Tools for Analyzing Mixed Effect Regression Models

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Documentation for package ‘merTools’ version 0.6.2

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averageObs Find the average observation for a merMod object
bglmerModList Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames
blmerModList Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames
collapseFrame Collapse a dataframe to a single average row
draw Draw a single observation out of an object matching some criteria
draw.merMod Draw a single observation out of an object matching some criteria
expectedRank Calculate the expected rank of random coefficients that account for uncertainty.
famlink Find link function family
fastdisp fastdisp: faster display of model summaries
fastdisp.merMod fastdisp: faster display of model summaries
fastdisp.merModList fastdisp: faster display of model summaries
FEsim Simulate fixed effects from merMod 'FEsim' simulates fixed effects from merMod object posterior distributions
fetch.merMod.msgs Extract all warning msgs from a merMod object
findFormFuns 'findFormFuns' used by averageObs to calculate proper averages
fixef.merModList Extract fixed-effects estimates for a merModList
glmerModList Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames
hasWeights Identify if a merMod has weights
hsb A subset of data from the 1982 High School and Beyond survey used as examples for HLM software
ICC Calculate the intraclass correlation using mixed effect models
lmerModList Apply a multilevel model to a list of data frames
modelFixedEff Extract averaged fixed effect parameters across a list of merMod objects
modelInfo Extract model information from a merMod
modelRandEffStats Extract data.frame of random effect statistics from merMod List
plotFEsim Plot the results of a simulation of the fixed effects
plotREsim Plot the results of a simulation of the random effects
plot_sim_error_chks Extract all warning msgs from a merMod object
predictInterval Predict from merMod objects with a prediction interval
print.merModList Summarize a merMod list
print.summary.merModList Print the summary of a merMod list
randomObs Select a random observation from model data
ranef.merModList Extract random-effects estimates for a merModList
REcorrExtract Extract the correlations between the slopes and the intercepts from a model
REextract Extracts random effects
REimpact Calculate the weighted mean of fitted values for various levels of random effect terms.
REmargins Calculate the predicted value for each observation across the distribution of the random effect terms.
REquantile Identify group level associated with RE quantile
REsdExtract Extract the standard deviation of the random effects from a merMod object
REsim Simulate random effects from merMod 'REsim' simulates random effects from merMod object posterior distributions
RMSE.merMod Estimate the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) for a lmerMod
sanitizeNames Clean up variable names in data frames
setup_parallel Set up parallel environment
shinyMer Launch a shiny app to explore your merMod interactively
shuffle Randomly reorder a dataframe
stripAttributes Remove attributes from a data.frame
subBoot Bootstrap a subset of an lme4 model
subsetList Subset a data.frame using a list of conditions Title
summary.merModList Print the results of a merMod list
superFactor Create a factor with unobserved levels
thetaExtract Extract theta parameters from a merMod model
VarCorr.merModList Extract the variances and correlations for random effects from a merMod list
wiggle Assign an observation to different values