Numerical Weather Predictions

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Documentation for package ‘meteoForecast’ version 0.56

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meteoForecast-package Access to several Numerical Weather Prediction services both in raster format and as a time series for a location.
checkDays NWP forecasts for a region
getMFOption Options and Internal Variables
getPoint NWP forecasts for a location
getPointDays NWP forecasts for a location
getPointRuns NWP forecasts for a location
getRaster NWP forecasts for a region
getRasterDay NWP forecasts for a region
getRasterDays NWP forecasts for a region
grepVar Forecast Variables available in each model.
meteoForecast Access to several Numerical Weather Prediction services both in raster format and as a time series for a location.
mfExtent Options and Internal Variables
mfProj4 Options and Internal Variables
mfService Options and Internal Variables
setMFOption Options and Internal Variables