el_eval {melt}R Documentation

Empirical likelihood for general estimating functions


Computes empirical likelihood with general estimating functions.


el_eval(g, weights = NULL, control = el_control())



A numeric matrix, or an object that can be coerced to a numeric matrix. Each row corresponds to an observation of an estimating function. The number of rows must be greater than the number of columns.


An optional numeric vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. The length of the vector must be the same as the number of rows in g. Defaults to NULL, corresponding to identical weights. If non-NULL, weighted empirical likelihood is computed.


An object of class ControlEL constructed by el_control().


Let XiX_i be independent and identically distributed pp-dimensional random variable from an unknown distribution PP for i=1,,ni = 1, \dots, n. We assume that PP has a positive definite covariance matrix. For a parameter of interest θ(F)I ⁣Rp\theta(F) \in {\rm{I\!R}}^p, consider a pp-dimensional smooth estimating function g(Xi,θ)g(X_i, \theta) with a moment condition

E[g(Xi,θ)]=0.\textrm{E}[g(X_i, \theta)] = 0.

We assume that there exists an unique θ0\theta_0 that solves the above equation. Given a value of θ\theta, the (profile) empirical likelihood ratio is defined by

R(θ)=maxpi{i=1nnpi:i=1npig(Xi,θ)=0,pi0,i=1npi=1}.R(\theta) = \max_{p_i}\left\{\prod_{i = 1}^n np_i : \sum_{i = 1}^n p_i g(X_i, \theta) = 0, p_i \geq 0, \sum_{i = 1}^n p_i = 1 \right\}.

el_mean() computes the empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic 2logR(θ)-2\log R(\theta) with the nn by pp numeric matrix g, whose iith row is g(Xi,θ)g(X_i, \theta). Since the estimating function can be arbitrary, el_eval() does not return an object of class EL, and the associated generics and methods are not applicable.


A list of the following optimization results:


Qin J, Lawless J (1994). “Empirical Likelihood and General Estimating Equations.” The Annals of Statistics, 22(1), 300–325. doi:10.1214/aos/1176325370.

See Also

EL, el_control()


mu <- 0
sigma <- 1
x <- rnorm(100)
g <- matrix(c(x - mu, (x - mu)^2 - sigma^2), ncol = 2)
el_eval(g, weights = rep(c(1, 2), each = 50))

[Package melt version 1.11.4 Index]