df.radua2019 {metaumbrella}R Documentation

Meta-analyses exploring the risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder.


Real dataset taken from Tortella-Feliu et al. (2019).




The dataset contains the following variables:

meta_review name of the first author of the meta-analysis.
factor name of the risk factor.
author first study author of the individual studies.
year year of publication of the individual studies.
multiple_es indicates the reason of the presence of multiple effect sizes
(due to multiple groups or outcomes) per study.
measure type of effect size.
value value of the effect size.
ci_lo lower bound of the 95% confidence interval.
ci_up upper bound of the 95% confidence interval.
n_cases number of cases.
n_controls number of controls.
n_exp number of participants in the exposed group (sum of the number of cases
and controls in the exposed group).
n_nexp number of participants in the non-exposed group (sum of the number of cases
and controls in the non-exposed group).
n_cases_exp number of cases in the exposed group.
n_controls_exp number of controls in the exposed group.
n_cases_nexp number of cases in the non-exposed group.
n_controls_nexp number of controls in the non-exposed group.
mean_cases means of participants in the experimental arm.
sd_cases standard deviation of participants in the experimental arm.
mean_controls means of participants in the control arm.
sd_controls standard deviation of participants in the control arm.
amstar AMSTAR score of the meta-analysis


Tortella-Feliu, M. and Fullana, M.A., Perez-Vigil, A., Torres, X., Chamorro, J., and Littarelli, S.A., ..., & Radua, J. (2019). Risk Factors for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 107, 154–165.

[Package metaumbrella version 1.0.11 Index]