predict.snqProfitEst |
Predictions from an SNQ profit function |
predict.snqProfitImposeConvexity |
Predictions from an SNQ profit function |
print.snqProfitEst |
Print output of estimated SNQ profit function |
residuals.snqProfitEst |
Residuals of an SNQ profit function |
residuals.snqProfitImposeConvexity |
Residuals of an SNQ profit function |
snqProfitCalc |
Calculations with the SNQ Profit function |
snqProfitEla |
Price Elasticities of SNQ Profit function |
snqProfitEst |
Estimation of a SNQ Profit function |
snqProfitFixEla |
Fixed Factor Elasticities of SNQ Profit function |
snqProfitHessian |
SNQ Profit function: Hessian matrix |
snqProfitHessianDeriv |
SNQ Profit function: Derivatives of the Hessian |
snqProfitImposeConvexity |
Imposing Convexity on a SNQ Profit function |
snqProfitShadowPrices |
Shadow Prices of a SNQ Profit function |
snqProfitWeights |
SNQ Profit function: Weights of prices for normalization |