dat.collins1985b {metadat} | R Documentation |
Studies on the Effects of Diuretics in Pregnancy
Results from 9 studies examining the effects of diuretics in pregnancy on various outcomes.
The data frame contains the following columns:
id | numeric | study number |
author | character | study author(s) |
year | numeric | publication year |
pre.nti | numeric | number of women in treatment group followed up for pre-eclampsia outcome |
pre.nci | numeric | number of women in control/placebo group followed up for pre-eclampsia outcome |
pre.xti | numeric | number of women in treatment group with any form of pre-eclampsia |
pre.xci | numeric | number of women in control/placebo group with any form of pre-eclampsia |
oedema | numeric | dummy variable indicating whether oedema was a diagnostic criterion |
fup.nti | numeric | number of women in treatment group followed up for mortality outcomes |
fup.nci | numeric | number of women in control/placebo group followed up for mortality outcomes |
ped.xti | numeric | number of perinatal deaths in treatment group |
ped.xci | numeric | number of perinatal deaths in control/placebo group |
stb.xti | numeric | number of stillbirths in treatment group |
stb.xci | numeric | number of stillbirths in control/placebo group |
ned.xti | numeric | number of neonatal deaths in treatment group |
ned.xci | numeric | number of neonatal deaths in control/placebo group |
The 9 studies in this dataset examined the effects of diuretics in pregnancy on various outcomes, including the presence of any form of pre-eclampsia, perinatal death, stillbirth, and neonatal death.
medicine, obstetrics, odds ratios, Peto's method
Wolfgang Viechtbauer, wvb@metafor-project.org, https://www.metafor-project.org
Collins, R., Yusuf, S., & Peto, R. (1985). Overview of randomised trials of diuretics in pregnancy. British Medical Journal, 290(6461), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.290.6461.17
### copy data into 'dat' and examine data
dat <- dat.collins1985b
## Not run:
### load metafor package
### calculate (log) odds ratio and sampling variance
dat <- escalc(measure="OR", n1i=pre.nti, n2i=pre.nci, ai=pre.xti, ci=pre.xci, data=dat)
summary(dat, digits=2, transf=exp)
### meta-analysis using Peto's method for any form of pre-eclampsia
rma.peto(n1i=pre.nti, n2i=pre.nci, ai=pre.xti, ci=pre.xci, data=dat, digits=2)
### meta-analysis including only studies where oedema was not a diagnostic criterion
rma.peto(n1i=pre.nti, n2i=pre.nci, ai=pre.xti, ci=pre.xci, data=dat, digits=2, subset=(oedema==0))
### meta-analyses of mortality outcomes (perinatal deaths, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths)
rma.peto(n1i=fup.nti, n2i=fup.nci, ai=ped.xti, ci=ped.xci, data=dat, digits=2)
rma.peto(n1i=fup.nti, n2i=fup.nci, ai=stb.xti, ci=stb.xci, data=dat, digits=2)
rma.peto(n1i=fup.nti, n2i=fup.nci, ai=ned.xti, ci=ned.xci, data=dat, digits=2)
## End(Not run)
[Package metadat version 1.2-0 Index]