Microeconomic Analysis and Modelling

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Documentation for package ‘micEcon’ version 0.6-18

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appleProdFr86 Data on French Apple Producers in 1986
Bleymueller79E25.1 Artificial Prices and Quantities
checkConsist Testing Theoretical Consistency
cobbDouglasCalc Calculate dependent variable of a Cobb-Douglas function
cobbDouglasDeriv Derivatives of a Cobb-Douglas function
cobbDouglasOpt Optimal Values of Independent Variables of a Cobb-Douglas Function
coef.quadFuncEst Coefficients of a Quadratic Function
coef.translogEst Coefficients of a Translog Function
elas Calculating and returning elasticities
elas.default Calculating and returning elasticities
elas.quadFuncEst Elasticities of a Quadratic Function
elas.translogEst Elasticities of a translog Function
elasticities Calculating and returning elasticities
germanFarms Output and Inputs of Farms in West-Germany
logDataSet Creating a Data Set with the Logarithms of the Original Variables
Missong03E7.7 Meat Prices and Quantities in Germany
print.summary.translogCheckMono Monotonicity of a Translog Function
print.summary.translogEst Summarizing the Estimation of a Translog Function
print.translogCheckCurvature Curvature of a Translog Function
print.translogCheckMono Monotonicity of a Translog Function
print.translogEst Estimate a translog function
quadFuncCalc Calculate dependent variable of a quadratic function
quadFuncDeriv Derivatives of a quadratic function
quadFuncEla Elasticities of a Quadratic Function
quadFuncEst Estimate a quadratic function
residuals.translogEst Residuals of a Translog function
summary.translogCheckMono Monotonicity of a Translog Function
summary.translogEst Summarizing the Estimation of a Translog Function
translogCalc Calculate dependent variable of a translog function
translogCheckCurvature Curvature of a Translog Function
translogCheckMono Monotonicity of a Translog Function
translogCostEst Estimate a translog Cost Function
translogDeriv Derivatives of a translog function
translogEla Elasticities of a translog Function
translogEst Estimate a translog function
translogHessian Hessian matrix of a translog function
translogMonoRestr Monotonicity Restrictions of a Translog Function
translogProdFuncMargCost Marginal Costs of Translog Production Function
utility Fossil Fuel Fired Steam Electric Power Plants
vcov.quadFuncEst Coefficients of a Quadratic Function
vcov.translogEst Coefficients of a Translog Function