spmeshed {meshed}R Documentation

Posterior sampling for models based on MGPs


Fits Bayesian multivariate spatial or spatiotemporal regression models with latent MGPs via Markov chain Monte Carlo.


spmeshed(y, x, coords, k=NULL,
       family = "gaussian",
       axis_partition = NULL, 
       block_size = 30,
       grid_size = NULL,
       grid_custom = NULL,
       n_samples = 1000,
       n_burnin = 100,
       n_thin = 1,
       n_threads = 4,
       verbose = 0,
       predict_everywhere = FALSE,
       settings = list(adapting=TRUE, forced_grid=NULL, 
                          cache=NULL, ps=TRUE, saving=TRUE, low_mem=FALSE, hmc=4),
       prior = list(beta=NULL, tausq=NULL, sigmasq = NULL,
                          phi=NULL, a=NULL, nu = NULL,
                          toplim = NULL, btmlim = NULL, set_unif_bounds=NULL),
       starting = list(beta=NULL, tausq=NULL, theta=NULL, lambda=NULL, v=NULL, 
                       a=NULL, nu = NULL,
       debug = list(sample_beta=TRUE, sample_tausq=TRUE, 
                    sample_theta=TRUE, sample_w=TRUE, sample_lambda=TRUE,
                    verbose=FALSE, debug=FALSE),



matrix of multivariate outcomes with nn rows and qq columns. Each row of y corresponds to a row of coords. NA values are accepted in any combination and will be predicted via MCMC.


matrix of covariates with nn rows and pp columns.


matrix of coordinates with nn rows and d=2d=2 or d=3d=3 columns for spatial or spacetime regression, respectively.


integer kqk\leq q, number of latent processes to use for the linear model of coregionalization. If unspecified, this is set to qq=ncol(y).


a vector with length 11 or qq whose elements corresponds to the data types of columns of y. Available choices are gaussian, poisson, binomial, beta for outcomes that are continuous, count, binary, or (0,1)(0,1) proportions.


integer vector of size dd: number of intervals each coordinate axis is split into


integer approximate size of the blocks after domain partitioning. Only used if axis_partition is not specified.


integer vector of size dd: number of 'knots' of the reference grid along each axis. This grid is then partitioned using either axis_partition or block_size. If unspecified, this is set so that the eventual grid size is close to nn. This parameter is ignored if settings$forced_grid=FALSE in which case the data are assumed to be on a grid.


list with elements grid and axis_interval_partition. grid is a data.frame with the user supplied grid of knots. It is possible to include covariate values for the grid locations as additional columns, as long as their number matches ncol(x) - this is useful to make raster images of predictions. axis_interval_partition is the user supplied set of cuts for each coordinate axis (Note: these are the actual cutpoints along the axes, not the number of cuts). If left empty, axis_partition will be used to partition the custom grid. No checks are made on the validity of this grid. This parameter is ignored if settings$forced_grid=FALSE in which case the data are assumed to be on a grid.


integer number of MCMC samples at which all the unknowns are stored (including the latent effects).


integer number of MCMC samples to discard at the beginning of the chain.


integer thinning parameter for the MCMC chain. Only the chain of latent effects (ww) is thinned to save memory in big data problems. Chains for other unknowns are not thinned and thus will be of length n_thin * n_samples.


integer number of OpenMP threads. This is ineffective if meshed was not compiled with OpenMP support.


integer. If verbose<=20, then this is the number of times a message is displayed during MCMC. If verbose>20, then this is the number of MCMC iterations to wait until the next message update. If verbose=Inf, then a message will be printed at each MCMC iteration.


bool used if settings$forced_grid=T. Should predictions be made at the reference grid locations? If not, predictions will be made only at the supplied NA values of Y.


list: settings$adapting turns the adaptation of MCMC on/off, settings$forced_grid determines whether or not to use the data grid or a forced grid; if unspecified, the function will try to see what the data look like. Note: if forced_grid=FALSE and nn is very large and coordscoords are irregularly spaced, then expect slowdowns in preprocessing and consider using forced_grid=TRUE instead. settings$saving will save model data if set to TRUE. settings$low_mem will only save beta_mcmc, lambda_mcmc, v_mcmc, tausq_mcmc (and not w_mcmc and lp_mcmc, which can be recovered from the others), thereby using less memory. All fitted predictions remain available in yhat_mcmc for convenience. settings$ps (default TRUE) determines whether to use the PS parametrization (Peruzzi et al 2021). settings$hmc, used if any outcome is not Gaussian, (1: MALA, 2: NUTS, 3: RM-MALA, 4: Simplified manifold preconditioning (default))


list: setup for priors of unknown parameters. prior$phi needs to be specified as the support of the Uniform prior for ϕ\phi. There is currently limited functionality here and some inputs are currently ignored. Defaults are: a vague Gaussian for β\beta, τi2IG(2,1)\tau^2_i \sim IG(2,1), θjIG(2,2)\theta_j \sim IG(2,2), all subject to change.


list: setup for starting values of unknown parameters. starting$mcmcsd is the initial standard deviation of proposals. starting$mcmc_startfrom is input to the adaptive MCMC and can be used to manually restart MCMC. There is currently limited functionality here and some parameters may be ignored.


list: setup for debugging things. Some parts of MCMC can be turned off here.


bool defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, this computes an independent partition model.


This function targets the following model:

y(s)=x(s)β+Λv(s)+ϵ(s), y(s) = x(s)^\top \beta + \Lambda v(s) + \epsilon(s),

where y(s)y(s) is a qq-dimensional vector of outcomes at spatial location ss, x(s)x(s) is a pp-dimensional vector of covariates with static coefficients β\beta, Λ\Lambda is a matrix of factor loadings of size (q,k)(q, k), v(s)v(s) is a kk-dimensional vector which collects the realization of independent Gaussian processes vjspmeshed(0,Cj)v_j \sim spmeshed(0, C_j) for j=1,,kj=1, \dots, k and where Cj(s,s)C_j(s, s') is a correlation function. ss is a coordinate in space (d=2d=2) or space plus time (d=3d=3). The Meshed GP implemented here associates an axis-parallel tessellation of the domain to a cubic directed acyclic graph (mesh).



data.frame including the original nn coordinates plus the ngn_g knot coordinates if the model was run on a forced grid. The additional column forced_grid has value 1 if the corresponding coordinate is a knot in the forced grid. See examples.


Available if settings$saving==TRUE. Needed for making predictions using predict() after MCMC. Note: NA values of the output are automatically and more efficiently predicted when running spmeshed.


list of length n_samples whose elements are matrices with n+ngn + n_g rows and qq columns. Each matrix in the list is a posterior predictive sample of the latent spatial process. ng=0n_g = 0 if the data grid is being used. Given the possibly large nn, only the thinned chain is output for yy.


list of length n_samples whose elements are matrices with n+ngn + n_g rows and kk columns. Each matrix in the list is a posterior sample of the kk latent spatial process. ng=0n_g = 0 if the data grid is being used. Given the possibly large nn, only the thinned chain is output for vv.


list of length n_samples whose elements are matrices with n+ngn + n_g rows and qq columns. Each matrix in the list is a posterior sample of w=Λvw = \Lambda v. ng=0n_g = 0 if the data grid is being used. Given the possibly large nn, only the thinned chain is output for ww.


list of length n_samples whose elements are matrices with n+ngn + n_g rows and qq columns. Each matrix in the list is a posterior sample of the linear predictor Xβ+ΛvX\beta + \Lambda v. ng=0n_g = 0 if the data grid is being used. Given the possibly large nn, only the thinned chain is output for ww.


array of size (p, q, n_thin*n_samples) with the posterior sample for the static regression coefficients β\beta. The jjth column of each matrix (pp rows and qq columns) corresponds to the pp linear effects on the jjth outcome. The full chain minus burn-in is returned NOT thinned since p and q are relatively small.


matrix of size (q, n_thin*n_samples). Each row corresponds to the full MCMC chain for the nugget τj2\tau^2_j of the jjth outcome in the coregionalization/factor model. The full chain minus burn-in is returned NOT thinned since q is relatively small.


array of size (h, k, n_thin*n_samples) with the posterior sample for the correlation function parameters θ\theta. h is 2 for spatial data (corresponding to the spatial decay of the exponential covariance (ϕi,i=1,,k\phi_i, i=1, \dots, k), and the variance σi2,i=1,,k\sigma^2_i, i=1, \dots, k), 4 for spacetime data (corresponding to temporal decay, spatial decay, and separability – these are referred to as aia_i, ϕi\phi_i, and βi,i=1,,k\beta_i, i=1, \dots, k, in Gneiting (2002), see doi:10.1198/016214502760047113, plus the variance σ2,i=1,,k\sigma^2, i=1, \dots, k). The full chain minus burn-in is returned NOT thinned since h and k are relatively small. If settings$ps=TRUE, the MCMC output for σi2\sigma^2_i (last row of theta_mcmc) should be discarded and Λ\Lambda used instead.


array of size (q, k, n_thin*n_samples). Each matrix (of size (q,k)(q,k)) is a posterior sample for Λ\Lambda in the coregionalization/factor model. In univariate models, this is usually called σ\sigma. The full chain minus burn-in is returned NOT thinned since q and k are relatively small.


Cholesky factorization of the proposal covariance for adaptive MCMC, after adaptation.


Total number of MCMC iterations performed.


Time in seconds taken for MCMC (not including preprocessing).


Michele Peruzzi michele.peruzzi@duke.edu


Peruzzi, M., Banerjee, S., and Finley, A.O. (2022) Highly Scalable Bayesian Geostatistical Modeling via Meshed Gaussian Processes on Partitioned Domains. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117(538):969-982. doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1833889

Peruzzi, M., Banerjee, S., Dunson, D.B., and Finley, A.O. (2021) Grid-Parametrize-Split (GriPS) for Improved Scalable Inference in Spatial Big Data Analysis. https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.03579

Peruzzi, M. and Dunson, D.B. (2022) Spatial meshing for general Bayesian multivariate models. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.10080


# toy example with tiny dataset and short MCMC
# on a univariate outcome


SS <- 12
n <- SS^2 # total n. locations, including missing ones

coords <- expand.grid(xx <- seq(0,1,length.out=SS), xx) %>% 

# generate data
sigmasq <- 2.3
phi <- 6
tausq <- .1
B <- c(-1,.5,1)

CC <- sigmasq * exp(-phi * as.matrix(dist(coords)))
LC <- t(chol(CC))
w <- LC %*% rnorm(n)
p <- length(B)
X <- rnorm(n * p) %>% matrix(ncol=p)
y_full <- X %*% B + w + tausq^.5 * rnorm(n)

set_missing <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.1)

simdata <- data.frame(coords,
                      y_full = y_full,
                      w_latent = w) %>%
  mutate(y_observed = ifelse(set_missing==1, NA, y_full))

# MCMC setup
mcmc_keep <- 500
mcmc_burn <- 100
mcmc_thin <- 2

y <- simdata$y_observed
ybar <- mean(y, na.rm=TRUE)

meshout <- spmeshed(y-ybar, X, coords,
                    n_samples = mcmc_keep, 
                    n_burn = mcmc_burn, 
                    n_thin = mcmc_thin, 
                    verbose = 0,
                    n_threads = 1)

# posterior means
best_post_mean <- meshout$beta_mcmc %>% apply(1:2, mean)
# process means
wmesh <- data.frame(w_mgp = meshout$w_mcmc %>% summary_list_mean())
# predictions
ymesh <- data.frame(y_mgp = meshout$yhat_mcmc %>% summary_list_mean())

outdf <- 
  meshout$coordsdata %>% 
  cbind(ymesh, wmesh) 

# plot predictions
pred_plot <- outdf %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Var1, Var2, color=y_mgp)) +
  geom_point() +

# plot latent process
latent_plot <- outdf %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Var1, Var2, color=w_mgp)) +
  geom_point() + 

# estimation of regression coefficients
abline(v=B[1], col="red")

[Package meshed version 0.2.3 Index]