Metapopulation Simulations for Conserving Salmon Through Portfolio Optimization

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Documentation for package ‘metafolio’ version 0.1.2

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metafolio-package metafolio: An R package to simulate metapopulations for portfolio optimization
add_dens_polygon Add a kernel density polygon
annotate Add annotations to panel
count_quasi_exts Take 'meta_sim' output objects and count quasi extinctions
create_asset_weights Create an asset weights matrix
custom_bw Custom bandwidth
CVaR Conditional Value at Risk
est_beta_params Get beta parameters from mean and variance
fastlm Super fast linear regression
fit_ricker Fit Ricker linear regression
generate_env_ts Create an environmental time series.
generate_straying_matrix Generate a matrix of straying proportions within a metapopulation
get_conserv_plans_mv Run simulation for conservation schemes
get_efficient_frontier Get the efficient frontier from mean and variance values
get_port_vals Get portfolio mean and variance values
get_quantile_contour Get quantile contour
gg_color_hue ggplot2-like colour scale in HCL space
impl_error Add implementation error
is_element Check if x is an element of y.
metafolio metafolio: An R package to simulate metapopulations for portfolio optimization
metasim_base Base-level metapopulation simulation function
meta_sim Run a single metapopulation simulation.
monte_carlo_portfolios Monte Carlo asset weights into portfolios
my.axis Add a pretty axis
optim_thermal Optimize to find optimal max productivity Ricker a
plot_cons_plans Plot conservation plans in mean-variance space
plot_correlation_between_returns Plot correlation of returns (i.e. metapopulation abundance) across stocks.
plot_efficient_portfolios Basic plot of efficient portfolio and asset contributions
plot_panel_lines Standard matrix plot of values by stream for one panel:
plot_rickers Plot sample Ricker curves for each stock
plot_sim_ts Plot various time series from a simulation run
plot_sp_A_ts Plot sample time series from a portfolio simulation
ricker A simple Ricker model
ricker_escapement Assign a salmon escapement target based on a Ricker curve
ricker_v_t Ricker stock-recruit function with specified error
run_cons_plans Run conservation plans and return the portfolio mean and variance values
thermal_area Return desired squared deviation between desired area and actual area under a curve
thermal_curve_a Create thermal tolerance curves.
thermal_integration Integrate thermal tolerance curves to get maximum Ricker a values
VaR Value at Risk