make_metsyn {metsyn}R Documentation

Creation of the 'metsyn' dataset made of Meteo France Synop data


The function make_metsyn creates the metsyn dataset from the files downloaded with download_monthly_synop. make_metsyn looks for these files in the file.path(path, "data-raw") folder.

This dataset is made of meteorological data recorded every three hours on 62 French meteorological stations.

The columns contained in this dataset are described by the metdes dataset.


make_metsyn(path = ".", save_it = FALSE)



character. Data once created are saved in the folder file.path(path, "data").


logical. If TRUE, the result is saved as an .RData file in the folder file.path(path, "data").


Returns invisibly the tibble created, with 59 columns.


This dataset is distributed by Meteo France under the terms of the Open Licence 1.0, provided by Etalab and designed to be compatible with the "Creative Commons Attribution 2.0" (CC-BY 2.0) licence of Creative Commons. Etalab is the task force under the French Prime Minister's authority leading Open Government Data policy for France.


Meteo France, see here.

See Also

download_monthly_synop; metdes for the dataset which gives some descriptive information on metsyn; metsta for the dataset on the meteorological stations involved.


## Not run: 
dir.create("data-raw", showWarnings = FALSE)
for (y in 1996:2016) {
  for (m in 1:12) {
    m <- if (m < 10) paste0(0, m) else m
    download_monthly_synop(date = paste0(y, m), 
                           mode = "wb")
make_metsyn(save_it = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

[Package metsyn version 0.1.2 Index]