object |
an object of class mexhaz , corresponding to a survival model fitted with the mexhaz function.
formula |
a formula object, with the response on the left of the ~
operator, and the linear predictor on the right. The response must be of
the form Surv(time, event) for right censored data or
Surv(time, time2, event) for counting process style data. The linear predictor accepts a
special instruction nph() for specifying variables for which a
time-dependent effect should be modelled (if several variables are
modelled with time-dependent effects, separate these variables inside the
nph() instruction with a + sign).
In case time takes the value 0 for some observations when data
are entered in the right censored style, it is
assumed that these observations refer to events (or censoring) that occurred
on the first day of follow-up. Consequently, a value of 1/730.5 (half a
day) is substituted in order to make computations possible. However, it
should be stressed that this is just a convention and that it does not
make much sense if the time scale is not expressed in years. We therefore
advise the analyst to deal with 0 time values during the dataset preparation stage.
See update.formula for more details.
data |
a data.frame containing the variables referred to in the formula ,
as well as in the expected and random arguments if these arguments are used.
expected |
name of the variable (must be given in quotes) representing the
population (i.e., expected) hazard. By default, expected=NULL , which
means that the function estimates the overall hazard (and not the excess
base |
functional form that should be used to model the baseline
hazard. Selection can be made between the following options:
"weibull" for a Weibull hazard, "exp.bs" for a hazard
described by the exponential of a B-spline (only B-splines of degree 1,
2 or 3 are accepted), "exp.ns" for a hazard described by the
exponential of a restricted cubic B-spline (also called 'natural
spline'), "pw.cst" for a piecewise constant hazard. By default,
base=NULL .
degree |
if base="exp.bs" , degree represents the
degree of the B-spline used. Only integer values between 1 and 3 are
accepted, and 3 is the default.
knots |
if base="exp.bs" or "exp.ns" , knots is the vector of interior knots of
the spline. If base="pw.cst" , knots is the vector
defining the endpoints of the time intervals on which the hazard is
assumed to be constant. By default, knots=NULL (that is, it
produces a B-spline with no interior knots if base="exp.bs" , a
linear B-spline with no interior knots if base="exp.ns" , or a
constant hazard over the whole follow-up period if
base="pw.cst" ).
bound |
If base="exp.bs" or base="exp.ns" , computation of the
B-spline basis requires that boundary knots be given. The bound
argument allows the user to specify these boundary knots. If
base="exp.bs" , the interval defined by the boundary knots must
at least include the interval c(0,max(time)) (otherwise, there
could be problems with ill-conditioned bases). If
base="exp.ns" , the boundary knots correspond to the knots
beyond which the spline is contrained to be linear (in that case, the
boundary knots can be values contained in c(0,max(time))). By
default, the boundary knots are set to
n.gleg |
if base="exp.bs" and degree is equal to 2 or 3, or if
base="exp.ns" , the cumulative
hazard is computed via Gauss-Legendre quadrature and n.gleg is the number
of quadrature nodes to be used to compute the cumulative hazard. By
default, n.gleg=20 .
init |
vector of initial values. By default init=NULL
and the initial values are internally set to the following values:
for the baseline hazard:
if exactGradHess=TRUE (except for the excess hazard random
effect model for which this argument is ignored), the intercept is
set to 0.5*log(Number of events/Person-years of observation) and all
other parameters set to 0. In case of failed convergence, several
trials are run with an adaptation of the value of the intercept.
if exactGradHess=FALSE , the following values are used:
- if base="weibull" , the scale and shape parameters are set
to 0.1;
- if base="exp.bs" , the parameters of the B-spline are all
set to -1;
- if base="exp.ns" , the parameters of the restricted cubic B-spline are all
set to -1;
- if base="pw.cst" , the logarithm of the piecewise-constant
hazards are set to -1;
the parameters describing the effects of the covariates are all set
to 0;
the parameter representing the standard deviation of the random
effect is set to 0.1. (if exactGradHess=TRUE , several trials are run with an adaptation of the value in case of failed convergence).
random |
name of the variable to be entered as a random effect (must be given
between quotes), representing the cluster membership. By default,
random=NULL which means that the function fits a fixed effects model.
n.aghq |
number of quadrature points used for estimating the
cluster-specific marginal likelihoods by adaptive Gauss-Hermite
quadrature. By default, n.aghq=10 .
fnoptim |
name of the R optimisation procedure used to maximise the
likelihood. Selection can be made between "nlm" (by default) and "optim" . Note: if exactGradHess=TRUE , this
argument will be ignored (fnoptim will be set automatically to "nlm" ).
verbose |
integer parameter representing the frequency at which the current state
of the optimisation process is displayed. Internally, an 'evaluation' is
defined as an estimation of the log-likelihood for a given vector of
parameters. This means that the number of evaluations is increased each
time the optimisation procedure updates the value of any of the
parameters to be estimated. If verbose=n (with n an integer),
the function will display the current values of the parameters, the
log-likelihood and the time elapsed every n evaluations. If
verbose=0 , nothing is displayed.
method |
if fnoptim="optim" , method represents the optimisation
method to be used by optim . By
default, method="Nelder-Mead" . This parameter is not used if fnoptim="nlm" .
iterlim |
if fnoptim="nlm" , iterlim represents the maximum number of
iterations before the nlm optimisation
procedure is terminated. By default, iterlim is set to
10000. This parameter is not used if fnoptim="optim" (in this
case, the maximum number of iterations must be given as part of a
list of control parameters via the control argument: see the
help page of optim for further details).
numHess |
logical value allowing the user to choose between the Hessian returned
by the optimization algorithm (default) or the Hessian estimated by
the hessian function from the numDeriv package. The
latter might be more accurate but its estimation is more
time-consuming. We suggest to use the default Hessian estimation
procedure during model building and estimate the numDeriv -based
Hessian only on the final model. Note: if exactGradHess=TRUE , this argument is ignored.
print.level |
this argument is only used if fnoptim="nlm" . It determines the
level of printing during the optimisation process. The default value
(for the mexhaz function) is set to '1' which means that
details on the initial and final step of the optimisation procedure
are printed (see the help page of nlm for further details).
exactGradHess |
logical value allowing the user to decide
whether maximisation of the likelihood should be based on the
analytic gradient and Hessian computed internally (default,
corresponding to exactGradHess=TRUE ). In that case,
optimisation is performed with the nlm function. Note: even
if set to TRUE , this argument is ignored when the user wants
to fit an excess hazard model including a random effect because in
that case, there is no simple way to obtain the analytic gradient
and Hessian.
gradtol |
this argument is only used if fnoptim="nlm" . It corresponds
to the tolerance at which the scaled gradient is considered close
enough to zero to terminate the algorithm. The default value depends
on the value of the argument exactGradHess .
envir |
environment in which the objects' names given as arguments to the updated
model are to be found.
... |
represents additional parameters directly passed to nlm or
optim to control the optimisation process.