CEL-class {melt}R Documentation

CEL class


S4 class for constrained empirical likelihood. It inherits from EL class. Note that the optim slot has constrained optimization results with respect to the parameters, not the Lagrange multiplier.


Let l(θ)l(\theta) denote minus twice the empirical log-likelihood ratio function. We consider a linear hypothesis of the form

Lθ=r,L\theta = r,

where the left-hand-side LL is a qq by pp matrix and the right-hand-side rr is a qq-dimensional vector. Under some regularity conditions, l(θ)l(\theta) converges in distribution to χq2\chi^2_q under the constraint of hypothesis, i.e.,

minθ:Lθ=rl(θ)dχq2.\min_{\theta: L\theta = r} l(\theta) \to_d \chi^2_q .

Minimization of l(θ)l(\theta) with respect to θ\theta is computationally expensive since it implicitly involves the evaluation step as described in EL. Further, depending on the form of g(Xi,θ)g(X_i, \theta) and the constraint, the optimization problem can be nonconvex and have multiple local minima. For this reason, the package melt only considers linear hypotheses and performs local minimization of l(θ)l(\theta) using projected gradient descent method. With the orthogonal projection matrix PP and a step size γ\gamma, the algorithm updates θ\theta as

θ(k+1)θ(k)γPl(θ(k)),\theta^{(k + 1)} \leftarrow \theta^{(k)} - \gamma P \nabla l(\theta^{(k)}),

where l(θ(k))\nabla l(\theta^{(k)}) denotes the gradient of ll at θ(k)\theta^{(k)}. The first order optimality condition is Pl(θ)=0P \nabla l(\theta) = 0, which is used as the stopping criterion.



A list of the following optimization results:

  • par A numeric vector of the solution to the constrained optimization problem.

  • lambda A numeric vector of the Lagrange multipliers of the dual problem corresponding to par.

  • iterations A single integer for the number of iterations performed.

  • convergence A single logical for the convergence status.

  • cstr A single logical for whether constrained EL optimization is performed or not.


A numeric vector of the log probabilities of the constrained empirical likelihood.


A single numeric of the constrained empirical log-likelihood.


A single numeric of the constrained empirical log-likelihood ratio.


A single numeric of minus twice the constrained empirical log-likelihood ratio with an asymptotic chi-square distribution.


A single integer for the degrees of freedom of the statistic.


A single numeric for the pp-value of the statistic.


A single integer for the number of observations.


A single integer for the number of parameters.


A numeric vector of the re-scaled weights used for the model fitting.


A numeric vector of the maximum empirical likelihood estimates of the parameters.


A single character for the method dispatch in internal functions.


A numeric matrix of the data for the model fitting.


An object of class ControlEL constructed by el_control().


Adimari G, Guolo A (2010). “A Note on the Asymptotic Behaviour of Empirical Likelihood Statistics.” Statistical Methods & Applications, 19(4), 463–476. doi:10.1007/s10260-010-0137-9.

Qin J, Lawless J (1995). “Estimating Equations, Empirical Likelihood and Constraints on Parameters.” Canadian Journal of Statistics, 23(2), 145–159. doi:10.2307/3315441.



[Package melt version 1.11.4 Index]