the sub-area identifiers in the <statsDFrame> data frame and the border group name table.


<glyph> cc There are no links in the <PDDataName> data to the following statsDFrame areas: <list of statsDFrame areas.

Sub-areas in the statsDFrame do not have data in <PDDataName>. *** More Information to be provided later. ***


<glyph> cc The following area links in <PDDataName> data do not link to <statsDFrame> areas and will not be used: <listOfNames>

Areas in the <PDDataName> do not have links to the <statsDFrame> data.frame. *** More Information to be provided later. ***


<glyph> cc There are no sub-area links provided in <PDDataName>. Cannot link data to the statsDFrame data.frame.

<PDDataName> does not have values to link to <statsDFrame> or the name table. *** More Information to be provided later. ***


<glyph> cc There are duplicate sub-areas in the <PDDataName> structure. Only the first match will be used.

<PDDataName> has duplicate entries. *** More Information to be provided later. ***

Only validate panelData entries for boxplot, ts and tsconf glyphs. For boxplot, datatype must be list. For ts and tsconf, datatype must be 3 dimensional array.

Implementation: statsDFrame and the sorted link table drives the glyph generation. Must do this to match up with the other columns. If no data is in <PDDataName> for the statsDFrame link, no glyphs is drawn for the row.

If duplicates exist in <PDDataName> only the first will be used.

If extra entries exist in <PDDataName> that don't match the statsDFrame, even if they match the name table, they are not used.

TS and TSConf specific processing:


TSxxxx-15 cc The variable name specified in the panelData row does not exist.

The name of the array containing the area information, the series and the point information (X, Y, HighY and LowY) values does not exist. The glyph will not be drawn. Check for a misspelled variable or incorrect name and retry.


TSxxxx-02 cc The data structured passed in the panelData field is not an array. Structure name = <dataNam>.

The data structure provided the additional information to construct the time series graphs MUST be a 3 dimension array. Any other type of structure is not acceptable.


TSxxxx-03 cc The time serial array's 1st dimension is not <numRows> areas to match statsDFrrame. It is <dimDArr[1]>.

The time series array does have enough 1st dimensional values to match the number of rows in the statsDFrame and the Name Table.


TSxxxx-04 cc The time serial array's 2nd dimension must have at least 2 values (time periods 2 to "n"). It is <dimDArr[2]>.

The time series must cover at least 2 or more time periods. So, the 2nd dimension must have a dimension of at least 2.


TSxxxx-05 cc The time series array's 3rd dimension is not 4 values for TSConf (X, Y, LowY and HighY). It is <dimDArr[3]>.

See note on message "02TA" below.


TSxxxx-06 cc The time series array's 3rd dimension must be 2 or 4. It is <dimDArr[3]>. (TS: X & Y, TSCONF: X, Y, LowY, HighY.)

See notes on message "02TA" below.


TSxxxx-10 cc rowNames on array do not match area ID list. The bad area IDs are: <List of Name Table Keys>.

In processing the time series array, several location IDs cannot be found in the Name Table. They are listed in the <List of Name Table Keys> string. Determine the reason for the incorrect values, correct and retry.


TSxxxx-12 cc The time series array\'s 3rd dimension must be at least 2. It is <number>.

The 1st dimension represents the geographical areas of the Time Service. The 2nd dimension represents the time of the observation (0 to "N"). The area's points are sorted by the X value provided in the 3rd dimension. The 3rd dimension of the array are is the observed value on the graph for the area at the time. For standard TS graphs this is x and y values on the chart. For a TS-conf graph, the 3rd dimension contains the x and y values and the confidence interval HighY and Low Y values. Correct the content of the 3rd dimension and retry.


TSxxxx-14 cc The time series array does not have rownames (location IDs) assigned to the 1st dimension. Data cannout be paired up with areas.

The row.names tied to the 1st dimension of the Time Series array are required to be able to link each time series with it geographic area. Make sure the values used for the 1st Dimension match the select type of location IDs in the Name Table.


panel layout calculations:


column sizing calculations:


PANEL Calculated column widths is less than minimum <colSizeMin> inches - too many columns specified.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


PANEL Column width is to small to be useful, Package stopped.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


row sizing calculations:


PANEL panelLayout - The calculated width of <calculated-width> is too large for the available space of <space-width>.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


PANEL panelLayout - The calculated GrpRow Height is too small to be used.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


PANEL panelLayout - The calculated GrpRow Height is <GrpRowHeight> inches. The minimum size limit is: <minimum row height>.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


panel functions:


PANEL panelLengthen - invalid vector length. < 2

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


PANEL panelSelect - Dimension error. Program error - index 'i' or 'j' is out of bounds.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


PANEL panelSelect - Bad label region name. Must be left, right, top or bottom.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


Internal Package Messages:


DMP Error in axisMethod selection in Dot and DotSignif code.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


INB is.between.r The r range value is not a vector with length of 2. FALSE returned.

Function is.between.r — Need description **checked** *** More Information to be provided later. ***




Panel Messages:


PANEL Number of parameters overlaid = <numOverlaid.

*** More Information to be provided later. ***


Jim Pearson, StatNet Consulting, LLC, Gaithersburg, MD

[Package micromapST version 3.0.3 Index]