densi_metrics {metrix} | R Documentation |
Density metrics
Calculates density measures
densi_metrics(dataset, store = FALSE, dec_c = ".", verbose = FALSE)
dataset |
A data.frame obtained from |
store |
A logical value indicating if the user want to store the results in a file. |
dec_c |
A character used for decimal separator on results file. |
verbose |
A logical value indicating if progress messages should be given. |
Density is a universal measure used in all types of biological studies. Density is best classified with trophic measurements because it is an element of production; however, it is difficult to interpret because it requires careful quantification and is not monotonous in response (i.e., density can decrease or increase in response to contamination) (Barbour et al., 1996).
This function returns a data.frame with all the calculated density measures:
den_chir_dip |
Diptera Chironomidae density. |
den_non_chir_dip |
Diptera no Chironomidae density. |
den_ephe |
Ephemeroptera density. |
den_molus |
Mollusca density. |
den_gastr |
Gastropoda density. |
den_biv |
Bivalvia density. |
den_crus |
Crustacea density. |
den_nais |
Naididae density. |
den_lhoff |
Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri density. |
den_bothr |
Bothrioneurum density. |
den_tubi |
Tubifex density. |
den_dero |
Dero density. |
den_prist |
Pristina density. |
den_chiro |
Chironomus density. |
den_nais |
Nais density. |
den_hele |
Heleobia density. |
den_subchiro |
Chironominae density. |
den_suborth |
Orthocladiinae density. |
den_subtany |
Tanypodinae density. |
den_t |
Total density. |
den_t_bothr |
Bothrioneurum/Total density. |
den_t_lhoff |
Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri/Total density. |
den_t_tubi |
Tubifex/Total density. |
den_t_dero |
Dero/Total density. |
den_t_prist |
Pristina/Total density. |
den_t_chiro |
Chironomus/Total density. |
den_oli |
Oligochaeta density. |
den_tricho |
Trichoptera density. |
den_ostr |
Ostracoda density. |
den_amph |
Amphipoda density. |
den_polym |
Polymitarcidae density. |
den_hyal |
Hyalella density. |
den_coch |
Cochliopidae density. |
den_chironomidae |
Chironomidae density. |
Juan Manuel Cabrera and Julieta Capeletti.
Barbour MT, Gerritsen J, Griffith GE, Frydenborg R, McCarron E, White JS & Bastian ML (1996). A Framework for Biological Criteria for Florida Streams Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates. doi: 10.2307/1467948
See Also
#Load example data
#Run densi_metrics with that example_data
#Check results