Tools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological Fields

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Documentation for package ‘metR’ version 0.15.0

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A B C D E F G I J L M P R S T V W misc

metR-package metR: Tools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological Fields

-- A --

Adiabat Thermodynamics
AnchorBreaks Functions for making breaks
Angle Magnitude and angle of a vector
Anomaly Anomalies
as.discretised_scale Create discretised versions of continuous scales
as.path Interpolates between locations
AssignSeason Assign seasons to months

-- B --

BuildWave Fourier transform functions

-- C --

ClausiusClapeyron Thermodynamics
ConvertLongitude Converts between longitude conventions
coriolis Effects of the Earth's rotation
coriolis.dy Effects of the Earth's rotation
cross Cross pattern
cut.eof Remove some principal components.

-- D --

denormalise Denormalise eof matrices
denormalize Denormalise eof matrices
Derivate Derivate a discrete variable using finite differences
Detrend Fast estimates of linear regression
DewPoint Thermodynamics
discretised_scale Create discretised versions of continuous scales
Divergence Derivate a discrete variable using finite differences
dlat Transform between spherical coordinates and physical coordinates
dlon Transform between spherical coordinates and physical coordinates
dx Transform between spherical coordinates and physical coordinates
dy Transform between spherical coordinates and physical coordinates

-- E --

EOF Empirical Orthogonal Function
EPflux Computes Eliassen-Palm fluxes.

-- F --

f Effects of the Earth's rotation
f.dy Effects of the Earth's rotation
FilterWave Fourier transform functions
FitLm Fast estimates of linear regression
FitWave Fourier transform functions

-- G --

GeomArrow Arrows
GeomContour2 2d contours of a 3d surface
GeomContourTanaka Illuminated contours
GeomLabelContour Label contours
GeomRelief Relief Shading
GeomShadow Relief Shading
GeomStreamline Streamlines
GeomTextContour Label contours
geom_arrow Arrows
geom_contour2 2d contours of a 3d surface
geom_contour_fill Filled 2d contours of a 3d surface
geom_contour_tanaka Illuminated contours
geom_label_contour Label contours
geom_relief Relief Shading
geom_shadow Relief Shading
geom_streamline Streamlines
geom_text_contour Label contours
geom_vector Arrows
geopotential Geopotential height
GeostrophicWind Calculate geostrophic winds
GetSMNData Get Meteorological data
GetTopography Get topographic data
GlanceNetCDF Read NetCDF files.
guide_vector Reference arrow for magnitude scales

-- I --

IdealGas Thermodynamics
Impute2D Impute missing values by linear or constant interpolation
ImputeEOF Impute missing values
Interpolate Bilinear interpolation
is.cross Cross pattern
is.full_season Assign seasons to months

-- J --

JumpBy Skip observations

-- L --

Laplacian Derivate a discrete variable using finite differences
LatLabel Label longitude and latitude
logic Extended logical operators
LonLabel Label longitude and latitude

-- M --

Mag Magnitude and angle of a vector
MakeBreaks Functions for making breaks
map_labels Label longitude and latitude
MaskLand Mask
metR metR: Tools for Easier Analysis of Meteorological Fields
MixingRatio Thermodynamics

-- P --

Percentile Percentiles

-- R --

ReadNetCDF Read NetCDF files.
RepeatCircular Wrap periodic data to any range
ResidLm Fast estimates of linear regression
reverselog_trans Reverse log transform

-- S --

sa_height Standard atmosphere
sa_height_axis Standard atmosphere
sa_height_breaks Standard atmosphere
sa_height_trans Standard atmosphere
sa_pressure Standard atmosphere
sa_pressure_axis Standard atmosphere
sa_pressure_trans Standard atmosphere
sa_temperature Standard atmosphere
ScaleDiscretised Create discretised versions of continuous scales
scale_color_divergent Divergent colour scales
scale_colour_divergent Divergent colour scales
scale_divergent Divergent colour scales
scale_fill_discretised Create discretised versions of continuous scales
scale_fill_divergent Divergent colour scales
scale_fill_divergent_discretised Create discretised versions of continuous scales
scale_label_alpha_continuous Scales for contour label aesthetics
scale_label_colour_continuous Scales for contour label aesthetics
scale_label_size_continuous Scales for contour label aesthetics
scale_latitude Helpful scales for maps
scale_longitude Helpful scales for maps
scale_mag Scale for vector magnitudes
scale_mag_continuous Scale for vector magnitudes
scale_x_latitude Helpful scales for maps
scale_x_level Helpful scales for maps
scale_x_longitude Helpful scales for maps
scale_y_latitude Helpful scales for maps
scale_y_level Helpful scales for maps
scale_y_longitude Helpful scales for maps
season Assign seasons to months
seasonally Assign seasons to months
Similar Extended logical operators
Smooth2D Smooths a 2D field
smooth_dct Smooths a 2D field
smooth_svd Smooths a 2D field
spherical Transform between spherical coordinates and physical coordinates
standard_atmosphere Standard atmosphere
StatArrow Arrows
StatContour2 2d contours of a 3d surface
StatContourFill Filled 2d contours of a 3d surface
StatNa Filter only NA values.
StatStreamline Streamlines
StatSubset Subset values
StatTextContour Label contours
stat_contour2 2d contours of a 3d surface
stat_contour_fill Filled 2d contours of a 3d surface
stat_na Filter only NA values.
stat_streamline Streamlines
stat_subset Subset values
surface Surface height

-- T --

temperature Air temperature
thermodynamics Thermodynamics
Trajectory Compute trajectories

-- V --

VirtualTemperature Thermodynamics
Vorticity Derivate a discrete variable using finite differences

-- W --

WaveEnvelope Fourier transform functions
WaveFlux Calculate wave-activity flux
waves Fourier transform functions
WrapCircular Wrap periodic data to any range

-- misc --

%~% Extended logical operators