pool.mids.nmi {miceadds} | R Documentation |
Pooling for Nested Multiple Imputation
Statistical inference for scalar parameters for nested multiply imputed datasets (Rubin, 2003; Harel & Schafer, 2002, 2003; Reiter & Raghanuthan, 2007; Harel, 2007).
The NMIcombine
as a synonym)
and NMIextract
functions are extensions of
pool.mids.nmi(object, method="largesample")
NMIcombine( qhat, u=NULL, se=NULL, NMI=TRUE, comp_cov=TRUE, is_list=TRUE,
pool_nmi( qhat, u=NULL, se=NULL, NMI=TRUE, comp_cov=TRUE, is_list=TRUE,
NMIextract(results, expr, fun)
## S3 method for class 'mipo.nmi'
summary(object, digits=4, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mipo.nmi'
coef(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mipo.nmi'
vcov(object, ...)
object |
Object of class |
method |
For |
qhat |
List of lists of parameter estimates. In case of an ordinary imputation it can only be a list. |
u |
Optional list of lists of covariance matrices of parameter estimates |
se |
Optional vector of standard errors. This argument overwrites
Optional logical indicating whether the |
comp_cov |
Optional logical indicating whether covariances between parameter estimates should be estimated. |
is_list |
Optional logical indicating whether |
results |
A list of objects |
expr |
An expression |
fun |
A function of one argument |
digits |
Number of digits after decimal for printing results in
... |
Further arguments to be passed. |
Object of class mipo.nmi
with following entries
qhat |
Estimated parameters in all imputed datasets |
u |
Estimated covariance matrices of parameters in all imputed datasets |
qbar |
Estimated parameter |
ubar |
Average estimated variance within imputations |
Tm |
Total variance of parameters |
df |
Degrees of freedom |
lambda |
Total fraction of missing information |
lambda_Between |
Fraction of missing information of between imputed datasets (first stage imputation) |
lambda_Within |
Fraction of missing information of within imputed datasets (second stage imputation) |
Harel, O., & Schafer, J. (2002). Two stage multiple imputation. Joint Statistical Meetings - Biometrics Section.
Harel, O., & Schafer, J. (2003). Multiple imputation in two stages. In Proceedings of Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2003 Conference.
Harel, O. (2007). Inferences on missing information under multiple imputation and two-stage multiple imputation. Statistical Methodology, 4(1), 75-89. doi:10.1016/j.stamet.2006.03.002
Reiter, J. P. and Raghunathan, T. E. (2007). The multiple adaptations of multiple imputation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102(480), 1462-1471. doi:10.1198/016214507000000932
Rubin, D. B. (2003). Nested multiple imputation of NMES via partially incompatible MCMC. Statistica Neerlandica, 57(1), 3-18. doi:10.1111/1467-9574.00217
See Also
## Not run:
# EXAMPLE 1: Nested multiple imputation and statistical inference
data(data.timss2, package="BIFIEsurvey" )
datlist <- data.timss2
# remove first four variables
M <- length(datlist)
for (ll in 1:M){
datlist[[ll]] <- datlist[[ll]][, -c(1:4) ]
# (1) nested multiple imputation using mice
imp1 <- miceadds::mice.nmi( datlist, m=3, maxit=2 )
# (2) first linear regression: ASMMAT ~ migrant + female
res1 <- with( imp1, stats::lm( ASMMAT ~ migrant + female ) ) # fit
pres1 <- miceadds::pool.mids.nmi( res1 ) # pooling
summary(pres1) # summary
# (3) second linear regression: likesc ~ migrant + books
res2 <- with( imp1, stats::lm( likesc ~ migrant + books ) )
pres2 <- miceadds::pool.mids.nmi( res2 )
# (4) some descriptive statistics using the mids.nmi object
res3 <- with( imp1, c( "M_lsc"=mean(likesc), "SD_lsc"=stats::sd(likesc) ) )
pres3 <- miceadds::NMIcombine( qhat=res3$analyses )
# (5) apply linear regression based on imputation list
# convert mids object to datlist
datlist2 <- miceadds::mids2datlist( imp1 )
str(datlist2, max.level=1)
# double application of lapply to the list of list of nested imputed datasets
res4 <- lapply( datlist2, FUN=function(dl){
lapply( dl, FUN=function(data){
stats::lm( ASMMAT ~ migrant + books, data=data )
} )
} )
# extract coefficients
qhat <- lapply( res4, FUN=function(bb){
lapply( bb, FUN=function(ww){
} )
} )
# shorter function
NMIextract( results=res4, fun=coef )
# extract covariance matrices
u <- lapply( res4, FUN=function(bb){
lapply( bb, FUN=function(ww){
} )
} )
# shorter function
NMIextract( results=res4, fun=vcov )
# apply statistical inference using the NMIcombine function
pres4 <- miceadds::NMIcombine( qhat=qhat, u=u )
#--- statistical inference if only standard errors are available
# extract standard errors
se <- lapply( res4, FUN=function(bb){
lapply( bb, FUN=function(ww){
# ww <- res4[[1]][[1]]
sww <- summary(ww)
sww$coef[,"Std. Error"]
} )
} )
# apply NMIcombine function
pres4b <- miceadds::NMIcombine( qhat=qhat, se=se )
# compare results
# EXAMPLE 2: Some comparisons for a multiply imputed dataset
# save dataset as imputation list
imp <- mitools::imputationList( data.ma02 )
# save dataset as an mids object
imp1 <- miceadds::datlist2mids( imp )
# apply linear model based on imputationList
mod <- with( imp, stats::lm( read ~ hisei + female ) )
# same linear model based on mids object
mod1 <- with( imp1, stats::lm( read ~ hisei + female ) )
# extract coefficients
cmod <- mitools::MIextract( mod, fun=coef)
# extract standard errors
semod <- lapply( mod, FUN=function(mm){
smm <- summary(mm)
smm$coef[,"Std. Error"]
} )
# extract covariance matrix
vmod <- mitools::MIextract( mod, fun=vcov)
#*** pooling with NMIcombine with se (1a) and vcov (1b) as input
pmod1a <- miceadds::NMIcombine( qhat=cmod, se=semod, NMI=FALSE )
pmod1b <- miceadds::NMIcombine( qhat=cmod, u=vmod, NMI=FALSE )
# use method 2 which should conform to MI inference of mice::pool
pmod1c <- miceadds::NMIcombine( qhat=cmod, u=vmod, NMI=FALSE, method=2)
#*** pooling with mitools::MIcombine function
pmod2 <- mitools::MIcombine( results=cmod, variances=vmod )
#*** pooling with mice::pool function
pmod3a <- mice::pool( mod1 )
pmod3b <- mice::pool( mod1, method="Rubin")
#--- compare results
summary(pmod1a) # method=1 (the default)
summary(pmod1b) # method=1 (the default)
summary(pmod1c) # method=2
## End(Not run)