aidsBestA0 |
Find 'best' Value for alpha 0 in the AIDS |
aidsCalc |
Shares and Quantities of the Almost Ideal Demand System |
aidsConcav |
Concavity of the AIDS |
aidsConsist |
Check Consistency of the AIDS |
aidsElas |
Elasticities of the AIDS model |
aidsEst |
Estimating the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) |
aidsMono |
Monotonicity of the AIDS |
aidsPx |
Price Index for the AIDS |
aidsUtility |
Indirect Utility Function of the Almost Ideal Demand System |
aidsUtilityDeriv |
Indirect Utility Function of the Almost Ideal Demand System |
Blanciforti86 |
U.S. consumption data |
checkConsist.aidsEst |
Check Consistency of the AIDS |
coef.aidsEst |
Coefficients of an Almost Ideal Demand System |
df.residual.aidsEst |
Covariance matrix of an Almost Ideal Demand System |
elas.aidsEst |
Elasticities of the AIDS model |
fitted.aidsEst |
Fitted values of an Almost Ideal Demand System |
logLik.aidsEst |
Log-Likelihood value of an object of class aidsEst |
lrtest.aidsEst |
Likelihood Ratio test for Almost Ideal Demand Systems |
predict.aidsEst |
Shares and Quantities of the Almost Ideal Demand System |
print.aidsConcav |
Concavity of the AIDS |
print.aidsConsist |
Check Consistency of the AIDS |
print.aidsElas |
Elasticities of the AIDS model |
print.aidsEst |
Estimating the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) |
print.aidsMono |
Monotonicity of the AIDS |
print.coef.aidsEst |
Coefficients of an Almost Ideal Demand System |
print.summary.aidsElas |
Summarizing the Elasticities of an Almost Ideal Demand System |
print.summary.aidsEst |
Summarizing the Estimation of an Almost Ideal Demand System |
summary.aidsElas |
Summarizing the Elasticities of an Almost Ideal Demand System |
summary.aidsEst |
Summarizing the Estimation of an Almost Ideal Demand System |
USMeatConsump |
U.S. Meat Consumption Data |
vcov.aidsEst |
Covariance matrix of an Almost Ideal Demand System |