fit.gpd {mev}R Documentation

Maximum likelihood estimation for the generalized Pareto distribution


Numerical optimization of the generalized Pareto distribution for data exceeding threshold. This function returns an object of class mev_gpd, with default methods for printing and quantile-quantile plots.


  threshold = 0,
  method = "Grimshaw",
  show = FALSE,
  k = 4,
  tol = 1e-08,
  fpar = NULL,
  warnSE = FALSE



a numeric vector of data to be fitted.


the chosen threshold.


the method to be used. See Details. Can be abbreviated.


logical; if TRUE (the default), print details of the fit.


NULL for frequentist estimates, otherwise a boolean or a list with parameters passed. If TRUE, runs a Metropolis-Hastings sampler to get posterior mean estimates. Can be used to pass arguments niter, burnin and thin to the sampler as a list.


bound on the influence function (method = "obre"); the constant k is a robustness parameter (higher bounds are more efficient, low bounds are more robust). Default to 4, must be larger than 2\sqrt{2}.


numerical tolerance for OBRE weights iterations (method = "obre"). Default to 1e-8.


a named list with fixed parameters, either scale or shape


logical; if TRUE, a warning is printed if the standard errors cannot be returned from the observed information matrix when the shape is less than -0.5.


The default method is 'Grimshaw', which maximizes the profile likelihood for the ratio scale/shape. Other options include 'obre' for optimal BB-robust estimator of the parameter of Dupuis (1998), vanilla maximization of the log-likelihood using constrained optimization routine 'auglag', 1-dimensional optimization of the profile likelihood using nlm and optim. Method 'ismev' performs the two-dimensional optimization routine from the ismev library, with in addition the algebraic gradient. The approximate Bayesian methods ('zs' and 'zhang') are extracted respectively from Zhang and Stephens (2009) and Zhang (2010) and consists of a approximate posterior mean calculated via importance sampling assuming a GPD prior is placed on the parameter of the profile likelihood.


If method is neither 'zs' nor 'zhang', a list containing the following components:

Additionally, if method = "obre", a vector of OBRE weights.

Otherwise, a list containing

and in addition if MCMC is neither FALSE, nor NULL


Some of the internal functions (which are hidden from the user) allow for modelling of the parameters using covariates. This is not currently implemented within, but users can call internal functions should they wish to use these features.


Scott D. Grimshaw for the Grimshaw option. Paul J. Northrop and Claire L. Coleman for the methods optim, nlm and ismev. J. Zhang and Michael A. Stephens (2009) and Zhang (2010) for the zs and zhang approximate methods and L. Belzile for methods auglag and obre, the wrapper and MCMC samplers.

If show = TRUE, the optimal BB robust estimated weights for the largest observations are printed alongside with the pp-value of the latter, obtained from the empirical distribution of the weights. This diagnostic can be used to guide threshold selection: small weights for the rr-largest order statistics indicate that the robust fit is driven by the lower tail and that the threshold should perhaps be increased.


Davison, A.C. (1984). Modelling excesses over high thresholds, with an application, in Statistical extremes and applications, J. Tiago de Oliveira (editor), D. Reidel Publishing Co., 461–482.

Grimshaw, S.D. (1993). Computing Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the Generalized Pareto Distribution, Technometrics, 35(2), 185–191.

Northrop, P.J. and C. L. Coleman (2014). Improved threshold diagnostic plots for extreme value analyses, Extremes, 17(2), 289–303.

Zhang, J. (2010). Improving on estimation for the generalized Pareto distribution, Technometrics 52(3), 335–339.

Zhang, J. and M. A. Stephens (2009). A new and efficient estimation method for the generalized Pareto distribution. Technometrics 51(3), 316–325.

Dupuis, D.J. (1998). Exceedances over High Thresholds: A Guide to Threshold Selection, Extremes, 1(3), 251–261.

See Also

fpot and


fit.gpd(eskrain, threshold = 35, method = 'Grimshaw', show = TRUE)
fit.gpd(eskrain, threshold = 30, method = 'zs', show = TRUE)

[Package mev version 1.17 Index]