averageObs |
Find the average observation for a merMod object |
bglmerModList |
Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames |
blmerModList |
Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames |
collapseFrame |
Collapse a dataframe to a single average row |
draw |
Draw a single observation out of an object matching some criteria |
draw.merMod |
Draw a single observation out of an object matching some criteria |
expectedRank |
Calculate the expected rank of random coefficients that account for uncertainty. |
famlink |
Find link function family |
fastdisp |
fastdisp: faster display of model summaries |
fastdisp.merMod |
fastdisp: faster display of model summaries |
fastdisp.merModList |
fastdisp: faster display of model summaries |
FEsim |
Simulate fixed effects from merMod 'FEsim' simulates fixed effects from merMod object posterior distributions |
fetch.merMod.msgs |
Extract all warning msgs from a merMod object |
findFormFuns |
'findFormFuns' used by averageObs to calculate proper averages |
fixef.merModList |
Extract fixed-effects estimates for a merModList |
glmerModList |
Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames |
hasWeights |
Identify if a merMod has weights |
hsb |
A subset of data from the 1982 High School and Beyond survey used as examples for HLM software |
Calculate the intraclass correlation using mixed effect models |
lmerModList |
Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames |
modelFixedEff |
Extract averaged fixed effect parameters across a list of merMod objects |
modelInfo |
Extract model information from a merMod |
modelRandEffStats |
Extract data.frame of random effect statistics from merMod List |
plotFEsim |
Plot the results of a simulation of the fixed effects |
plotREsim |
Plot the results of a simulation of the random effects |
plot_sim_error_chks |
Extract all warning msgs from a merMod object |
predictInterval |
Predict from merMod objects with a prediction interval |
print.merModList |
Summarize a merMod list |
print.summary.merModList |
Print the summary of a merMod list |
randomObs |
Select a random observation from model data |
ranef.merModList |
Extract random-effects estimates for a merModList |
REcorrExtract |
Extract the correlations between the slopes and the intercepts from a model |
REextract |
Extracts random effects |
REimpact |
Calculate the weighted mean of fitted values for various levels of random effect terms. |
REmargins |
Calculate the predicted value for each observation across the distribution of the random effect terms. |
REquantile |
Identify group level associated with RE quantile |
REsdExtract |
Extract the standard deviation of the random effects from a merMod object |
REsim |
Simulate random effects from merMod 'REsim' simulates random effects from merMod object posterior distributions |
RMSE.merMod |
Estimate the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) for a lmerMod |
sanitizeNames |
Clean up variable names in data frames |
setup_parallel |
Set up parallel environment |
shinyMer |
Launch a shiny app to explore your merMod interactively |
shuffle |
Randomly reorder a dataframe |
stripAttributes |
Remove attributes from a data.frame |
subBoot |
Bootstrap a subset of an lme4 model |
subsetList |
Subset a data.frame using a list of conditions |
sum.mm |
Title |
summary.merModList |
Print the results of a merMod list |
superFactor |
Create a factor with unobserved levels |
thetaExtract |
Extract theta parameters from a merMod model |
VarCorr.merModList |
Extract the variances and correlations for random effects from a merMod list |
wiggle |
Assign an observation to different values |