meta.niceplot {metamicrobiomeR} | R Documentation |
Nice meta-analysis plots.
This function displays meta-analysis results of relative abundance as a nice combined heatmap and forest plot. More flexibility/options for plot will be added.
sumtype = "taxa",
level = "main",
phyla.col = "rainbow", = c("actinobacteria", "bacteroidetes", "cyanobacteria", "firmicutes",
"fusobacteria", "proteobacteria", "verrucomicrobia", ".thermi."), = c("#dd1c77", "#31a354", "#91003f", "#d95f0e", "#636363", "#2ef0e7",
"#862ef0", "#000"),
est.break = c(-Inf, -1, -0.5, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, Inf),
est.break.label = c("<-1", "[-1,-0.5)", "[-0.5,-0.1)", "[-0.1,0)", "[0,0.1)",
"[0.1,0.5)", "[0.5,1)", ">=1"),
neg.palette = "PuBu",
pos.palette = "YlOrRd",
p.sig.heat = "no",
p.break = c(0, 1e-04, 0.05, 1),
p.break.label = c("**", "*", ""),
p.pool.break = c(0, 0.05, 1),
p.pool.break.label = c("[0,0.05)", "[0.05,1]"),
padjust.pool.break = c(0, 0.1, 1),
padjust.pool.break.label = c("[0,0.1)", "[0.1,1]"),
forest.est.shape = c("17", "16"),
forest.est.col = c("red", "black"),
forest.col = "by.pvalue",
leg.key.size = 1,
leg.text.size = 8,
heat.text.x.size = 8,
heat.text.x.angle = 0,
forest.axis.text.y = 8,
forest.axis.text.x = 8,
heat.forest.width.ratio = c(1, 1),
point.ratio = c(3, 1),
line.ratio = c(2, 1)
metadat |
output data from |
sumtype |
Either "taxa" for taxa and "path" for pathway. |
level |
"main" for main level such as phylum or "sub" for higher level such as species. Default is "main". |
p |
name of variable for p-values |
p.adjust |
name of variable for multiple testing adjusted p-values |
phyla.col |
type of color for main level (phylum). Options are "rainbow" (default) or "select". | |
selected phyla for selected colors (only when phyla.col="select"). Default are c("actinobacteria","bacteroidetes","cyanobacteria","firmicutes","fusobacteria","proteobacteria","verrucomicrobia",".thermi."). | |
selected colors for selected phyla (only when phyla.col="select"). Corresponding default are c("#dd1c77","#31a354","#91003f","#d95f0e","#636363","#2ef0e7","#862ef0","#000"). |
est.break |
breaks for estimates to generate color categories on heatmap. Default are c(-Inf, -1,-0.5,-0.1,0,0.1,0.5,1, Inf). For pathway, recommended breaks are c(-Inf, -0.5,-0.1,-0.05,0,0.05,0.1,0.5, Inf). |
est.break.label |
labels for corresponding color categories on heatmap generated by est.break. Default corresponding to default est.break are c("<-1","[-1,-0.5)","[-0.5,-0.1)","[-0.1,0)", "[0,0.1)", "[01,0.5)", "[0.5,1)", ">=1"). For pathway, corresponding recommended labels are c("<-0.5)", "[-0.5,-0.1)","[-0.1,-0.05)","[-0.05,0)","[0,0.05)","[0.05,0.1)", "[0.1,0.5)", ">=0.5"). |
neg.palette |
color palette for negative estimate values. Default is "PuBu". Use display.brewer.all() of RColorBrewer package for other options. |
pos.palette |
color palette for positive estimate values. Default is "YlOrRd". Use display.brewer.all() of RColorBrewer package for other options. |
p.sig.heat |
whether or not show significant p values on heatmap. Default is "yes". |
p.break |
breaks for significant levels of p values. Default is c(0, 0.0001,0.05, 1). |
p.break.label |
labels to be showed on heatmap for different levels of p-values from p.break. Default is c("**", "*","") for p breaks at c(0, 0.0001,0.05, 1). |
p.pool.break |
breaks for pooled p-values to be distinguished in forest plot. Default are c(0,0.05,1). |
p.pool.break.label |
labels for pooled p-value breaks. Corresponding default are c("[0,0.05)","[0.05,1]"). |
padjust.pool.break |
breaks for multiple testing adjusted p-values to be distinguished in forest plot. Default are c(0,0.1,1). |
padjust.pool.break.label |
labels for multiple testing adjusted p-value breaks. Corresponding default are c("[0,0.1)","[0.1,1]"). |
forest.est.shape |
point shape of pooled estimates in forest plot. Default are c("17","16") for corresponding significant and non-significant pooled estimates. |
forest.est.col |
colors of point (pooled estimates) and 95 CI bars in forest plot. Default are c("red", "black") for significant and non-significant estimates. |
forest.col |
Color of forest plot (point estimates and 95 CI). Options are "by.pvalue" (distinguished by signficant vs. non-significant p-value) or "by.estimate" (color scaled similarly to heatmap color). |
leg.key.size |
legdend key size for heatmap. |
leg.text.size |
legend text size for heatmap. |
heat.text.x.size |
heatmap x label text size. |
heat.text.x.angle |
heatmap x label text angle. |
forest.axis.text.y |
forest plot y label text size. |
forest.axis.text.x |
forest plot x label text size. |
heat.forest.width.ratio |
ratio of width between heatmap and forest plot to be used in grid.arrange. Dedault is c(1,1). |
point.ratio |
ratio of point size between significant pooled estimate and non-significant pooled estimate. Default is c(3,1). |
line.ratio |
ratio of error bar line size between significant pooled estimate and non-significant pooled estimate. Default is=c(2,1). |
combined heatmap forest plot.
# load saved GAMLSS-BEZI results of four studies
# for the comparison of bacterial taxa relative abundance
# between genders adjusted for breastfeeding and
# infant age at sample collection
#select only taxonomies of a small phylum for meta-analysis example
# (to save running time)
# meta-analysis<-meta.taxa(taxcomdat=tabsex4[tabsex4$id %in% tlm,],
summary.measure="RR", pool.var="id", studylab="study", backtransform=FALSE,
percent.meta=0.5, p.adjust.method="fdr")
#show results by table and plot
#table$random,[tabsex4$id %in% tlm,],
tax.lev="l2",showvar="genderMale",p.cutoff.type="p", p.cutoff=1,display="table")
metadat<$random,[tabsex4$id %in% tlm,],
tax.lev="l2", showvar="genderMale",p.cutoff.type="p", p.cutoff=1,display="data")
p="p",p.adjust="p.adjust", phyla.col="rainbow", p.sig.heat="yes",
heat.forest.width.ratio =c(1.5,1), leg.key.size=0.8, leg.text.size=10,
heat.text.x.size=10, heat.text.x.angle=0, forest.axis.text.y=8,
forest.axis.text.x=10, point.ratio = c(4,2),line.ratio = c(2,1))