Visualize 'Confounder' Control in Meta-Analyses

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Documentation for package ‘metaconfoundr’ version 0.1.2

Help Pages

count_non_confounders Count and plot non-confounders
facet_constructs Facet by constructs
geom_cochrane Add Cochrane-style symbols to heatmaps and traffic light plots
ipi IPI data
ipi_data IPI data
ipi_metaanalysis IPI data
ipi_wide IPI data
label_robins Label values using ROBINS approach
launch_metaconfoundr_app Launch metaconfoundr Shiny app
mc_detect_layout Tidy metaconfoundr data layouts
mc_heatmap Plot a heatmap or traffic light plot of 'metaconfoundr()' summaries
mc_longer Tidy metaconfoundr data layouts
mc_study_values Tidy metaconfoundr data layouts
mc_trafficlight Plot a heatmap or traffic light plot of 'metaconfoundr()' summaries
mc_wider Tidy metaconfoundr data layouts
metaconfoundr Prepare a meta-analysis data set for metaconfoundr
metaconfoundr() Prepare a meta-analysis data set for metaconfoundr
plot_non_confounders Count and plot non-confounders
scale_color_cochrane Add Cochrane-style palettes to ggplots
scale_fill_cochrane Add Cochrane-style palettes to ggplots
scale_shape_cochrane Add Cochrane-style palettes to ggplots
score_control Add a score of confounding control
summarize_control_quality Summarize the control quality of studies
theme_mc A minimal theme for metaconfoundr plots