mice_imputation_2l_lmer {miceadds} | R Documentation |
Imputation of a Continuous or a Binary Variable From a Two-Level Regression Model using lme4 or blme
The function mice.impute.2l.continuous
imputes values of continuous variables with a linear
mixed effects model using lme4::lmer
The lme4::lmer
function is also
used for predictive mean matching where the match is based
on predicted values which contain the fixed and (sampled)
random effects. Binary variables can be imputed
from a two-level logistic regression model
fitted with the lme4::glmer
See Snijders and Bosker (2012) and Zinn (2013) for details.
mice.impute.2l.continuous(y, ry, x, type, intercept=TRUE,
groupcenter.slope=FALSE, draw.fixed=TRUE, random.effects.shrinkage=1E-6,
glmer.warnings=TRUE, blme_use=FALSE, blme_args=NULL, ... )
mice.impute.2l.pmm(y, ry, x, type, intercept=TRUE,
groupcenter.slope=FALSE, draw.fixed=TRUE, random.effects.shrinkage=1E-6,
glmer.warnings=TRUE, donors=5, match_sampled_pars=TRUE,
blme_use=FALSE, blme_args=NULL, ... )
mice.impute.2l.binary(y, ry, x, type, intercept=TRUE,
groupcenter.slope=FALSE, draw.fixed=TRUE, random.effects.shrinkage=1E-6,
glmer.warnings=TRUE, blme_use=FALSE, blme_args=NULL, ... )
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern ( |
x |
Matrix ( |
type |
Type of predictor variable. The cluster identifier
has type |
intercept |
Optional logical indicating whether the intercept should be included. |
groupcenter.slope |
Optional logical indicating whether covariates should be centered around group means |
draw.fixed |
Optional logical indicating whether fixed effects parameter should be randomly drawn |
random.effects.shrinkage |
Shrinkage parameter for stabilizing the covariance matrix of random effects |
glmer.warnings |
Optional logical indicating whether warnings from
blme_use |
Logical indicating whether the blme package should be used. |
blme_args |
(Prior) Arguments for blme, see
donors |
Number of donors used for predictive mean matching |
match_sampled_pars |
Logical indicating whether values of nearest neighbors should also be sampled in pmm imputation. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed |
A vector of length nmis=sum(!ry)
with imputed values.
Snijders, T. A. B., & Bosker, R. J. (2012). Multilevel analysis: An introduction to basic and advanced multilevel modeling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Zinn, S. (2013). An imputation model for multilevel binary data. NEPS Working Paper No 31.
See Also
See mice.impute.ml.lmer
for imputation for datasets with more than
two levels (e.g., three-level datasets or cross-classified datasets).
Variables at a higher level (e.g. at level 2) can be imputed using 2lonly
functions, for example the
in the mice package or the general mice.impute.2lonly.function
function in the miceadds package which using an already defined imputation
method at level 1. If a level-2 variable for 3-level data should be imputed,
then mice.impute.ml.lmer
can also be used to impute this variable
with a two-level imputation model in which level 1 corresponds to the original
level-2 units and level 2 corresponds to the original level-3 units.
See mice::mice.impute.2l.norm
imputation functions in the mice package under fully conditional
specification for normally distributed variables. The function
allows for
residual variances which are allowed to vary across groups while
homogeneous residual variances.
The micemd package provides further imputation methods for the mice
package for imputing multilevel data with fully conditional specification. The
function micemd::mice.impute.2l.jomo
has similar functionality like mice::mice.impute.2l.pan
and imputes normally distributed two-level data with a Bayesian MCMC approach,
but relies on the jomo package instead of the pan package.
The functions mice::mice.impute.2l.lmer
have similar functionality like mice.impute.2l.continuous
and imputes normally distributed two-level data. The function
has similar functionality like mice.impute.2l.binary
and imputes binary two-level data.
The hmi package imputes single-level and multilevel data and is also
based on fully conditional specification. The package relies on the
MCMC estimation implemented in the MCMCglmm package. The imputation procedure
can be run with the hmi::hmi
See the pan (pan::pan
and the jomo (jomo::jomo
package for joint multilevel imputation. See
wrapper functions to these packages in the mitml
Imputation by chained equations can also be conducted in blocks of multivariate
conditional distributions since mice 3.0.0 (see the blocks
argument in mice::mice
). The
functions can be used
with mice::mice
by specifying imputation
methods "panImpute"
(see mice::mice.impute.panImpute
)) and
(see mice::mice.impute.jomoImpute
## Not run:
# EXAMPLE 1: Imputation of a binary variable
#--- simulate missing values
G <- 30 # number of groups
n <- 8 # number of persons per group
iccx <- .2 # intra-class correlation X
iccy <- .3 # latent intra-class correlation binary outcome
bx <- .4 # regression coefficient
threshy <- stats::qnorm(.70) # threshold for y
x <- rep( rnorm( G, sd=sqrt( iccx) ), each=n ) +
rnorm(G*n, sd=sqrt( 1 - iccx) )
y <- bx * x + rep( rnorm( G, sd=sqrt( iccy) ), each=n ) +
rnorm(G*n, sd=sqrt( 1 - iccy) )
y <- 1 * ( y > threshy )
dat <- data.frame( group=100+rep(1:G, each=n), x=x, y=y )
#* create some missings
dat1 <- dat
dat1[ seq( 1, G*n, 3 ),"y" ] <- NA
dat1[ dat1$group==2, "y" ] <- NA
#--- prepare imputation in mice
vars <- colnames(dat1)
V <- length(vars)
#* predictor matrix
predmat <- matrix( 0, nrow=V, ncol=V)
rownames(predmat) <- colnames(predmat) <- vars
predmat["y", ] <- c(-2,2,0)
#* imputation methods
impmeth <- rep("",V)
names(impmeth) <- vars
impmeth["y"] <- "2l.binary"
#** imputation with logistic regression ('2l.binary')
imp1 <- mice::mice( data=as.matrix(dat1), method=impmeth,
predictorMatrix=predmat, maxit=1, m=5 )
#** imputation with predictive mean matching ('2l.pmm')
impmeth["y"] <- "2l.pmm"
imp2 <- mice::mice( data=as.matrix(dat1), method=impmeth,
predictorMatrix=predmat, maxit=1, m=5 )
#** imputation with logistic regression using blme package
blme_args <- list( "cov.prior"="invwishart")
imp3 <- mice::mice( data=as.matrix(dat1), method=impmeth,
predictorMatrix=predmat, maxit=1, m=5,
blme_use=TRUE, blme_args=blme_args )
## End(Not run)