test_metaplot {metaplot} | R Documentation |
Test Metaplot Variants
Tests metaplot variants by example. Returns null. Use example(test_metaplot)
See Also
Other generic functions:
Other metaplot:
x <- as.csv(system.file(package = 'metaplot', 'extdata/theoph.csv'))
x %<>% pack
x %>% metaplot(sres, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(sres, gg = T, padding = 3.5)
x %>% metaplot(site, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(site, gg = T, padding = 3.5)
x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, gg = T, padding = 4)
x %>% densplot(conc, arm, gg = F),
x %>% densplot(conc, arm, gg = T, padding = 8)
x %>% densplot(
conc, arm, gg = F, space = 'top',
columns = 2,
legend.direction = 'horizontal' # ignored
x %>% densplot(conc, arm, gg = T, space = 'top',
columns = 2, # ignored
legend.direction = 'horizontal' , padding = 3
x %>% metaplot(arm, conc, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(arm, conc, gg = T, padding = 3.5)
x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, site, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, site, gg = T, padding = 5)
x %>% metaplot(conc, site, arm, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, site, arm, gg = T, padding = 5)
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, gg = T, padding = 5)
x %>% metaplot(arm, site, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(arm, site, gg = T, padding = 3)
x %>% metaplot(arm, site, cohort, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(arm, site, cohort, gg = T, padding = 5)
x %>% metaplot(arm, site, cohort, gg = F, space = 'top',
columns = 2, padding = c(5,1,1,1)),
x %>% metaplot(arm, site, cohort, gg = T, space = 'top',
legend.direction = 'horizontal', padding = 2)
x %>% metaplot(arm, site, , cohort, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(arm, site, , cohort, gg = T, padding = 4)
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, subject, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, subject, gg = T, padding = 3)
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, , subject, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, , subject, gg = T, padding = 5)
multiplot( ncol = 2,
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, subject, site, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, subject, site, gg = T, padding = 4)
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, subject, site, arm, gg = F, padding = 2),
x %>% metaplot(conc, time, subject, site, arm, gg = T)
x %>% metaplot(lKe, lKa, lCl, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(lKe, lKa, lCl, gg = T, padding = 2)
x %>% metaplot(
lKe, lKa, lCl,
col = 'black',smooth.col = 'red', pin.col = 'red',
dens.col = 'blue', dens.alpha = 0.1, gg = F
x %>% metaplot(
lKe, lKa, lCl,
col = 'black',smooth.col = 'red', pin.col = 'red',
dens.col='blue',dens.alpha = 0.1, gg = T, padding = 2)
x %>% metaplot(conc, pred, ipred, time, space = 'top', gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, pred, ipred, time, space = 'top', gg = T, padding = 3)
x %>% metaplot(conc, pred, ipred, time, subject, space = 'top', gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, pred, ipred, time, subject, space = 'top', gg = T, padding = 5)
x %>% metaplot(
conc, pred, ipred, time, subject,
colors = c('black','blue','orange'),
points = c(0.9,0, 0.4),
lines = c(F,T,T),
space = 'top', gg = F
x %>% metaplot(
conc, pred, ipred, time, subject,
colors = c('black','blue','orange'),
points = c(0.9,0, 0.4),
lines = c(F,T,T),
space = 'top', gg = T, padding = 4
x %>% metaplot(conc, ipred, time, site, arm, space = 'top', gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, ipred, time, site, arm, space = 'top', gg = T)
x %>% metaplot(res, conc, yref = 0, ysmooth = T, conf = T, grid = T, loc = 1, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(res, conc, yref = 0, ysmooth = T, conf = T, grid = T, loc = 1, gg = T, padding = 3.5)
x %>% metaplot(res, conc, arm, ysmooth = T, conf = T , gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(res, conc, arm, ysmooth = T, conf = T , gg = T, padding = 3.5)
# Fill color can differ from point color but is the same for points and regions.
# 'points' controls alpha of point and point fill independently of conf.fill.
x %>% metaplot(res, conc, arm, conf = T , gg = F, yref = NULL, points = 0.3,
symbols = 21:22, colors = c('blue','black'), fill = c('green','red')
x %>% metaplot(res, conc, arm, conf = T , gg = T, yref = NULL, points = 0.3, padding = 3.5,
symbols = 21:22, colors = c('blue','black'), fill = c('green','red')
x %>% metaplot(res, conc, arm, ysmooth = T, conf = T, global = T,
ref.col = 'red', gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(res, conc, arm, ysmooth = T, conf = T, global = T,
ref.col = 'red', gg = T, padding = 3.5)
x %>% metaplot(subject,conc, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(subject,conc, gg = T, padding = 3.5)
# manage metadata
attr(x$arm, 'guide') # //1/Arm A//2/Arm B//
x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, gg = T, padding = 4)
) # default
x %>% mutate(arm = arm %>%
structure(guide = '//2/Arm B//1/Arm A//')) %>%
metaplot(conc, arm, gg = F),
x %>% mutate(arm = arm %>%
structure(guide = '//2/Arm B//1/Arm A//')) %>%
metaplot(conc, arm, gg = T, padding = 4) # different presentation order
x %>% mutate(arm = arm %>%
structure(guide = '//1/Both Arms//2/Both Arms//')) %>%
metaplot(conc, arm, gg = F),
x %>% mutate(arm = arm %>%
structure(guide = '//1/Both Arms//2/Both Arms//')) %>%
metaplot(conc, arm, gg = T, padding = 4) # collapse cases
x %>% densplot(
main = 'Density Plot',
sub = 'using lattice',
gg = F,
sres, subject,
ref.col = 'red', ref.alpha = 0.5,
ref.lty = 'dashed', ref.lwd = 2,
log = F,
aspect = NULL,
colors = c('red','blue','darkgreen'),
symbols = c(21, 22, 23),
points = 0.3,
lines = .5,
fill = 0.1,
space = 'left',
padding = c(1,2,3,4),
other = 'none'
x %>% densplot(
main = 'Density Plot',
sub = 'using ggplot',
gg = T,
sres, subject,
ref.col = 'red', ref.alpha = 0.5,
ref.lty = 'dashed', ref.lwd = 2,
log = F,
aspect = NULL,
colors = c('red','blue','darkgreen'),
symbols = c(21, 22, 23),
points = 0.3,
lines = 0.5,
fill = 0.1,
space = 'left',
padding = 1:4,
other = 'none'
x %>% filter(conc > 0) %>% metaplot(
main = 'Box Plot',
sub = 'using lattice',
gg = F,
arm, conc,
log = T,
ref = 4, ref.col = 'red',
ref.lty = 'dashed', ref.lwd = 2,
nobs = T,
padding = 1:4,
reverse = FALSE,
pch = 20,
notch = TRUE,
aspect = NA,
other = 'none'
x %>% filter(conc > 0) %>% metaplot(
main = 'Box Plot',
sub = 'using ggplot',
gg = T,
arm, conc,
log = T,
ref = 4, ref.col = 'red',
ref.lty = 'dashed', ref.lwd = 2,
nobs = T,
padding = 1:4,
reverse = FALSE,
pch = 20,
notch = TRUE,
aspect = NA,
other = 'none'
x %>% metaplot(
main = 'Categorical Plot',
sub = 'using lattice',
gg = F,
arm, site, cohort,
aspect = 'fill', space = 'top',
as.table = FALSE,
colors = c('red','blue','green'),
fill = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7),
lines = c(0.7, 0.5, 0.3),
tex = 0.8, rot = 45,
padding = 1:4, loc = 1,
cex = .5,
other = 'none'
x %>% metaplot(
main = 'Categorical Plot',
sub = 'using ggplot2',
gg = T,
arm, site, cohort,
aspect = 'fill', space = 'top',
as.table = FALSE,
colors = c('red','blue','green'),
fill = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7),
lines = c(0.7, 0.5, 0.3),
tex = 0.8, rot = 45,
padding = 1:4, loc = 1,
cex = .5,
other = 'none'
x %>% metaplot(
main = 'Correlation Splom',
sub = 'using lattice',
gg = F,
lKe, lKa, lCl,
varname.cex = 2,
col = 'purple',
smooth.col = 'orange', smooth.alpha = 0.9,
smooth.lty = 'dashed', smooth.lwd = 2,
pin.col = 'orange', pin.alpha = 0.9,
dens.col = 'purple',dens.alpha = 0.2, dens.scale = 0.1,
padding = 1:4,
other = 'none',
xlab = 'parameters'
x %>% metaplot(
main = 'Correlation Splom',
sub = 'using ggplot',
gg = T,
lKe, lKa, lCl,
varname.cex = 2,
col = 'purple',
smooth.col = 'orange', smooth.alpha = 0.9,
smooth.lty = 'dashed', smooth.lwd = 2,
pin.col = 'orange', pin.alpha = 0.9,
dens.col = 'purple',dens.alpha = 0.2, dens.scale = 0.1,
padding = 1:4,
other = 'none',
xlab = 'parameters'
x %>% metaplot(
main = 'Scatterplot',
sub = 'using lattice',
gg = F,
res, conc,
yref = 0, ysmooth = T,
smooth.lty = 'dotted', smooth.lwd = 2,
smooth.alpha = 1,
aspect = 0.8,
space = 'bottom',
colors = c('purple','darkgreen','peach'),
symbols = 21:23,
points = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7),
lines = F,
padding = 1:4,
ref.col = 'blue',
ref.lty = 'dashed', ref.lwd = 2,
ref.alpha = 0.5,
conf = .99999,
fit.lty = 'dashed', fit.lwd = 2,
fit.alpha = 0.5,
conf.alpha = 0.2,
global = T,
global.col = 'darkgreen',
grid = T, loc = 1,
other = 'none'
x %>% metaplot(
main = 'Scatterplot',
sub = 'using ggplot',
gg = T,
res, conc,
yref = 0, ysmooth = T,
smooth.lty = 'dotted', smooth.lwd = 2,
smooth.alpha = 1,
aspect = 0.8,
space = 'bottom',
colors = c('purple','darkgreen','peach'),
symbols = 21:23,
points = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7),
lines = F,
padding = 1:4,
ref.col = 'blue',
ref.lty = 'dashed', ref.lwd = 2,
ref.alpha = 0.5,
conf = .99999,
fit.lty = 'dashed', fit.lwd = 2,
fit.alpha = 0.5,
conf.alpha = 0.2,
global = T,
global.col = 'darkgreen',
grid = T, loc = 1,
other = 'none'
# vectorized reference aesthetics
x %>% metaplot(
sres, gg = F,
ref.col = c('blue','red'),
ref.lty = c('dashed','dotted')
x %>% metaplot(
sres, gg = T,
ref.col = c('blue','red'),
ref.lty = c('dashed','dotted'),
padding = 3.5
x %>% densplot(
sres, arm, gg = F,
ref.col = c('blue','red'),
ref.lty = c('dashed','dotted')
x %>% densplot(
sres, arm, gg = T,
ref.col = c('blue','red'),
ref.lty = c('dashed','dotted'),
padding = 3.5
x %>% densplot(
sres,, arm, gg = F,
ref.col = c('blue','red'),
ref.lty = c('dashed','dotted')
x %>% densplot(
sres,, arm, gg = T,
ref.col = c('blue','red'),
ref.lty = c('dashed','dotted'),
padding = 3.5
x %>% metaplot(
sres, time,, arm, gg = F,
yref = c(-4,0,4),
xref = c(5, 10, 15),
yref.col = c('blue','red'),
yref.lty = c('dashed','dotted'),
xref.col = c('green','orange')
x %>% metaplot(
sres, time,, arm, gg = T,
yref = c(-4,0,4),
xref = c(5, 10, 15),
yref.col = c('blue','red'),
yref.lty = c('dashed','dotted'),
xref.col = c('green','orange'),
padding = 3.5
# use of settings
x %>% metaplot(conc, ,subject, settings = list(ncol = 4, nrow = 3), gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, ,subject, settings = list(ncol = 4), padding = 4, gg = T)
x %>% metaplot(conc, time,, subject, settings = list(ncol = 4, nrow = 3), gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, time,, subject, settings = list(ncol = 4), padding = 4, gg = T)
x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, site, settings = list(ncol = 1, nrow = 2), gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, site, settings = list(ncol = 1), padding = 4, gg = T)
#iso aesthetics
x %>% metaplot(conc, ipred, iso = NA, gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, ipred, iso = NA, gg = T, padding = 4)
x %>% metaplot(conc, ipred, iso = list(lty = 'dashed'), gg = F),
x %>% metaplot(conc, ipred, iso = list(lty = 'dashed'), gg = T, padding = 4)
[Package metaplot version 0.8.4 Index]