trans_norm {microeco} | R Documentation |
Feature abundance normalization/transformation.
Feature abundance normalization/transformation for a microtable object or data.frame object.
Public methods
Method new()
Get a transposed abundance table if the input is microtable object. In the table, rows are samples, and columns are features. This can make the further operations same with the traditional ecological methods.
trans_norm$new(dataset = NULL)
object ordata.frame
object. If it isdata.frame
object, please make sure that rows are samples, and columns are features.
data_table, stored in the object.
library(microeco) data(dataset) t1 <- trans_norm$new(dataset = dataset)
Method norm()
Normalization/transformation methods.
trans_norm$norm( method = "rarefy", sample.size = NULL, rngseed = 123, replace = TRUE, pseudocount = 1, = 10, ct.min = 1, condition = NULL, MARGIN = NULL, logbase = 2, ... )
default "rarefy"; See the following available options.
Methods for normalization:-
: classic rarefaction based on R sample function. -
: scaling with ranked subsampling method based on the SRS package provided by Lukas Beule and Petr Karlovsky (2020) <doi:10.7717/peerj.9593>. -
: Centered log-ratio normalization <ISBN:978-0-412-28060-3> <doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02224>. It is defined:clr_{ki} = \log\frac{x_{ki}}{g(x_i)}
is the abundance ofk
th feature in samplei
is the geometric mean of abundances for samplei
. A pseudocount need to be added to deal with the zero. For more information, please see the 'clr' method indecostand
function of vegan package. -
: Robust centered log-ratio normalization <doi: doi:10.1128/msystems.00016-19>. It is defined:rclr_{ki} = \log\frac{x_{ki}}{g(x_i > 0)}
is the abundance ofk
th feature in samplei
,g(x_i > 0)
is the geometric mean of abundances (> 0) for samplei
. In rclr, zero values are kept as zeroes, and not taken into account. -
: Geometric mean of pairwise ratios <doi: 10.7717/peerj.4600>. For a given samplei
, the size factors_i
is defined:s_i = \biggl( {\displaystyle\prod_{j=1}^{n} Median_{k|c_{ki}c_{kj} \ne 0} \lbrace \dfrac{c_{ki}}{c_{kj}} \rbrace} \biggr) ^{1/n}
denotes all the features, andn
denotes all the samples. For samplei
,GMPR = \frac{x_{i}}{s_i}
, wherex_i
is the feature abundances of samplei
. -
: Cumulative sum scaling normalization based on themetagenomeSeq
package <doi:10.1038/nmeth.2658>. For a given samplej
, the scaling factors_{j}^{l}
is defined:s_{j}^{l} = {\displaystyle\sum_{i|c_{ij} \leqslant q_{j}^{l}} c_{ij}}
is thel
th quantile of samplej
, that is, in samplej
there arel
features with counts smaller thanq_{j}^{l}
denotes the count (abundance) of feature i in samplej
. Forl
= 0.95m
(feature number),q_{j}^{l}
corresponds to the 95th percentile of the count distribution for samplej
. Normalized counts\tilde{c_{ij}} = (\frac{c_{ij}}{s_{j}^{l}})(N)
, whereN
is an appropriately chosen normalization constant. -
: Total sum scaling. Abundance is divided by the sequencing depth. For a given samplej
, normalized counts is defined:\tilde{c_{ij}} = \frac{c_{ij}}{\sum_{i=1}^{N_{j}} c_{ij}}
is the counts of featurei
in samplej
, andN_{j}
is the feature number of samplej
. -
: Empirical Bayes approach to normalization <10.1186/s12859-020-03552-z>. The implemented method is not tree-related. In the output, the sum of each sample is 1. -
: Trimmed mean of M-values method based on thenormLibSizes
function ofedgeR
package <doi: 10.1186/gb-2010-11-3-r25>. -
: Median ratio of gene counts relative to geometric mean per gene based on the DESeq function ofDESeq2
package <doi: 10.1186/s13059-014-0550-8>. This option can invoke thetrans_diff
class and extract the normalized data from the original result. Note that eithergroup
should be provided. The scaling factor is defined:s_{j} = Median_{i} \frac{c_{ij}}{\bigl( {\prod_{j=1}^{n} c_{ij}} \bigr) ^{1/n}}
is the counts of featurei
in samplej
, andn
is the total sample number. -
: Group-wise and sample-wise compositional bias factor <doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-5160-5>. Note that condition parameter is necesary to be passed tocondition
parameter inwrench
function of Wrench package. As the input data must be microtable object, so the input condition parameter can be a column name ofsample_table
. The scaling factor is defined:s_{j} = \frac{1}{p} \sum_{ij} W_{ij} \frac{X_{ij}}{\overline{X_{i}}}
represents the relative abundance (proportion) for featurei
in samplej
is the average proportion of featurei
across the dataset,W_{ij}
represents a weight specific to each technique, andp
is the feature number in sample. -
: Relative log expression.
Methods based on
function of vegan package:-
: divide by margin total (default MARGIN = 1, i.e. rows - samples). -
: divide by margin maximum (default MARGIN = 2, i.e. columns - features). -
: make margin sum of squares equal to one (default MARGIN = 1). -
: standardize values into range 0...1 (default MARGIN = 2). If all values are constant, they will be transformed to 0. -
: scale x to zero mean and unit variance (default MARGIN = 2). -
: scale x to presence/absence scale (0/1). -
: logarithmic transformation.
Other methods for transformation:
: Arc sine square root transformation.
default NULL; libray size for rarefaction when method = "rarefy" or "SRS". If not provided, use the minimum number across all samples. For "SRS" method, this parameter is passed to
parameter ofSRS
function of SRS package.rngseed
default 123; random seed. Available when method = "rarefy" or "SRS".
default TRUE; see
for the random sampling; Available whenmethod = "rarefy"
default 1; add pseudocount for those features with 0 abundance when
method = "clr"
default 10; the intersecting taxa number between paired sample for
method = "GMPR"
default 1; the minimum number of counts required to calculate ratios for
method = "GMPR"
default NULL; Only available when
method = "Wrench"
. This parameter is passed to thecondition
parameter ofwrench
function in Wrench package It must be a column name ofsample_table
or a vector with same length of samples.MARGIN
default NULL; 1 = samples, and 2 = features of abundance table; only available when method comes from
function of vegan package. If MARGIN is NULL, use the default value in decostand function.logbase
default 2; The logarithm base.
parameters pass to
, ormetagenomeSeq::cumNorm
when method = "CSS", oredgeR::normLibSizes
when method = "TMM" or "RLE", ortrans_diff
class when method = "DESeq2", orwrench
function of Wrench package when method = "Wrench".
new microtable object or data.frame object.
newdataset <- t1$norm(method = "clr") newdataset <- t1$norm(method = "log")
Method clone()
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
trans_norm$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `trans_norm$new`
## ------------------------------------------------
t1 <- trans_norm$new(dataset = dataset)
## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `trans_norm$norm`
## ------------------------------------------------
newdataset <- t1$norm(method = "clr")
newdataset <- t1$norm(method = "log")