bodyfat {mfp} | R Documentation |
percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing
A data frame containing the estimates of the percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men.
Source: Roger W. Johnson (1996), ”Fitting Percentage of Body Fat to Simple Body Measurements”, Journal of Statistics Education. Original data are from K. Penrose, A. Nelson, and A. Fisher (1985), ”Generalized Body Composition Prediction Equation for Men Using Simple Measurement Techniques” (abstract), Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 17(2), 189.
Data were supplied by Dr. A. Garth Fisher, Human Performance Research Center, Brigham Young University, who gave permission to freely distribute the data and use them for non-commercial purposes. Note, however, that there seem to be a few errors. For instance, body densities for cases 48, 76, and 96 seem to have one digit in error in the two body fat percentage values. Also note a man (case 42) over 200 pounds in weight who is less than 3 feet tall (the height should presumably be 69.5 inches, not 29.5 inches). Percent body fat estimates are truncated to zero when negative (case 182).
This data frame contains the observations of 252 men:
- case
Case number.
- brozek
Percent body fat using Brozek's equation: 457/Density - 414.2
- siri
Percent body fat using Siri's equation: 495/Density - 450
- density
Density determined from underwater weighing (gm/cm**3).
- age
Age (years).
- weight
Weight (lbs).
- height
Height (inches).
- neck
Neck circumference (cm).
- chest
Chest circumference (cm).
- abdomen
Abdomen circumference (cm) ”at the umbilicus and level with the iliac crest”.
- hip
Hip circumference (cm).
- thigh
Thigh circumference (cm).
- knee
Knee circumference (cm).
- ankle
Ankle circumference (cm).
- biceps
Biceps (extended) circumference (cm).
- forearm
Forearm circumference (cm).
- wrist
Wrist circumference (cm) ”distal to the styloid processes”.
R.W. Johnson (1996). Fitting percentage of body fat to simple body measurements. Journal of Statistics Education [Online], 4(1).
K.W. Penrose, A.G. Nelson, A.G. Fisher (1985). Generalized body composition prediction equation for men using simple measurement techniques. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 17, 189.
P. Royston, W. Sauerbrei (2004). Improving the robustness of fractional polynomial models by preliminary covariate transformation. Submitted.
bodyfat$height[bodyfat$case==42] <- 69.5 # apparent error
bodyfat <- bodyfat[-which(bodyfat$case==39),] # cp. Royston $\amp$ Sauerbrei, 2004
mfp(siri ~ fp(age, df = 4, select = 0.1) + fp(weight, df = 4, select = 0.1)
+ fp(height, df = 4, select = 0.1), family = gaussian, data = bodyfat)